| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Tempted Trailers

A wealthy man married to a beautiful younger woman puts her fidelity to the test.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
rink_g Well,as i don't have a TV yet in my new place i rent movies pretty much and i picked Tempted today. The combination of Burt Reynolds and Saffron Burrows in the same movie made me wonder how it would be like and the story looked interesting so i had a go and must say i quite liked it...In fact i think i want to see it again to have a closer look at it but so far so good. It's one of those movies where you need to scratch your head to fully understand the motivation of the characters and after you see it, you are still trying to figure it out:why did he/she do that? The whole cast is interesting but i must say that Burt Reynolds was a surprise as we don't see him that often in movies anymore and it's disturbing me.. but i still don't know if it's in a good or bad way... His character in the movie being obsessive might as well fit the fact that we are not used to see him acting that way.. Saffron Burrows's character Lilly is enigmatic and as far as i am concerned she does a pretty good job. And Peter Facinelli is the victim in all this. Never saw him before but he convinced me pretty much even tho i was also distracted by his good look..What i liked about the movie and makes it interesting is the improvisation of the actors.It's unusual and hard,so i give an A+ for that.The movie was shot in New-Orleans,it gives a mysterious and dangerous aura to it..Seems like you can feel the moisture if you know what i mean..Well,see it for yourself is my advice,you might be amazingly surprised.
Tonci Pivac I have to say i quite enjoyed this movie, i am the worlds biggest "Burt Reynolds" fan, although I was a bit confused with his part in the film, I dident know if he was the good guy or the bad guy, I still scratching my head over that one. I also thought "Saffron Burrows" did a great job in her part, although I was very surprized to see her do nudity in the film, you don't see that too often.8/10
Per A. "Tempted" sounds like a great idea. It's about a wealthy man who hires a young law student to "tempt" his wife, in order for the wealthy man to see if she's loyal to him. Naturally, the wealthy man is crazy jealous, and eventually there are a lot of dead bodies.Burt Reynolds is by far the best actor on this film. For whatever reason Burt has gone through his own marriage troubles and he brings that out in staggering fashion. The movie was worth it because of Burt. However everything ELSE about the film - the other actors, the script, photography, etc. etc. is very average.If there's anything a lower budget film should excel in, it's the script - because that's where you make up for lack of money for the rest of the project. But it was clumsy, overworked, cliched, .. a draft that's been through too many Hollywood "story seminars" - there are too many clunky plot elements in a bland effort to liven things up, when it should have been fixed by sticking to the main story and improving the ACTING, and little details that add to the overall mood.There's a subplot regarding a murder conspiracy that's majorly half-baked - it seems like the start of ANOTHER script by the same writer, but simply not out of the oven yet.Most of the actor's emotions don't track well through the film - except for Burt. The supposed "feelings" between the law student and the wife always come off as hollow. Even when she's supposedly trying to kill him, they have one last sheepish meeting at a bar with awkward dialog - it doesn't make sense. Her motivation for sleeping with him turned out to be interesting though..The movie seems to share a lot in common with "Body Heat" - an 80's film script touted as a winner by the king of script hacks, Syd Field. There's the wealthy husband, the beautiful but dangerous wife, and the morally ambiguous lawyer. The difference? Body Heat kept things simple - and William Hurt played the young lawyer.In summary, watch it for BURT, man that guy can act. I found the whole idea of him creating a "self fulfilling prophecy" fascinating - it's almost like he relentlessly (and fatally) stabs himself emotionally and doesn't know why.
markus.kuerten I went to see "TEMPTED" at the Fantasy Filmfest in Cologne, Germany.I´m not going to give away anything about the plot. I will just say, that this one is a truly good moody thriller, which is played excellently and executed (technically) equally good. This movie is a must for those who liked "WILD THINGS", and it´s also a must for everyone who didn´t like the aforementioned movie for it´s too many plot twists. "TEMPTED" always stays believable as the plot and the characters are concerned. I very much enjoyed the location (New Orleans)and together with the thriller plot it adds up to be very moody. Last but not least, the interaction between Burrows and Facinelli is very believable and sexy; not to mention Reynolds great performance!All in all just two words: Watch it!!!