Terminal Island
Terminal Island
R | 22 June 1973 (USA)
Terminal Island Trailers

In the wake of a Supreme Court decision to outlaw the death penalty, California passes an initiative that designates San Bruno island as a dumping spot for first-degree murder convicts, free to do what they like except leave. The main camp of convicts is controlled by the tyrannical Bobby, who rules with an iron hand, and the women are used as sex slaves. A.J. and a group of more free-minded murderers have escaped and gone into hiding. When A.J. and his men liberate the women from Bobby's custody, tensions mount to an all-out confrontation for control of the island.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
O2D It was really weird to see Tom Selleck and the black guy from Magnum P.I. in a movie together considering I have never seen either one of them in anything else. Do they always work together or was this the only time? I'll probably never know. Anyway, I wasn't expecting much from this movie and I was pleasantly surprised.Strangely, they start the movie with a news team and make it look like they will be a big part of the story but their part is done before the opening credits roll. I assume it's an original plot, although it's very similar to how Australia became a country. The fight scenes we're a bit weak, you could easily see that nobody was really getting hit, but the story was good enough to make up for it. It was a little predictable too but most movies are. I thought it was weird that there was so much nudity and so little swearing, they usually go hand in hand.It was also a bit weird that the woman who was the main character for most of the movie isn't even in the final few minutes but maybe it was just an editing mistake. This is a good movie, watch it.
SnoopyStyle The Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty. California created Terminal Island from San Bruno Island to exile the death row inmates. Bobby killed his bank robbery posse. Lee Phillips blew up a bank. A.J. is a cop killer. Bunny Campbell killed her parents with an ice pick. Julian Dylan is a biker. Joy poisoned her husband. Dr. Norman Milford (Tom Selleck) committed a mercy killing. Roy Teale is a serial killer. Carmen is the new inmate sent to Terminal Island. Bobby rules the main camp with an iron fist and Monk (Roger E. Mosley) is his second in command. The women are used as sex slaves.I wanted to check this out after Selleck mentioned it on a late-night talk show. It's a violent low-budget exploitation T&A B-movie. There is a surprising number of hot babes serving death sentences. It's cheesy bad but it is almost watchable for its badness. The acting is generally weak and the overall filmmaking is poor. Selleck has a full beard. It doesn't keep my interest all the way to the end.
morrison-dylan-fan January 2014:Since watching the fascinating 1975 film Gemini Affair,I decided to take a look at lead star Marta Kristen's IMDb page,which listed a trio of movies that she made.After being unable to track down Kristen's surrealist title Once,I took a look at the page for the other flick in the trio,and I was happy to discover that it was a Women In Prison (WIP) film,co-starring Kristen.Taking a look around online,I was disappointed to find that the only version out in the UK was a heavily cut edition.September 2014:Shortly after tracking down an uncut version of the Adult Jaws spoof Gums,I decided to take a look at what other movies the DVD selling had for sale,and I was delighted to spot an uncut edition of Terminal Island,which led to me finally setting foot on the island.The plot:After the US Supreme Court declares that the death penalty is unlawful,California decides that it will counter this law by making the island of San Bruno a dumping ground for first degree murderers,who will be kept on the island for the rest of their lives,and will have to fight to the death for their survival.Found guilty of murder,Joy is sent to join the other residences of the island.Ignoring advice to stay on the shore of the island,Joy heads to the heart of the island,where she is captured,and soon becomes a prison.Originally expecting to find the island to be a battle royal,Joy is instead surprised to find,that with the exception of a few outcasts,that the island is run by 2 men called Bobby & Monk,who push all of the more conscious-heavy guys around,and keep the women as workers and sex slaves. As she gets pushed around and "eased" in by Bobby & Monk,Joy begins talking to her fellow prisoners about staging a rebellion on the island.View on the film:Showing the boys how things are done,co-writer/ (along with James Barnett and Charles S. Swartz) director Stephanie Rothman ("Gasp"-a women making a "genre" movie!) gives the movie an extremely gritty appearance,with Rothman and cinematographer Daniel Lacambre using the island location to give the title a lush, rugged atmosphere. Displaying a sense of equal opportunity,Rothman hits the action scenes with a brutal force,thanks to Rotherman putting the guys & the girls knee- deep in bare knuckle fights,and deadly shootings which scatter across the screen.Keeping away from making the action scenes unconnected to the rest of the movie,Rothman shows a subtle progression in the fighting style of the islanders,as Joy and her gang of rebels develop a bond in taking on Monk & Bobby.Taking place almost entirely in the jungle,the writers include a sly allegorical element to the Vietnam war in the screenplay,with the rebels weapons all involving elements of the jungle,whilst Monk and Bobby go up against them with brand new machine guns.Making sure that the allegorical never engulfs the title,the writers smartly decide to keep the message sly,which allows for the flick to end on a positive,cheerful note about creating bonds in a new society.Despite the film having a positive message,the writers make sure that the road to the message is not an easy,with everyone from the leaders to the slaves being beaten to a pulp,with the writers showing a tremendous glee in wiping out major characters with a burst of gunfire.Stepping on the island with a goal to hit anyone that gets in her way, Phyllis Davis gives a terrific,brash performance as Joy,with Davis showing Joy's edges to soften,as she gets into the swing of team work,whilst a pretty Marta Kristen gives a fun,care-free performance as Lee Phillips,and the gorgeous Barbara Leigh (who also appears naked) displays a fragile vulnerability as Bunny.Joining the girls, Roger E. Mosley gives a stern performance as Monk,whilst Sean Kenney cast a snarl across the screen as boo- hiss baddie Bobby,as all of them try to survive on the terminal island.
Uriah43 This movie takes place in the near future after a Supreme Court decision that has outlawed all capital punishment which leaves the state of California forced to subsidize the incarceration of murderous criminals for the rest of their lives. Rather than accept this enormous loss of revenue a solution is adopted which exiles all of them to an uninhabited island where they are forced to fend for themselves with no assistance from the outside except a boat which delivers a small amount of provisions every so often. It's during this time that a female prisoner named "Carmen" (Ena Hartman) is sentenced to spend the rest of her life on this island. When she gets there she discovers that the male population out-numbers the females by a ratio of over 10 to 1 and as a result the few women there are reduced to physical and sexual slavery. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk ruining it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film had a pretty good premise to build upon and succeeds to a limited extent more or less. That said, while some of the scenarios weren't that realistic the actors performed adequately enough and the movie at least managed to keep my attention for the most part. Accordingly, I rate it as slightly above average.