R | 24 September 2020 (USA)
Akira Trailers

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
joaoamante Probably the most iconic animated movie ever. I dont particular like animated movies but this just is impossible to skip, the lightning, the setting, the hybrid story of the manga AKIRA is just super well done. The music is just out of this world, it represents the felling that you would experience if you were on the movie. Classic is just the word that comes to my mind, is a movie that should be passed from generations to generationsa. The songs just get stuck in yout mind. And if i ever get stuck on an apocalipse i will listen to the soundtrack(and some john murphy songs in 28 days later and and sunshine that are on my top ever movies)and enjoy every second of existence. This soundtrack is incredible.
thomasjay-52277 A great story and fantastic style of animation that still holds up today barring a few clunks, the film Akira is unique a great story that's fantastical yet also grounded completely worth status of classic. Grim, gritty and political one of the most important films in history
Raven-1969 In an off-limits area of new Tokyo and the aftermath of World War III, a secret government project known as Akira is unraveling and a freakish stage of evolution is occurring. Rival motorcycle gangs, military special forces units, scientists, rebels and odd kids with supernatural powers, are among the groups clashing. Orders are to kill what cannot be controlled, yet few are in control of themselves. Into the void steps motorcycle gang leader Kaneda, a noble outlaw in the tradition of Mad Max, Motoko Kusanagi and Han Solo, to attempt to tie up loose ends. This timeless, complex and thrilling animation masterpiece is as action packed as it is food for the brain. It is a typical Japanese dish; the artistry, attention to detail and manner in which it is prepared and served are as important as the taste. No corners are cut. To look away, even for a moment, means missing an essential part of the multi-faceted story. Akira is delicious for eyes, ears, brain and heart alike. After 30 years it aged well. Akira revolves around questions of balance; those who absorb power without thought or principle, and those too cowardly to act. Decisions are made for those who do not make them on their own. The only foolish questions are those that are unasked.For a deeper experience, listen to the film in Japanese.
negatively-positive-girl Beautifully detailed animation, vivid palette of colors. Perfectly intertwined storylines, all about the fascinating concept of Akira, pure energy. Something so perfect in metaphor and in the literal sense of this storyline, a concept that everyone has but not all are meant to. Worth to watch many times, just for the character arc of Tetsuo alone. I really liked it.