The 25th Reich
The 25th Reich
| 09 May 2012 (USA)
The 25th Reich Trailers

In 1943, five US soldiers are recruited by the OSS for a time travel mission to save the world from the tyranny of Hitler's 25th Reich.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
RyothChatty ridiculous rating
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
trashgang Hahaaa, did I like this flick. there's a lot out these days that brings you back to the old B-flicks from the good ol' days. Iron Sky (2012) was one example but this one hits it all.The way the acting was done surely brought me back to Lee Marvin (the cigar anyone) and those classic thespians. The way it was shot brought me more to the old school parade. Yes, this was big fun. Even as it isn't politic correct when the Nazi robots did came in. What they are saying could offend people but don't take it all too serious. It's still a big joke. And there's a lot of cheesy CGI but it works out fine here because it can't be taken seriously. And it did remind me of time travelling with the army in The Final Countdown (1980). Did I had fun and laughter here. But I do understand that a lot of 'casual' viewers won't understand it but for the geeks out there of B-flicks, whatever they saying, pick this one up.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 1/5
ssarkca If you like some cheese in your movies, this one has it! But, it was done so well. The characters are very stereotyped, but believable for the era. The special effects and CG is borderline terrible, (laugh out loud),but the story is top notch and acting very good. You get a good feeling for the characters and their clashing ideals. I've seen plenty of bad B movies, but this one is highly rated, right up there with best! Highly recommended! I loved it! You'l love it too, if you like 40's - 50's style of sci-fi. And I'm really picky about my movies and TV shows. They intended a sequel, but better leave this one to the imagination.
diggus doggus Very brief review; 25th Reich is an obvious exercise in making a perfect b-movies replica, this is its main appeal, and if it doesn't sound good to you then leave it alone because it will have nothing to offer you.If on the other hand you love cinema and everything associated with it, especially 50s to 70s black&white scifi movies, then 25th Reich has it all.Plot: a group of GI travel in the past to recover a spacecraft in the exact time it has first landed. There's not much to say without spoiling the film, and when the surprises come you will think "of course, how can this kind of film not have that".Once again, this is the main charm of this film; i found it very amusing and entertaining, even the ending. My final vote: an amusing 7/10
Genegeoffrey This is a beautifully crafted low budget film from Australia. It plays with the old B grade movie style with a wicked and subversive sense of humour. The 25 Reich embodies all the was good about B grade films and plays and toys with all that was bad. An absolute must for film lovers with a great sense of humour. It have already been written about before but The 25 Reich has one of the must bizarre and disturbing scenes in cinema history. I will not spoil it but it takes the idea of alien "invasion" to a new level. This film plays with genre in a really refreshing manner and the Director has steered the narrative and characters on a wild and imaginative journey. In the cinema this film is great fun but also a great fun night for a DVD with friends.