R | 29 June 2018 (USA)
Tau Trailers

Held captive in a futuristic smart house, a woman hopes to escape by befriending the A.I. program that controls the house.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Ben Out of all the movies & shows I've watched this year, Tau is certainly one of the better ones. The start of the film has a completely different vibe from the rest of the movie though.If you were expecting a crazy & scary horror movie, I can see why you disliked Tau. The film did not contain nearly as much action as the trailers foretold.The reason I decided to watch Tau was mostly out of interest. I, unlike a lot of people apparently, enjoy most Netflix Originals. Tau popped up on Netflix one day and I added it to my list to watch later. I pulled up the reviews for this film and was VERY SURPRISED to see the incredibly low ratings. The synopsis just nagged at me and I decided to watch it anyways.Ignore all the terrible reviews and watch it on Netflix! You will not be disappointed. I enjoyed the ending, but at the same time I wish there was more. Hopefully a sequel can be arranged at some point, as I will definitely watch it!
rshaw-13142 Sorry, but I couldn't finish this movie. Despite being a pretty good looking film with some OK special effects and decent acting (which is why I gave it 3 stars), the movie is just so dumb. So we got this guy, who kidnaps people that society doesn't care about, so he can restrain them to chairs and do these weird electrical-impulses to the brain (maybe the movie explains this later, I didn't get that far) for some research project, and then throws them back in a cell with wrist and mouth restraints. Long story short, this pretty chick blows up a part of his house (which sets off no alarms), she gets two of his subjects killed by some robot, and then he restrains her again. Then we get to a part where she's like "hey, if you let me do whatever the hell I want, I'll participate in your research" to which he does smartly reply "I mean, I kept you tied up and did it anyway, what's your point? I'll just do that" but then he follows that up with "but ok I'll let you roam the house for no reason, and buy you clothes, too, cause I suddenly trust you girl who blew up my house and tried to escape!". So now, I guess he no longer needs to strap people to chairs and do brain experiments, he just leaves this chick who messed everything up to do what she wants so long as she does some puzzles during the day, and surprise surprise, she's still trying to escape. I think the tipping point for me was when he casually remarks that he doesn't want the computer to know certain things like the outside world or whatever, and of course he then leaves the house and two seconds later she's telling the computer all the things she's not supposed to tell it and developing some weird friendship with it. I watched a little more after that but barely remember it, I checked out and decided it was too dumb to finish.
news sites (EmaShah) Idea: 10/10 Script: 10/10 Directing: 9/10 (The main actress) Graphics: 10/10 Acting: 3/10 (The main actress) Camera: 10/10 lighting: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Sound: 10/10 Makeup: 10/10 Fashion: 10/10 Decoration: 10/10 Editing: 10/101- The Actress She didn't act the deep meaning of the Idea (Change the actress). The actor he is Perfect. 2- all the actors were good, (not the actors in the jail) except the main actress. 3- The voice of the machine were Perfect.I Recommend This Movie 50% But I may see it or not again, its because of the actress. Thank You for your hard work.
assieyamin Sorry but Gary Oldmans voice as the AI-Computer just put me off! I only watched 30 mins and could not finish the film, sorry but I love GO, always have and always will but he was mis-cast here, he's trying to do a weird voice which is just wrong. No idea how it ends, sorry.