Telling Lies in America
Telling Lies in America
| 02 August 1997 (USA)
Telling Lies in America Trailers

A 17-year-old boy becomes friends with Billy Magic, the radio DJ he idolizes, and eventually slips into the payola and corruption of the entertainment world.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
elshikh4 Simply lying is all over the world, all over the history, or rather it's inseparable part in the human nature (even in its most respectable figures like George Washington !). But the thing to assure here is that lying is definitely more profitable in America ! This movie makes its main character triumphs when he finishes his predicament by lying (in the trial), and gains his goal /the American nationality when he attested to the other's lies, not to mention the situation of the black singer and how he already attests to the announcer's lie as co-writer of his hit song just to be popular. The movie was such an eloquent when it paralleled the boy's insistence and bravery to lie in the face of justice, with him getting rid of his infantile innocence (the lisp) in the same time to be ultimately American Man ! Lying in any society is a way of living to achieve what do you want but with something to lose; here it was his love (logically as his highest truth). I didn't like only the confession of the announcer (the professional swindler) at the end that he didn't have anything to do with writing the black singer's song; that was sudden incomprehensible idealism !?(Joe Eszterhas) in one rare time gives us something to think instead of the regular amount of grand sex and violence. Although I'm not sure that the journey of (Karchy 'Chucky' Jonas) presented the experiment's essence of (Eszterhas) himself but I'm sure that it's his American book of wisdom. Actually the movie's philosophy proves that if you lied then you must grasp that all of the rest will lie to you, so you've got to : comprehend it, to attest it (if it gives you any profit), and the most important of all not to believe it ! As we don't lose when we lie (the boy reached the famous announcer by false letters) but we lose when we believe the lie (like the boy when he believed in the announcer as a mentor and an idol). So It's not just a movie, it's some amusing as well as toughing lesson about pragmatism !The most crafty and witty meaning this movie shows impliedly is that if you want to be an American mature then you must be a brave lair ! Sense the smartness of it while observing the success of one fat lair at one gigantic communication medium (the radio at the 1950s as the mass media), and the lie of the boy at the end which made him eventually an American citizen. So If all the people would lie then who'll going to believe ? In fact It's a world where truth is something not only rare but not that needed also !! It might be the biggest satire about lying and the American splendor from the time of George Washington to the 1950s (where the events take place) till the 1990s where this movie had been made.
Lee Eisenberg Brad Renfro's untimely death brought this movie to mind. I haven't seen Joe Esterhasz's "Telling Lies in America" in a few years, but I remember that it was a good movie, Esterhasz's reputation notwithstanding.It goes like this. Karchy Jonas (Renfro) is a Hungarian immigrant in Ohio in the early '60s. He has trouble fitting in with the world around him, partly due to his trouble pronouncing a "th" sound, and feels disenchanted with the Catholic church that he and his father Istvan (Maximilian Schell) attend. But when he hooks up with DJ Billy Magic (Kevin Bacon), his luck changes...with some strings attached.I interpret this movie as sort of the flip side of "American Graffiti". In that case, they were all the same ilk and all fit in with everything. In this case, Karchy tries to fit in but has trouble doing it, and so his only option is to hook up with the shady Billy. More than just a nostalgia piece - though there are some oldies - we see Karchy's inner conflict between his desire to be a modern American, and trying to maintain his ties with his past.Overall, I recommend this one. I think that it would have been kind of fun to play that trick with the confession booth. And just remember what people tell you about Spanish flower.Also starring Calista Flockhart.
feversUSA It seems some people consider this a neglected "gem," a little movie that got lost among the blockbusters. Could it be it just seems good because it was written by Hollywood hack Joe Eszterhaus and is therefore superior to the trash that usually bears his name?That's what I think, anyway. Being from Cleveland, I looked forward to seeing this especially since I even observed it being filmed on Superior Avenue on the steps of the courthouse there (and I did see it--on video, because it never got an official release, not in these parts, anyway). Watching Kevin Bacon and Brad Renfro film one scene over and over and over again completely demolished any thoughts I had about the movie business being exciting and glamourous. It looked boring and monotonous to me. I also find this movie rather boring. Kevin Bacon's excellent performance keeps it afloat at times, but his efforts are sunk by Brad Renfro who is never convincing and is even somewhat insulting when he attempts what is supposed to be the younger Eszterhaus's Hungarian accent. He sounds like a half-wit instead of an Hungarian. Maximillian Schell as the father is just dull, and should make the director regret his decision not to hire Charles Bronson for fear that it was "stunt casting" (Eszterhaus relates this in his book "Hollywood Animal"). Schell may have an Oscar, but Bronson was just as good an actor, and unlike Schell, had presence and a box-office name that might have gotten this movie a distributor.It was nice to see the old CTS buses that I remember from my childhood, and I grinned when I heard the reference to my alma mater, Cleveland State University. But except for Bacon, this movie is lifeless. There is one other point in its favor: it seems to be sincere, something I could never say about anything else Eszterhaus has written.
millennia-2 Kevin Bacon is the best thing about this film. He can play anytype of role, barely human (Murder in the First), a small-timecrook (The River Wild) or a twisted DJ (Telling Lies inAmerica). Here he is believable and puts in a good performance.Brad Renfro also does well in his role, but isn't veryconvincing. Two problems.1.) He comes from Hungary, but has no accent, and sounds like hecame from New York2.) Age. A year before this was filmed, he co-starred in TheCure. There he played an 11 year old, and looked too old. Herehe plays a 17 year old, and looks too young for the role. The other highlight is Maximillian Schell (I doubt I spelledhis name right). He is fourth billed as Renfro's Hungarianfather and is dead-on. Why Joe Esterhaus (Spelling error?) isAmerica's top paid screenwriter will never be known. He writeslame scripts that deserve to be thrown away, but are insteadmade into big-budget movies like this one.+ (GOOD THINGS) 1.) Kevin Bacon's performance 2.) MaximillianSchell's performance 3.) Plot line(BAD THINGS) 1.) Pretty well everything else