The Abdication
The Abdication
PG | 03 October 1974 (USA)
The Abdication Trailers

Queen Christina of Sweden abdicates and travels to Rome to embrace the Catholic church.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
mark.waltz If you are to believe this variation of the life of Sweden's Queen Christina (Liv Ullman), you have to see her as the most sexually frustrated ruler of all time, a princess raised as a boy then crowned as Queen. She has romantic feelings for a female childhood friend yet lusts after several of the young men in her court as well. This story is told through her life after her abdication from the throne where she goes to the Vatican to meet with the Pope and tells her life story to a Cardinal (Peter Finch) in an effort to be permitted to convert to Catholisism. The film is never told through a historical perspective, simply through her lack of a sex life. She caresses the face of the beautiful woman she loves and rides away on her horse in anger after seeing the woman kissing a man she's also in lust with. Her female friend allows to watch her make love to that man who makes a pass at her the next day after confronting her about spying on them the night before. As you watch this, you realize that's all there is to this story, even if beautifully filmed, nothing but an effort to give a glimpse into the thoughts of what Garbo was possibly thinking in the 1933 version of Queen Christina's life.While Liv Ullman is certainly perfect for the role of Sweden's most famous ruler, she is not permitted to give an insight into anything other than her sexual frustration. There's nothing about what she did during her reign as Queen on a historical level, only a glimpse into the part of her life that should have remained secret. I really wanted to love this movie, but as I realized where the entire film was going, I realized why this was dismissed upon release and added to the legend of Ullman and Finch's other notorious teaming, the 1973 musical version of "Lost Horizon". I was truly embarrassed by Ullman's basically psychotic pass at Finch towards the end, the final straw for me in my opinion of the film as a whole.
dlady2 I will never forget my first impressions while watching this movie so many years ago on TV. I absolutely loved it!! I was riveted to the screen by this complicated and multi-faceted person in history who I had here-to-fore never heard about. This movie belongs right there with other historical classics produced from the 50's to the 70's. I still remember being absolutely fascinated by Liv Ullmann's performance. What a colorful character Queen Christina of Sweden was - but Liv Ullmann made her come alive with her portrayal of an OCD personality that gave me my first introduction into a disorder that I had previously never known about. I don't know if the real Christina had OCD or not, but that was what I remembered most about the movie. I would love to see it again.
torgny-bergstrom I saw this film in the Ford rubber tree plantation in Belterra close to Santarém in the Amazon in the second part of the 1970:s.Of what I can remember, there was a lot of forced horse-riding in the film, mostly by the beautiful, womanly Liv Ullman, who didn't had the slightest resemblance with the portrayed queen Kristina. Queen Kristina was known as almost ugly with a mans body, language and habits.Sitting there in the middle of the rain forest in a warm and humid provisional cinema, with the projector rattling amongst the onlookers, I wondered if the spectators understood anything of what they saw on the screen. A story that took place 350 years before and in a country of ice and snow.And me - who had read about the abdication in school, how the daughter to the king who had fought the catholic church, and died in the 30 year war, became a catholic - realized that there are ten thousand different ways to tell a story and this was not the one my historian teacher had told me .... or the one I had imagined!
Scorcher A film of suppressed emotions about suppressed sexuality, but more than that, about the nature of love and the power of giving oneself to another, and the tragedy of being unable to. This is a beautiful film, both in how it looks, and how it thinks, it is unrelentingly heartbreaking. Ullman is somehow mesmeric, you can't take your eyes off her, you feel her pain in all its rawness and wonder how one human being can endure so much. Finch's character is a support to hers, it is almost like you care for him only inasmuch as his actions affect her.This is a movie that will take your breath away, it is profoundly moving (I know what that sounds like but it is).