The Apple Dumpling Gang
The Apple Dumpling Gang
G | 01 July 1975 (USA)
The Apple Dumpling Gang Trailers

A roving bachelor gets saddled with three children and a wealth of trouble when the youngsters stumble upon a huge gold nugget. They join forces with two bumbling outlaws to fend off the greedy townspeople and soon find themselves facing a surly gang of sharpshooters.

Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
bkoganbing Don Knotts and Tim Conway, two very big stars in their own right, teamed to do some very successful films mostly for the Disney Studio. Their comedy style was a lot like Laurel and Hardy, but in terms of individual stars teaming and being successful at both, the only comparison there is Crosby and Hope.The Apple Dumpling Gang follows the misadventures of these two lunkheads as they try their hand at the outlaw trade. They accidentally shot a really fierce outlaw in Slim Pickens and left him crippled in one leg and he's out for their hides. Paralleling that plot is that of gambler Bill Bixby who wins what he thinks is a consignment of freight in a poker game, but what he really gets is the delivery of three children. Being a roving bachelor Bixby naturally thinks the kids will cramp his style and they do for awhile. Willing to help is Calamity Jane like character Susan Clark who drives for the freight line that her father David Wayne owns.One thing I do so like about Disney films is the use of familiar Hollywood faces who were having trouble getting work. For example the brassy Iris Adrian, a little older and heftier, but still full of sass.But the film really belongs to Conway and Knotts. Conway is the Laurel like figure in the partnership, dumb and he knows it. But he has for a partner Knotts who like Oliver Hardy is full of grand schemes who when they blow up in his face will always blame is hapless partner. But in point of fact Knotts is just a bad planner.The Apple Dumpling Gang spawned a sequel in The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again where Knotts and Conway have even more hysterical misadventures. This one however and its successor are some of the best films Disney Studios made in the Seventies.
tallguy62 The Don Knotts/Tim Conway teamup makes this movie one of the all-time greats. How can anyone not laugh at this duo? They are fall-on-the-floor hysterical. The scene with the ladder is nothing short of brilliant! Once again, we have an example of a 1970s movie that features actual slapstick comedy instead of vulgarity or crudeness.Once again, viewers tend to forget the great character actors and their contributions that make this movie, if not great, at least above-average during the 1970s. I agree there are some horrible movies in the 1970s, but this probably is not one of the worst.Who can resist Harry Morgan's commanding voice? Or the actor (now long dead) who played the bank president? I feel that without these Walt Disney "fluff" movies, as a film buff, the whole 1970s decade would have been a dry desert. The reason is, what other movie studio could round up all the great actors of the period, put them together in a comedy, and make it work? Had these actors not been in these movies, we would not have seen them AT ALL! The children were irresistible, as well as the actors I have just mentioned.This anti-1970s-Disney attitude of viewers mystifies me. This particular movie was a lot better than some of Disney's other disasters, namely the sequel to this. Other Disney disasters: The Shaggy D.A. and Meteor.
William (wmattifo) I've always enjoyed this movie. Don Knotts and Tim Conway should have done a hundred more movies together. Just imagine what they could have done in the 1960's when both were very hot? It would have been something special. Rent this and share it with your family. You'll enjoy it.
Anya-fan In the 1970's, Disney churned out cheap film after cheap film meant to draw children in without spending much money. They had mediocre acting, mediocre laughs and often obscure and pointless plots.Out of all these films, The Apple Dumpling Gang is one of the few that succeeds in capturing the audience. This is entirely due to the splendid performances by Don Knotts and Tim Conway. These accomplished comedy actors give perhaps the most hilarious performances that Disney has delivered to date.The plot is pretty pointless, most of the acting is only okay, but the dialogue and action, especially from Knotts and Conway, is hilarious. Catch this film if you just want to laugh.You can also see the sequel, which delivers quite a few laughs but is a little too weird and pointless for my taste.