The Battle of Austerlitz
The Battle of Austerlitz
| 17 June 1960 (USA)
The Battle of Austerlitz Trailers

Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
MacBobby This movie is a huge disappointment. You'd expect the battle of Austerlitz to be the core subject as the title suggests, but it's not. Most of the movie is about the Napoleonic era before the battle, with a pseudo historic perspective. If you know just a little about history, you'll find yourself yawning most of the time, as Abel Gance tries to describe the situation for hours, through endless dialogs. Then when Napoleon is about to be crowned, you think: oh no, not another half hour just for that scene. Fortunately there's no coronation scene, but.. worse: it's told! You guess correctly: Gance didn't have the budget to do it. He might as well just skipped the whole episode. By then you've waited more than 2 hours and still no battle in sight. At last the battle comes but what you see is a tragic waste. The tactics and whereabouts of the battle are not shown but told, and you can hardly understand what's going on. A cavalry charges from right to left (a couple hundred horses), and you assume it's the Austrian cavalry. Then you're told that they're defeated by the French, and you see the same guys charging from left to right (they don't even seem to have switched costumes). Parts of the battle were filmed in studio, with ridiculous painted backgrounds. The close combat scenes are unrealistic at best. Soldiers fall apparently for no reason, and if nobody told you about the outcome, you wouldn't know who won or lost. The last scene with the French Army singing the national anthem completes the cinematographic disaster.All in all, you sit back with the feeling that this movie was conceived and shot in the early days of movie making, not in 1960: it's not a movie about Austerlitz, it's the pathetic attempt of an aging man trying to describe the glory of an emperor he admired. The result is a boring picture that doesn't even enhance our historic understanding of the Napoleon era (in spite of Gance's attempts to stick to some historic details).
dbdumonteil ...and to "Napoleon" whose life Gance transferred to the screen in the silent era.Sandwiched between two very underrated Gance works ("la Tour de Nesles" and "Cyrano et D'Artagnan" )it is a return to "real " "true" history.I will go as far as to write that Gance impressed me much more when his movies dealt with fictionalized history (the two mentioned movies,but "j'accuse" too)."Austerlitz has something academic ,conventional.It has nothing of Gance's madness.The first part is a stream of stars from Martine Carol to Claudia Cardinale ,from Jean Marais to Orson Welles (in a part which reminds us how Gance was interested in the development of science through the centuries ,à la Jules Verne,we find this interest in "Cyrano" and "J'accuse" too).THe lead is a good actor but he might be ,on an international level, the least known of them all:Pierre Mondy's name is buried in the cast and credits and although he is on the screen from the beginning to the end,his name is not bigger than that of Welles who appears barely five minutes.Ah fame! The first part has only one sequence where we find back the inventive Gance:we do not attend the coronation in Notre Dame ;the marechal de Ségur (Jean-Louis Trintignant) tells the whole story with the model in front of a strange audience:servants ;then the "mamma " ("pourvu que ça dure!=lets hope it lasts!") ,Napoleon's mother (Elvire Popesco) enters and her tears begin to flow .Although David put her in his famous painting she did not attend the ceremony.The second part is more historically interesting ,but if you are not fond of military strategy ,you may stop yourself yawning.Fortunately a soldier of the old guard of Napoléon (un "grognard" )played by Michel Simon brings a bit of life among these troop movements.Last but not least:I have always asked myself why a convinced pacifist such as Gance (his two versions of "j'accuse" may be the strongest anti-war films ever)could be so fascinated by a warrior such as Napoleon.
dkaravaev53 Concerning depiction of the Russian army in 1805 (historical figures, uniform, people's manners in the military camp and at the battlefield) this film of Gance is somewhat of a cabaret performance. Alexandre I is a kind of a funny mask, Koutouzov - even worse. Russians' uniform and Cossack dances are acceptable for some carnival but certainly not for the historical reconstruction. Above all there is an obvious comic accent in this movie, even in the main episode of the battle. Though the script is not bad being based on the reliable historical source (memoirs of the count Segur) the figure of Napoleon is also ridiculous in some scenes (I wonder why do French actors like to show him as a character of "comedia del Arte"?). To make my claims more motivated I recommend you to compare this "Austerlitz" with the appropriate episode in "War and Peace" by Sergey Bondarchuk - much more dramatic, serious, large-scaled and true in details.
francophile50 My review of this film can be summed up in five words a brilliant work of art.As described in the previous description the film itself is long and sometimes tedious.What it fails to mention is that it was created by the same Director that brought us the Silent film about Napoleon Abel Gance.The film is in colour and is very faithful to the feel of Napoleon and the time he ruled Europe.It is primarily about the greatest victory Napoleon achieved in his career,however it also touches on many of the events in his life leading up to that moment including his coronation as Emperor of France.If you are a student of Napoleon or French history or this time period you will enjoy this picture.Shot all throughout Europe in the fifties in many languages it remains in my opinion as the greatest picture chronicling Napoleon and his life.The film not only tells a story from his perspective but many others as well.It is difficult to find and even more expensive to own but I definitely recommend you see it at least once for yourself.