Take Me to the River
Take Me to the River
| 26 January 2015 (USA)
Take Me to the River Trailers

A naive California teen plans to remain above the fray at his Nebraskan family reunion, but a strange encounter places him at the center of a long-buried family secret.

Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
lexayers This movie was way too drawn out and had no solution or resolution other than them not facing the problem. The characters were annoying. It contained things that were going on or mentioned that made you think there was more to it than it seemed but in actuality had nothing to do with anything. Even though you wouldn't suspect what the overall issue was you kinda didn't care once it was brought to the surface because of how long it took as well as realizing that the initial incident that caused everything is never explained.
currey-231-898201 The film kept me in high tension throughout. I just couldn't figure it out. why did she scream, this was never explained and yet the whole movie was projected from this incident. The evil was palpable but had no explanation. It was a movie that deceived and never came clean. I felt exploited by a sick mind. Impossible to decide on a rating.
Stovepipe99 A young man visiting relatives in rural Nebraska goes into a barn to play a game with a 9 year old cousin. She emerges screaming from the barn with a blood-stained dress and, to put it mildly, things go downhill from there.The strongest element of this film is also the element that makes it the most frustrating as a viewer--namely this is a movie that commits completely to holding the point of view of the main character, Ryder. There are undercurrents of emotion and resentment roiling beneath the setting of a folksy family reunion, in particular some very strained and strange dynamics between Ryder's mother and her brother (the father of the 9 year old girl). Ryder is totally lost at sea because not only is he on unfamiliar ground (a gay, California city boy out in the country), but his parents and especially his mother behave in a seemingly irrational manner as events continue to escalate.By the middle of the movie I was thinking "Will someone just PLEASE explain what is going on here?!?!?!". On the one hand, I appreciate that this is exactly how Ryder himself must feel. But on the other hand, I got anxious and frustrated waiting for the film to reveal the background context needed to understand what was happening--to the point that it was hard to sit through scene after scene of coded conversations and meaningful looks.I thought that the acting was very strong across the board, including the children.Aside from feeling like the limited point-of-view was a double-edged sword, my only other criticism is that there were certain character actions that were just way too illogical or dumb. For example, despite the fact that he was all but accused of molesting his cousin, Ryder several times allows himself to be alone with other young girls without any other adults even in earshot. I just didn't believe it. Why if you had been accused (and also implicitly threatened) would you ever allow yourself to be in a position again where there were no witnesses to your behavior? There were a few character decisions (necessary to move the plot along) that didn't feel like real character choices--and they stand out because for the most part the acting and writing does come across as very realistic.Generally speaking this is one I'd recommend, especially if you can watch it for free on a streaming service as I did.
zif ofoz Then this is a must see film for you! There is a surface story and numerous subsurface stories. By that statement I mean there is the conscience story and the subconscious stories. This film has so many character implications it is difficult to write about.This simple family reunion is all about a young boy coming of age, a revengeful uncle who is conniving and mentally abusive to his family and his sister, the young boys mother (sister to his uncle) is tormented by an incident in her past. All this comes to a head and the young boy suffers through no fault of his own.It all sounds confusing but Director/writer: Matt Sobel brings it all together so concisely and expertly you the viewer will be hypnotized by what you are seeing and what you know and suspect is happening beneath the obvious. Each actor is excellent in their role and at one point it will almost feel like a camera recording the real thing.Ten stars start to finish!