The Bad Samaritan Must Die!
The Bad Samaritan Must Die!
| 01 January 2012 (USA)
The Bad Samaritan Must Die! Trailers

14 year-old The Orphan only wants to meet the notorious vigilante The Bad Samaritan, but when she comes face-to-face with her idol she finds he's a little further away from being the fatherly-figure she was hoping for as he threatens her serious GBH. Although he might have something to do with the fact The Orphan has just punched and mugged a woman of her handbag. Pistol in hand she is able to fend him off but she can't shake of the obsession she has as she sees from her TV he is becoming more than just a lone psycho in a mask. In a world where words such as 'peace' and 'justice' have different meanings The Orphan decides to go to one of his 'secret meetings' and face 'the hero of the people' one last time.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
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