Strong and Moving!
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Patience Watson
One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
This movie is spectacularly directed, acted and funny. All the actors are wonderfully chosen for their roles. Photography is great. I never enjoyed a Hindi movie as much as I enjoyed this one. I have yet to see a Vinay Pathak movie that I have not enjoyed but this one is by far the most enjoyable.Add an enjoyable screenplay to the beautiful scenes from Himachal Pradesh , there is not a moment when you feel bored. The leading pair of Jagrat Desai and Sasha Goradia are refreshing new faces with a natural style of acting. I look forward to more wonderful movies from them. The members of the Bhasin family are a riot - especially Rohan Shah. I do recall seeing Maya directed by Deepa Sahi many years ago. After seeing this movie, I must catch up with all her other work of the ensuing years.
Bollywood style slapstick: we watch as plans and intentions are doomed by circumstances beyond one's control.Plane is in flight. Passengers start a row to the point where the captain returns plane to the last takeoff airport. Of course, some people have urgent business. We can see the disappointments coming. Back at the airport, people are still unruly; some of those who started it decide to leave before the cops arrive.The couple who started the row was Pooja and Rahul, who are married, but deeply soured on love and on marriage. When they attempt to get away in a recreational vehicle, Jai shames them into taking him where he needs to go. Of course, his large pistol helped enforce the shame.At a rest stop, Jai encourages the warring couple to tell him how they met and the like. Just before they first spoke, Rahul's father proclaimed, they are both too silly, who will take care of them? Judging from this film, the man was correct. Getting them together was a disaster from the beginning. They did fall in lust, though, and Rahul proposed during a train ride. It looked like he did it to get Pooja to be quiet for a moment. The cynical younger brother of Rahul tries to talk him out of the marriage, even at two hours before the ceremony. The flashback to the honeymoon trip was extensive; the unhappiness started even then, and the stupidity continued: destroying their cell phones, picking up hitchhikers and so on.Eventually Jai starts telling Rahul and Pooja about Muskaan, his beloved, who is going to be engaged to someone else. That's where Jai's imagined deadline comes from; he wants to stop the engagement. They miss the deadline of course; Jai really needed the airplane from the first segment. They change course to try to prevent Muskaan from getting married, since she's already engaged.Jai asks about why they were on the plane flight in the first place. This triggers the flashback to the disastrous end of the honeymoon.Will Jai reach Muskaan in time? Will Rahul and Pooja stay together? Will Jai shoot both of them?------Scores-------Cinematography: 9/10 Slightly jumpy, but mostly fine. The on location filming in the mountains was beautiful. Nice plus on the credits, which were the most entertaining I've seen for quite a while.Sound: 8/10 Ever so slightly tinny for conversation; rich for the musical numbers.Acting: 7/10 Enjoyable once I started to embrace the silliness.Screenplay: 7/10 Loved the musical numbers, but the film dragged on too long. 80 minutes might have been nice. Too much time was spent on absurd fights.Musical Numbers: 9/10 The numbers during the honeymoon trip were gorgeous. I wish there had been more.
A real Indian farce on marriages. What a delight. Some crackling fresh scenes. It has caught the patterns of the pointless fights that husbands and wives have in marriages. Some of the scenes, like the fight over drinking and how much the AC temperature should be, are so real. In fact the very same Ac fight happens in my family all the time! The new comers are slightly rough -edged, but considering how wooden some newcomers had been - who have now become so called 'stars'- Jagrat Desai and Sasha Goradia seem highly talented. Vinay Pathak's reactions, specially his silent ones, when the two are squabbling are hilarious. It goes to the credit of the director, who incidentally is a 'woman' (remember Deepa Sahi of Maya Memsaab fame) that she has not taken sides and gone in for male-bashing, as one would have expected. The dialogs are spoken and not fake. The Himalayas look glorious. Right from the streams to the winding roads to the desert mountains, Christo Bakalov has done a wonderful job as a cinematographer. Sometimes the 'low 'budget can be seen. The song picturisations are weak But overall it is such a true and funny film that it is a must see.
A great fun film capturing the eccentricities of men and women who somehow seem to get into knots the moment they fall in love. How many times have we seen around us our Moms and Dads, sisters and their husbands, brothers and their wives behave irrationally the moment they are married!! The film is shot beautifully in the ever changing drama of the great Himalayas. And the journey in the motor van makes you long to go on one such trip (minus the warring wife of course). The director has created all the aspects of love, jealousy, sarcasms, yelling's, cryings, break ups, make ups that men and women go through in their journey of love Set amidst the changing landscape of the mountains, the gurgling streams during the early love phase and the torturous paths of their relationships and the pitfalls during the fights all add to the highs and lows of the relationship. And the small town dynamics of the relationship which are so different from the urban couple ( Vinay and Riya in a cute pairing) is refreshing. Breaking the cliché that only pretty boys can get pretty women!!! Witty repartee adds to the fun. It has much needed spoken language rather than bombastic dialogues we are used to hearing and specially impressive are Darshan Jariwala and Sushmita Mukherjee with their old world man - woman wars. The best part is that the director does not wallow in sentimentality with those irritating violins and choir singing in the background which we are customer to seeing in most love stories. The climax of the movie had everyone falling off their chairs with the Pheras and the Jhagdas happening simultaneously and yes the best part is that as we all know that though the leopards do not change their spots , life goes on