Terror from the Year 5000
Terror from the Year 5000
| 30 October 1958 (USA)
Terror from the Year 5000 Trailers

Prof. Erling and his financial backer Victor build a prototype time machine to snatch objects from the past. Latest find, a statuette, radiometrically dates to 5200 AD! When this draws colleague Richard Hedges to the island lab, Erling reveals that 20th-century objects put in the machine seem to be "traded" for analogous future objects by intelligent life. And on the sly, Victor's been trying to get a living visitor. Does the future need help, or is the present in danger?

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
worldsofdarkblue As a child I fell in love with 'monster' movies immediately upon seeing my first (Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman) on television. Fortunately for me I grew up in the fifties, an era prolific with cheapie horror and sci-fi films. A neighborhood theatre ran them almost exclusively at the time and I attended every Saturday (and sometimes a couple more days per week in glorious summer). Just couldn't get enough of this stuff.I could take all the giant ants, scorpions and spiders, all the ghosts and haunted houses, the numerous editions of frankenstein monsters and invaders from space pretty well. For some reason, though, nothing frightened me more or stayed with me longer than the rare feminine monsters. Perhaps it was because women were always the loving caregivers (Mom, Grandma, my teachers, my sisters). When sick, or waking from a nightmare we always call for Mom. So, I think the idea of a woman being a vicious, scary thing was such a perversion of all I otherwise knew, the effect on me was especially chilling. I had no problem with the mutilated faces of men as in 'Horrors Of The Black Museum', 'The Black Sleep', 'The Unearthly' and so forth. But the visages of the female victims in 'The Hypnotic Eye' and of the niece in 'Frankenstein's Daughter' always made me squeeze shut my eyes.'The Astounding She Monster' is a prime example of these fears - a malevolent, radioactive female relentlessly stalking me, her touch meaning sure pain and death. From the age of seven until seventeen, that particular luminescent character showed up in my nightmares. But the single most frightening thing I ever saw was the female terror that came shrieking out of the time machine in this movie, arms pumping in a marching style, coming right at me. Peeling off another woman's face to wear as a mask was incredibly disturbing. Yep - this was the single-most terror of my childhood movie-viewing. I couldn't even bring myself to keep my eyes open for more than half a second when the movie closes with a close-up of this hideously deformed feminist with a wicked widow's peak. Even at the age of sixteen, surrounded by buddies watching it on the late show, my body kept freezing with fear, though I didn't mention it to them.Going by most of the reviews here, today's audiences, accustomed to the most graphic horror, just find this monster boring. But I'm still scared of this terror from the year 5000. Oh yeah, and the four-eyed cat gave me the creeps pretty good too.
carlso63 AKA "Terror From the Year 5000", shown on "Chiller Theater" back in the early 1970s... As kids, we called this the "Chicken Lady" movie because we thought the mutant Future Womans shrieks sounded like some kind of chicken (?)... Hey, but the name stuck...for us, anyway...Almost 35 years later and I still recall it as the single scariest *bleeping* movie I ever saw! I Picked up a DVD copy online to watch with my kids... of course now this thing is one giant wheel of CHEESE compared with modern day CGI gorefests and bloodbath flicks. And it is no longer "scary" to me at all; my kids laughed uncontrollably every time the Future Woman jumped out and fried someone with those radioactive Lee Press-On Nails! BUT...For my $$$ still rather see 100 movies like this than drek like "The Hills Have Eyes","The Devils Rejects" or "Saw"...Rather odd to notice now - as an adult - that Salome Jens, aka Future Woman, was ONE HOT BABE without that mutant makeup job!Hellllllllllooooooooooo Nurse Salome!
Diana Although this movie is pretty dull, the guys were blazing hot when they took on this film. They rapped out one liners that had me laughing uproariously. Fortunately, this made up for how bad the movie is on its own.The plot seems to be that a scientist on a remote island in Florida has created a time machine(they never go into the scientific aspects of just how he did this) and has contacted the year 5200 A.D.(not the year 5000, as the title states). His purpose..umm...he's supposed to have a purpose? Apparently there's been an atomic or nuclear war sometime in the future, because all of the things that the scientist and his oily pink assistant are bringing back to 1958 are hugely irradiated. One of these mementos of the future is a statue, which the scientist's daughter sends to another scientist to have it carbon dated. It occurred to me when watching this film that there was no way that the scientist could have used carbon dating, since that tests for carbon particle decay caused by an object's aging. Since this thing was from the future, it would only be as old as the day it was made. You just can't future carbon date something! Well, we can't. This guy managed the impossible, discovering that the thing dated to 5200 A.D., and that it was heavily irradiated. He took it and headed off to the island, to see the time machine scientist who was a former colleague of his and find out what was going on.What was going on involved a four eyed cat, a woman in a spangly disco suit who came from the future(twenty years, perhaps?)some tepid horrid love scenes between the daughter and the flat topped carbon dating scientist, and a silly underwater fight scene between Mr. Gym Coach flat top and the old guy's oily assistant. There's also a peeping tom gardener who lives in a shack a la the Unibomber, and a nurse who gets her face ripped off as though she were the cop in Silence of the Lambs. The future woman, who's a mutant, wears the nurse's face(although how she hides everything else, even in the nurse's clothes, I'm never sure) on top of her own, and tries to talk the oily assistant into coming to the future to be a breeding stallion because he has 'undamaged genes'(not in my opinion, he doesn't). The two of them get electrocuted, there's a stupid long sermon about using nuclear fission and atomic bombs, and the movie trails off to its flat conclusion.
boss-11 This movie try's to frighten you and spook you and OH MY GOD..LOOK OUT FOR THOSE NAILS!! She hypnotizes her victims with her shiny new press on nails...WHAT?? It's just plain pretty bad, but I'd have to say again that it's so bad that it's...GOOD. There is one scene that brings a little chill when the psycho killer from the future is marching(?) through time and spewing this bizarre shriek that's..actually.. kind of spooky. But this is a short scene and soon you're back to some serious cheapness. It's the kind of 50's sci-fi cheapness that makes this film pass over the border from "just a bad movie" to "so bad it's good/funny/culty". If you want to know how I can say this see my review on "The Amazing Colossal Man".