The Barber
The Barber
| 27 March 2015 (USA)
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Eugene is a small town barber, beloved by the local community, but hiding a deadly secret. John is hunting for a serial killer not to expose him but to learn the business! They form a twisted bond and turn the town upside down as Eugene teaches John to kill.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
screechy_jim Reviewing a film in 2017 for a movie released 2014 is something I rarely do so I'll make this quick. The listed IMDb review status is 5.9 at the time of writing and this is a pretty accurate score in my opinion.Its a good film, the acting direction cast screen play is all great and its an enjoyable watch. The plot is good and there are good developments as the movie progresses, but unfortunately some lazy writing really spoils what could have been an 8/10 score. By this I mean there are simply too many occasions where the plot is advanced through implausible and unbelievable situations. You tend to see this more in Movies written by second rate screen writers who don't quite have the ability to flesh out a plot properly, or in cases where deadlines or costs are tight, and unfortunate measures have to be employed to bring things into line. This can work in some cases, but not when the progression of the plot is essential to the essence of the movie as it is here.All in all, it's still not a bad film, but I think the rating is a realistic one.
Tss5078 They say that serial killers are driven to kill and are unable to stop, but Eugene Van Wingerdt (Scott Glenn) did stop. He stopped nearly thirty years ago and moved away to a small town, where he became the local barber and beloved member of the local community. One day, out of the blue, the son of the cop who originally investigated his crimes, tracks him down. The cop, posing as a budding serial killer, wants advice from Eugene, who continuing to claim he's not who the boy thinks he is. Eugene feels sorry for him and forms a bond with the young man, trying to lead him away from a life of crime, but as he does, will those old feelings come back to the surface, or is Eugene really just a misunderstood old man? The premise of the new independent film, The Barber, is certainly unique and to me it seemed as though there were many different directions this film could have gone in, but the path chosen, was the road less traveled, and the result was just a really boring and predictable story. This is one of those film where nothing really happens until the end, and by that point, the viewer is just so bored and sick of the whole thing that they just want it to be over. Scott Glenn stars and is far too old to be believable. I can understand wanting to be active and not simply take on the role of grandpa, but a mentor for a serial killer, it just doesn't fit. Glenn is paired with newcomer Chris Coy, who honestly couldn't act his way into a high school play, much less play a character with duel personalities. By the end of this film, I literally cringed every time the guy opened his mouth. The story here is solid, but the way producers go about telling it and the people they cast to star in it leave a lot to be desired.
hilbertjl With a fairly engaging back story, good overall acting, and plot twists that make sense / don't feel overtly contrived, The Barber has plenty going for it as a thriller. However, there's just something overall missing, something that could have probably made it a much better film.The pacing is so-so; it doesn't drag and in fact there are a few points where I felt things were skimmed over leaving me guessing. The dialog, perhaps, is where things got lackluster. I just had a tough time empathizing with the main characters. I was definitely interested in what they were going though but I felt no emotional involvement.Still, you could do a lot worse if you're looking for a bit of entertainment, and its darker themes may even leave you with some philosophical musings after the credits have rolled.
Wizard-8 I decided to rent the DVD of "The Barber" because it had actor Scott Glenn in it, an actor who I feel is very underrated. As expected, Glenn gives another solid performance. It is a little shocking at first to see him look so old (though then again, he is in his 70s), but he expertly shows two sides of his character, the sweet old man everyone in his old town thinks he is, and at other times a hidden darker side. His role is also written to have some interesting quirks (he can't stand foul language). As for the rest of the script, it's kind of a mixed bag. It doesn't make sense that Glenn's character would let his guard down so early on, and you'll be able to guess more or less what happens at the end long before it happens (though there is a final twist I didn't predict.) The story also has some slow spots. As for the direction, viewers who are expecting R-rated thrills will likely be disappointed; though the movie got an R rating, it feels more like a PG-13. On the other hand, the movie looks pretty good for a low budget enterprise, and director Bael Owies does manage to keep a small kernel of interest for viewers even during the clunkier moments. What the movie ends up being is an okay viewing experience, nothing more or less.