The Automatic Hate
The Automatic Hate
| 11 March 2016 (USA)
The Automatic Hate Trailers

When Davis Green's alluring young cousin Alexis appears on his doorstep one night, he discovers that a side of his family has been kept secret from him. Against his father’s wishes, Davis travels to rural, upstate New York to meet his other cousins.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
mxsuba26 Dark quirky and compelling film. Without giving too much away, a very dark and foul family secret is unearthed by a professor's twenty-something son after a brief encounter with a young woman who claims to be his cousin. Plot twists, surprises, dark humor and a great dinner scene make for a good film. Don't look into the abyss. You won't like what is looking back at you.
Larry Silverstein I'm sorry to say I found this indie to be rather abysmal. To be honest, I found myself laughing and shaking my head in disbelief at some of the stilted dialogue and contrived plot elements as they unfolded.Joseph Cross stars here as Davis, who is approached by a young woman (Adelaide Clemens) who tells him she's his cousin Alexis and that her father (Ricky Jay) is Davis' uncle. Never knowing that he had any of these relatives, Davis begins to investigate the truth about all of this and starts to uncover a most bitter family feud, decades old, whereby his father (Richard Schiff) and his uncle have despised each other and won't even acknowledge the other's existence.As Davis tries to unravel this mystery, be prepared for more than one incest subplot, often cringe inducing dialogue, and an ending that I found really ridiculous.All in all, although I see other reviewers found merit with the movie, I just couldn't find much to like here at all.
vegicat If you can't handle messy, real, life, this movie probably isn't for you. This movie is two things-- it's a mystery and a drama. The mystery is about why two brothers/fathers become estranged, as explored through cousins who don't meet until they are adults. While the movie doesn't go into much detail about the estrangement, it is a very thoughtful exploration of the confusing phenomenon called Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA), and it is a real thing, as anyone who has been adopted or has met family members they didn't grow up with can testify. That's the focus of the drama.What it is not, as some have implied, is a story about creepy incest. It's not lurid, and not pandering in the slightest. It's not about some "slutty" cousin and some dude who is willing to throw away his education, girlfriend or profession for some hot sex. If you go into the movie thinking or expecting that, you will be disappointed. I have no idea why another reviewer is ranting about this being a "gay" story about how being gay is hereditary. It has nothing at all to do with gay people. I think they didn't watch the movie carefully, because there was nobody gay in it at all. There are two events that happen -- the conflict of the brothers/fathers mystery estrangement, and then there's the conflict that happens when the cousins meet. There is nothing at all insinuating that anything is "hereditary". I thought the ending was perfect. The cousin doesn't want to lose his girlfriend, but at the same time, he knows that even though she has said they can't get back together if he doesn't tell the truth, he knows that she, like probably 95% of the people who watch the movie, will absolutely not understand, accept or forgive him... so he lies. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. If you are curious about what is really going on in the story, Google Genetic Sexual Attraction.
anna-173-13810 I get to see this movie in a film festival, thinking it was a horror movie. To my surprise it wasn't even the kinda movie I would usually got to see, despite that I still enjoyed it. My boyfriend loved , thought and that's the reason I'm recommending this.It's a drama that revolves around relationships and a mystery, with some light hints of dark (for lack of a better word)humor. Quite captivating.I don't want to give away the plot, since the less you know the more entertaining it is. You need to be a little open minded, since implies a taboo subject. All I can say it's that's indeed a original history, which I think they could have exploit a little bit more.If you like really fast paced, it's not your type of film. But it does flows organically, isn't boring nor feels particularly slow/dense at any point.The acting was good most of the time, and if the protagonists would've been a bit better, this movie would be excellent. After all, the history relies in you believing and empathizing with them.It's an indie drama worth watching if you're looking for something fresh and interesting. And also... you may wanna stay a bit after the credits.