The Abomination
The Abomination
| 01 January 1986 (USA)
The Abomination Trailers

A mother obsessed with mind-altering televangelism consequently vomits a pulsating growth that slithers down the throat of her son during the night. Upon spewing the parasite, the son is driven by an uncontrollable force to murder and feed corpses to the now-multiple-toothed monsters manifesting throughout the house. This gory, shot-on-Super-8 regional rarity is a micro-budget salute to H.G. Lewis and H.P. Lovecraft. — Evan Husney, Drafthouse Films

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Leofwine_draca An early offering of the kind of no-budget gore-filled American horror movies that would later fill the STV market in the '90s, THE ABOMINATION is a thoroughly tasteless offering which goes out of its way to offend and disgust at every opportunity. The film is extraordinarily cheap, so all acting, directing and camera-work is of an amateur standard, whilst the special effects are so phony as to be unbelievable – the fakeness of the whole thing is what makes the gore seem palatable.The basic storyline involves a malignant devil-obsessed tumour which grows in cupboards and leads our wooden antagonist on a crime spree, as he saws through throats, chainsaws heads and generally gets blood and goo all over himself. Surprisingly the film lasts for the whole 1 ½ standard running time, which means there's a hell of a lot of padding (flowers, horses, etc.) and plenty of boredom as you wait around for something to happen.Two things I liked about the film: the music, which was annoyingly catchy and repetitive, but I loved it, and the monster in the cupboard, which reminded me of the creature in THE DEADLY SPAWN, in a good way. Sadly, somebody decided to show all the best bits in the film's opening 'nightmare' sequence which must be seen to be believed; I thought I was watching a trailer. Otherwise you get just what you expect with this movie; a lot of cheapness, fakery and splashing blood and body bits. Weird and gruesome and thoroughly unrecommendable.
HumanoidOfFlesh Cody has a problem.He believes that a hideous creature from hell called the Abomination makes him kill and feed.Various victims are devoured by the creature including Cody's mother,drunken boss and female friend.The creature communicates with Cody and orders him to bring it more human flesh.The Abomination grows larger and splits into multiple entities which nest themselves in various parts of the kitchen."The Abomination" is a strange and extremely bloody monster flick.The finale is drenched in splatter and butchery.The sound effects are bizarre and there are some incredibly dull sequences of Cody's driving and washing his car.The acting wooden and the gore mostly consists of slimy animal entrails.An eccentric oddity with rivers of blood.6 abominations out of 10.
Woodyanders Man, oh man, does the title for this horrendous hunk of low-budget gore-drenched horror junk aptly sum up the appalling dearth of quality to be found herein. A huge, toothy, tentacled carnivorous beast forces a dorky, peevish, totally unlikeable and unappealing wimpy teenage boy with dark sunglasses and a terribly unattractive shaggy hair cut (the obnoxious Scott Davis) to viciously kill a plethora of poor innocent folks so the foul thingie can ravenously devour their crunchy, scrumptious bodies. Yummy, yummy, yummy! Everything about this shot-in-Super 8 atrocity wallows in the gutter-dwelling Amateur City dumps: we've got profoundly putrid acting, ugly, grainy, static cinematography by Richard Strait, awful (non)direction by Bret McCormick (hiding behind the pseudonym Max Raven), a gruelingly draggy pace, Davis' exceptionally lame stream-of-consciousness voice over commentary (for your intense viewing displeasure Davis' trebly mewling tenor affects a piercing nasal whine that could shatter immense sets of fine china if it was cranked up a few decibels higher), an excruciatingly high-pitched, melodramatic, extremely tough-on-the-ears score by Kim and Richard Davis and John Hudek, a phony-looking monster that's a really sad sight to behold, an inane opening nightmare montage which tersely sums up the entire plot and thus robs the rest of the picture of any suspense or surprises (!), and the messy, disjointed narrative is not only hard to stomach, but also difficult to follow as well. Granted, the outrageously moist and juicy make-up effects by Dark FX LTD. are suitably gruesome -- sliced open throats emit a copious jet stream of blood, a guy gets fatally whacked upside the head with a shovel, some old bat has her hand bitten off by the monster, the sniveling limp dishrag kid uses a pitchfork to feed the beast a handy helping of gleaming guts, that sort of sweet, charming, harmless stuff -- but alas are too hokey to be remotely convincing or upsetting. Early in the flick our utterly unsympathetic passive protagonist remarks, "I thought I was gonna vomit." Yeah, I felt like puking too, buddy, primarily because this flick is so dishearteningly shoddy and ridiculous that not even a hardened bad film buff like yours truly can discern anything faintly enjoyable or entertaining about it. It's a complete, indefensible loser.
Baron_21 There is NO reason to see this film. Not only are the effects super cheesy, but the acting is horrible, the 'suspenseful' parts are lame, and the film has little to no continuity. The Abomination makes 'Bloody New Year' look like a Scorsese film. I recommend watching paint dry over this movie.