District 13: Ultimatum
District 13: Ultimatum
R | 05 February 2010 (USA)
District 13: Ultimatum Trailers

Damien and Leito return to District 13 on a mission to bring peace to the troubled sector that is controlled by five different gang bosses, before the city’s secret services take drastic measures to solve the problem.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
gabestoian I was a bit disappointed with B13 Ultimatum, and I'm judging it against the first installment of B 13. I expected it to be on par if not better than the original but I found it slower, flatter and far less dynamic. Somewhat similar to Matrix and Matrix Reloaded, the 1st being fresh and dynamic and the 2nd being more polished and elaborate, though I thought the latter was still very good. B13 Ultimatum is plagued by some bad scripting and cartoonish and ridiculous characters - like the face-tattooed Tao - and lost credibility as the film progresses, becoming a mediocre Hollywood action flick. One detail that I found amusing and ridiculous was the amount of gun-less cops that were mowed over by the two protagonists, yet when they did use guns, the shower of bullets seemed useless against the seemingly bullet-proof little Citroen or Renault get-away car.. Hollywood, eat your heart out.
runamokprods A sequel to 2004's "District 13 B". As with the original, this has some amazing, almost balletic stunts clearly done by the actors themselves, who are in this case two of the originators and developers of the sport called parkour, which involves scrambling and leaping around the urban landscape, jumping up and over cars, out of 2nd floor windows, across rooftops. In this age of CGI and wire assisted stunts, it's wonderful to watch real human beings doing amazing, acrobatic things. I also liked that the film had an interesting element of social satire which made it smarter and more political than most of the action blockbusters we get from Hollywood. That said, sadly it did eventually burn out for me, on both the action and the plot front. For the first half I thought this would end up one of my all time favorite action pics. But the story logic gets stretched further and further, and by the end the clever political set up turns a bit silly, while some of the action starts to feel a bit repetitive. Still, I'm glad I saw, and enjoyed it. I just doubt it's a film I'd buy, or return to again.BTW: The blu-ray seems to default to the English dubbed version. Big mistake. Watch this in the original French with subtitles. The performances are much better.
Theo Robertson The French Secret Service and government get together to plan away of getting rid of the multi-racial crime ridden ghetto of District 13 in order to build homes for the middle class and make sure that no one gets in way of their plan Luc Besson is very much a hero or villain to the French . He can be seen as betraying French cinema or as someone who has brought French films to an international audience . His input to DISTRICT 13 ULTIMATUIM is very small , just writing the basic scenario but all the hallmarks of the visual look of Besson , one of intensified continuity are there For those who are unaware of the term " intensified continuity " it's a type of sharp in your face editing/ directorial style . This makes ULTIMATUIM similar to many other films associated with Besson especially during the action sequences . It also makes it more accessible to a mainstream audience brought up on Hollywood movies . To the French there can be more greater act of treason than emulating Hollywood but this can be forgiven when you've got a film more enjoyable than anything Michael Bay can direct If there's a downside to the movie its set pieces are the selling point and the whole narrative is written around the action scenes . This is a pity because the conspiracy plot did seem realistic to a degree and could have been developed a bit more . You do get a feeling that the conspiracy should linger in the audiences memory where as in reality you'll have forgotten most of the film's more intriguing points as soon as the end titles come up up That said it's a far more entertaining film than the French ones I remember watching on BBC 2 on a Saturday night all those years ago . You know the ones I mean - a bunch of French people standing around in a garden discussing the human condition
Paul Celano (chelano) I was really hoping for something amazing after the first one, but this was just OK. David Belle is the founder of French parkour and unlike to the first one, he really didn't show much skill in this one. He did have one crazy jump though. Cyril Raffaelli also didn't show off his karate and wushu skills like the first. He did have a couple cool scenes though. Now the story is a little continued from the first, but very weak compared to the first. But they did add a lot of colorful characters in this one that I enjoyed. They all had their personal fighting style or action. The music in this film was pretty nice and worked well with the action. Now back to the story of the film. It is the same basic background like the first, but with a different bad guy. I guess you could say is it is pretty uneventful. All you really wait for is Belle or Raffaelli to do something cool. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy parts of the film, just not all of it.