The Bad Sleep Well
The Bad Sleep Well
| 15 September 1960 (USA)
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In this loose adaptation of "Hamlet," illegitimate son Kôichi Nishi climbs to a high position within a Japanese corporation and marries the crippled daughter of company vice president Iwabuchi. At the reception, the wedding cake is a replica of their corporate headquarters, but an aspect of the design reminds the party of the hushed-up death of Nishi's father. It is then that Nishi unleashes his plan to avenge his father's death.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
elvircorhodzic THE BAD SLEEP WELL is a crime drama about corruption, greed and responsibilities in a post-war Japanese corporation. This movie is a kind of contrast of American political noirs, which have dealt with similar themes.The news reporters comment and gossip at a wedding of a daughter of a Vice President in a famous corporation. The police interrupt the wedding when a corporate assistant officer is arrested on charges of bribery. This incident is similar to an earlier scandal after which, an Assistant Chief has committed suicide. Following the wedding, the police question a corporate assistant officer and an accountant about their bribery of government officials. After police investigation, one of them commits murder. The second was saved by a mysterious avenger...This is a tragic story in a corporate policy and corrupt society. Mr. Kurosawa, given the style and themes of the film, has introduced a serious farce. He has threw a dose of an inopportune and cynical humor in the story. An avenger is a discreetly face from behind. This concept is definitely brilliant. The director has palliated disturbing scenes with a touch of political irony. However, the pace and direction are quite slow, so the film becomes boring in the second part. It is also the biggest flaw in the film.The characterization is excellent, because Mr. Kurosawa did not kill humanity in his characters. Toshiro Mifune (Kōichi Nishi) is a clumsy groom as an avenger from the shadow. This is, regardless of duality in his character, a pale performance of Mr. Mifune. Love is a disturbing factor in his case. It is the highlight of cynicism. His greatest weakness and his salvation at the same time is Yoshiko (Kyōko Kagawa), the daughter of his greatest enemy and his wife. Antagonists, Takashi Shimura (Moriyama), Kō Nishimura (Shirai) are tragicomic. Masayuki Mori (Public Corporation Vice President Iwabuchi) is very convincing as the basis of corruption. Kamatari Fujiwara (Chief Wada) is a penitent who has risen.End of the film is quite dark. The great evil has won, but every victory has its price.
kusagami94 ''Japanese legend Toshiro Mifune plays Koichi Nishi, the seemingly stoic bridegroom who is trying to get ahead by marrying the boss's daughter, Kieko (Kyoko Kagawa), who was crippled as a girl. The bride's brother, in a shocking display, exposes the groom's motives during his wedding toast and threatens his new brother-in-law with death if he disappoints his sister. But Nishi is not who we think. He was born the illegitimate son of the man who Kieko's father, Iwabuchi (Maysayuki Mori), manipulated into suicide. Now Nishi wants revenge for his father's death. As Nishi slowly destroys Iwabuchi's life, he makes the fatal error of falling in love with his wife, who already loves him. Their unconsummated marriage stands between these two like a palpable pillar of stone. But just when we think the stone has been tossed aside by love, Iwabuchi finds out who his son-in-law really is.Shot in black and white, this film falls just short of being brilliant. Mifune is amazing in his portrayal of this complex man who lets his father's past destroy his own future, and Maysayuki Mori's performance as the evil Iwabuchi is understated but nonetheless chilling.''~Luanne Brown
TheLittleSongbird The Bad Sleep Well is one of Kurasawa's most underrated, and while not his best or one of my favourites it is towards the better end of the spectrum in regard to his movies. The movie is perhaps a little too long, but so much compensates. Such as the superb cinematography(always deliberate yet with something always to see and admire) and direction(subtle while not undermining the sombre and sometimes tense tone), and the beautifully compositioned scenery. The music is often haunting, while the story(loosely based on Hamlet) while not quite as riveting as High and Low is interesting with an astonishing sequence involving Nishi and Wada at his own funeral and a suitably bleak ending. Toshiro Mifune plays one of those characters that goes to extremes but you do feel pity for him, and Mifune acts with his usual charisma.Overall, I can think of better films from Kurasawa but I was very impressed with The Bad Sleep Well first time on viewing and still hold it in high regard. 9/10 Bethany Cox
RussyPelican The Bad Sleep Well is one of the best revenge movies of all time. It stars the great Toshiro Mifune as a man seeking revenge against the people who forced his father into committing suicide. Unlike many revenge movies, The Bad Sleep Well doesn't glamorize its subject. Instead it shows how in trying to get retribution for a man who is now dead, Mifune ends up injuring himself and other people he loves who are still alive. There are a lot of beautiful and haunting images, like when we see a desperate man struggling to climb a volcano so he can throw himself in, or a number of scenes that are shot at the bombed out wreckage of an old WWII munitions plant. The bleak landscape mirrors the damaged lives of the movie's characters. Powerful and haunting, this is a movie that will follow you for days.
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