Taxi for Tobruk
Taxi for Tobruk
| 29 March 1965 (USA)
Taxi for Tobruk Trailers

During World War II, French Commandos join forces with a German officer in order to survive the African desert.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
JohnHowardReid Yet another drama that focuses on the futility of war in the desert, "Taxi for Tobruk" presents viewers with some rousing action and a marvelous music score (which was later swiped by Michel LeGrand for a similar movie, "Play Dirty"). Although routinely directed and inclined to be talky, the film does have a fair degree of special appeal for people like me who like to see movies that present characters that are way different from the norm. We critics get damn tired of seeing the same characters over and over and over - even if the plot lines are slightly different and the actors strive not to totally repeat the same old characterizations. In this particular case, for instance, the lead characters bungle their way along. Now, that's different! And even better, they actually develop an uneasy camaraderie with their German prisoner.
gordonl56 TAXI FOR TOBRUK 1961This World War Two film is set in North Africa during late summer 1942. The stars are, Lino Ventura, Maurice Biraud, German Cobos, Charles Aznavour and Hardy Kruger. A group of Free French Commandos are making their way back to Allied lines after a raid on a German fuel depot. They end up stranded in the middle of nowhere after their truck is destroyed by a German aircraft. They decide to attempt to walk the several hundred miles to the coast. They have no food, and very little water. As luck would have it, the Free French happen upon a small German patrol camped out for the night. They rush the Germans and kill all but the officer, Hardy Kruger. The French now have transport, water, food and a prisoner. They set off for El Alamein to hook up with the British forces. Over the radio they hear that the British have launched a counter attack, and the German and Italian forces are withdrawing. They now decide to head for Tobruk, figuring the British will be there by the time their group hits the coast.The trip though is not without a series of hic-ups. The men need to take a long detour to avoid a large section of soft sand. The truck would not be able to cross the less than friendly terrain. The detour though would use up a fair portion of the remaining petrol. Kruger points out an oasis where the Germans have a fuel depot. Out of other options, the French decide to give it a go.Ventura, a boxer in civilian life, gives the German, Kruger, a solid punch to the jaw, rendering him horizontal. The men then don a few German hats etc and pay a visit to said fuel dump. The visit is a success and the men score fuel and water. Off again across the desert for Tobruk they head.Needless to say Kruger is not happy with his sore jaw once he comes to. There is another hic-up when the group is nearly blown to hell by a night-time air raid on a nearby German convoy. The truck becomes stuck in a hole and all are busy digging the vehicle out. Just as they finish, Kruger jumps in the driver's seat and heads off leaving the Frenchmen behind. He does return shortly, but this time he has all the weapons. The Free French are now the prisoners. Of course this does not last long, as fatigue soon catches up with Kruger and sleep hits him. With the French back in charge it is back in the truck as a prisoner. Off for Tobruk again they head. Again there is a problem for them to overcome. There is a minefield they must navigate through. One of the Frenchmen treads on a mine and is seriously wounded.With the wounded man in the back, they are now only 15 miles from Allied lines. Needless to say the bad luck continues when the vehicle runs into a British recon patrol. The British see Kruger wearing his German cap and open fire. All except Ventura are killed.The film then jumps to the victory parade in Paris after the war. Ventura is standing in the crowd thinking back to his experience in North Africa.This is a pretty good film with nice work from the entire cast and crew. The film, made in Spain, feature several authentic German tanks and the Spanish (Merlin engine) version of a ME-109.
Armand for its rare delicacy, for the performances, for the art to use stereotypes and the image of the other in war times.for a form of gentle grace, mark of inspired script, wise dialogs and great actors art. for the emotion of final. and, sure, for the virtue of profound different war film. because it is not about battles, heroism or victories but about the links between few different people , about fear and manner to discover, step by step, the other, in middle of desert. a film who can be classic, memorable or only beautiful. in fact, it is only touching without any sentimental crumb. and it is not a surprise. each character reflects specific human type. and the bitter skin of story is the perfect cloth for it.
ma-cortes At the beginning there are some brief biographic remarks about the main characters . As a sergeant , Theo Dumas or Dudu , who is presented at the start of the film as a former boxing champion of Europe (Lino Ventura , he was actually champion of Europe of Greco-Roman wrestling in 1950) commands a group of French soldiers (Charles Aznavour , Maurice Biraud, and the Spanish German Cobos) escaped after destructing their unit . They then penetrate German lines going to El Alamein . The expedition must contend with warming desert , minefield , German patrols and a Nazi officer (Hardy Kruger) in the midst . The misfit group with a prisoner crosses the Libyan desert to rejoin his command after falling their regiment . Their objective is to avoid the Germans and somehow encounter Allied lines . As they travel through the desert , they find an oasis where is a German army and get oil , thanks they impersonate Nazis .This is an enjoyable movie about friendship , warlike feats , courage and good feeling . Interesting screenplay by Michel Audiard and Denys de La Patellière based on a story by René Havard . The movie broke box office records after bringing in a lot of money at the box office during its opening weekend and was one of the top 5 grossing movie of its year (1961) in France . Extraordinary acting for all casting , as Lino Ventura plays a sergeant and boxer in civil life , he's an experienced Brigadier who fought in Norway (Narvik) and other European scenarios ; German Cobos as a tough soldier who wishes hard methods over the German prisoner ; Maurice Biraud as a doctor of the group ; the singer Charles Aznavour is a Jew-French and Hardy Kruger as an intelligent Nazi captain who lived longtime in Paris . The exciting story displays a quietly observant character studio and light critical remarks about the French people . It packs a great number of haunting black and white images by cameraman Marcel Grignon and appropriate musical score by George Garvarentz . This French/Spanish/West Germany co-production picture was well realized by Denys De La Patelliere (Rififi in Paris , Marco Polo) and helped by assistant director Pierre Granier-Deferre (Le Train) .The story is proceeded during the African war , the events were the followings : Mussolini occupied Tobruk as part of his campaign to invade the Suez canal, but the British easily took it from him on January 21, 1941. Hitler sent Rommel and the Africa Korps to retake the city and after a siege of 242 days they entered the city in December 1941. In 1942, the British surrender the city because they needed troops to fight the Japanese and Rommel retook Tobruk in June 21, 1942. Montgomery launched a successful contra-offensive against the Germans that were defeated by Eight Army in the battle of El Alamein which occurred in July, 1942. It was not until November 13, 1942 that Montgomery and his Eight army were able to secure Tobruk once and for Allies . Other films dealing with the African campaign include : ¨Desert rats (Robert Wise)¨ , ¨Tobruk ( Arthur Hiller)¨, ¨Raid on Rommel (Henry Hathaway)¨, ¨Rats of Tobruk (Terence Young)¨, and ¨Battle El Alamein (Giorgo Ferroni)¨.