Teenage Cave Man
Teenage Cave Man
NR | 01 July 1958 (USA)
Teenage Cave Man Trailers

Roger Corman's post-holocaust quickie about an adolescent tribesman who dares to explore the feared "forbidden zone."

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
gleetroy It was made in two WEEKS, not two days as someone else's review stated. Please get the facts straight. Read Robert Vaughn's autobiography, he has some choice information about the background of the making of this movie.Robert Vaughn recalled the filming of it. It took place entirely in Griffith Park in California and the animals involved refused to cooperate. Also, he was sent to the hospital twice. once when an animal bit him, and once when he fell off a log and stepped on broken glass. The glamor of show biz, it is intoxicating. It was eventually released on a double-bill with the Michael Landon classic.....wait for it....."I Was a Teenage Werewolf." Oh, Roger Corman, you've done it again!
preppy-3 Robert Vaughn (hair perfectly styled and all) plays a teenage caveman (duh) who questions why his tribe can't go in a certain part of the wilderness. Defying his elders him and a bunch of dumb friends go and discover a creature who can kill with its touch...I only caught this once at 11:30 at night on a local TV station. I realized it wasn't good but nonetheless had a fun time watching it. Seeing Vaughn so young and trying to make this silly script work was amusing. The other acting ranged from tolerable to God-awful. It was shot in two days--and looks it. I do admit there was a twist at the end that I didn't see coming and saves this movie from being a total fiasco. Basically this is only for Corman completists and Vaughn fans. Even Vaughn himself this was one of the worst movies ever made. I give it a 3.
Chris Gaskin Teenage Caveman is an enjoyable Prehistoric adventure from Roger Corman and I taped this when BBC2 screened it during the early hours some years ago.A young caveman goes against warnings and decides to explore the land beyond the river where his tribe live. There are plenty of dangers our there, including stock footage dinosaurs from One Million BC and Unknown Island, a pack of wild dogs and, best of all, a very strange looking "monster" that turns out to be a man in a radiation suit. We then learn that after a nuclear war, this part of the World went back to Prehistoric times.Being made in the Atomic Age, this movie show was yet another theory what people thought could have happened in the event of any nuclear war. At the end, we also get to briefly see clips from other AIP movies including The She Creature.The cast includes a young Robert Vaughn (The Man From UNCLE, The Magnificent Severn, Hustle) and sci-fi B movie regulars Jonathan Haze (Little Shop of Horrors, It Conquered the World), Ed Nelson (The Brain Eaters) and Robert Shayne (The Neanderthal Man, The Giant Claw).Teenage Caveman is a good way to spend just over an hour one afternoon or evening. Low budget fun.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
samwisedude I thought this film was actually pretty good. The writing is done well. It is very "B" rated, but don't let that tell you all about this film. The plot twists and turns and you will think you have the hang of it, then you won't. Please, take the time to see this, you may like it.
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