Mutiny in the Big House
Mutiny in the Big House
NR | 24 October 1939 (USA)
Mutiny in the Big House Trailers

A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
JohnHowardReid Better than you might expect from a Monogram production, "Mutiny in the Big House" has a really involving script by Robert Hardy Andrews (based on an original story by Martin Mooney that was itself based on true events) that gains much from the sincere portrayals by the principals, particularly Charles Bickford as Father Joe and Barton MacLane as Red. Even William Nigh's direction has unusual vigor and the film's budget is more expansive than the usual Monogram effort. True, there are stock shots, but they are integrated with more skill than usual. It's obvious that someone's heart (presumably producer Grant Withers – this was one of six films the prolific actor produced for Monogram) – was in this one!
davidpatterson-89656 A great film. Remember the part where Father Joe looks at the envelope. It is addressed to 6948 Woodman Ave. Miltown PA. There is a Milltown PA but not a Miltown PA. But what is really fascinating is that 6948 Woodman Ave. is the Van Nys address of Ann Dvorak, with whom he made Gangs of new York a year earlier. I ponder what this suggests?Barton MacLane crackles, the under-rated Pat Moriarty is believable and not stereotyped as an overly hostile warden, of which there are many in film. There is a brilliant cast of characters. George Cleveland provides some levity.A powerful film, flawless acting, with excellent pace and balance. One of the great prison films, of which there were many.
bkoganbing Although some of the scenes have some real poignancy to them in the end Mutiny In The Big House ends up a melodramatic mess with every prison cliché in the book thrown into the plot.The two leads and two opposite poles of good and evil are Charles Bickford as the prison chaplain and Barton MacLane as the toughest con in the joint. Parts that both are well cast in, especially MacLane.The main part of the story line involves young Dennis Moore sent to prison for forging a $10.00 check for his mother's medicine. Sounds like he didn't have a good lawyer if indeed it was his first offense. Over Bickford's objections Moore is assigned as cell-mate to MacLane who tries to wise him up in prison ways. Bickford of course sees something redeemable in Moore and the conflict begins.Best scenes are with old time institutionalized con George Cleveland. When he's released he can't adjust to life on the outside. Long before James Whitmore perfected the part in Shawshank Redemption, Cleveland gives a touching performance and Bickford actually goes to bat for him to get him sent back to prison.The climax includes a prison break and what normally happens, happens in Mutiny In The Big House. Charles Bickford was in a much better prison film Brute Force and a lot of these same situations were handled better in that classic film.You can't pass up a film with Bickford and MacLane in classic parts, but don't expect all that much from Mutiny In The Big House.
MartinHafer Although Martin Mooney based this story on real events and a real priest who worked in the prison system, I couldn't help but think that this film seemed a bit too sappy and hard to believe. Maybe you'll like it more than I did--I just see it as a heavy-handed time-passer.Dennis Moore plays a convict who was given an unusually harsh sentence for his first offense. For writing a bad check for $10, he was given 1-14 years in the penitentiary--and the priest in the institution (Charles Bickford) feels sorry for him and wants to keep this nice guy from becoming a career criminal. However, the guy is assigned to bunk with a real hard-core jerk (Baron MacLane--who made a career out of playing such roles). Can the good priest keep Moore's character on the straight and narrow or will he be manipulated by his bunkie and live a life of crime? Overall, it's not a terrible film despite its low budget. But it also is handled poorly--coming off as too saccharine to be taken very seriously.