The Devil Within
The Devil Within
| 09 May 2016 (USA)
The Devil Within Trailers

In November 2012 Rachel Kusza and her team of film makers travelled to Transylvania to document the Baciu forest. A forest with a dark history of strange occurrences, ghost sightings and countless cases of missing people. The film crew were never heard from again. After searching for the film crew for two years Howard Redman, Rachels teacher, found the crews camera buried in the snow....

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
wolfspiritjohnson Last night's show was incredible with the return of Zach McGowan as The Superior Anton Ivanov! Love seeing him with this great marvel team especially Agent Coulson!! Hope to see more of Zach in future episodes!
aspirezelor As a first review on this site, i am finding it a little sad it had to be this one. But this was the film i just finished watching ... hm. "The Devil Complex" what to is quite simple 1) It lacked any sort of realistic storyline 2) The film did not do justice to the cast whatsoever 3) We never actually got to know anything about the characters,,,, 4) when we did get to scratch the surface of two of the three characters, i never did get to the bottom of why or how. 5) I never judge a film by its budget nor cast, as some of the best films i have seen have been of a low budget or funded by charity or organizations.Im not going to give anything away about this movie because there is nothing to give away. Its a walk through a snow fill forest ,, as beautiful as it is . After being told people go missing there , die there, or come out with illnesses (skin rashes). They go in with a camera (rip off blair witch maybe ?) and film what they might see with the help of a "guide". who is a strange man which i never understood a word of. He doesnt stay in the film for more than 15 mins,,, (like i say there is nothing to spoil and you have prob guessed why anyway). ok i will spoil it THEY ALL DIE,,, the end...Not more i can really say on this so i better list it as a spoiler review, just in case i upset anyone lol Thankyou for reading and i hope that in time my reviewing will get better,
michaelant555 This has to be one of the worst films that I have ever seen.If you like watching a few, very uninteresting, people walk through snow-covered woodlands for most of the movie, then you're in for a real treat. I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever seen a film with such a weak cast and such a weak plot. It's like a really bad Blair Witch in that it's set in a haunted forest, but it has no believable scares or any interesting characters. The characters and plot are so lame, it's like a few people, without an ounce of imagination between them (and I'm not exaggerating here), got together and shot an extremely low budget amateur home movie.I'm the first person to rant about people giving films bad reviews that really don't deserve them, especially when they give half decent films only 1 star. You know the type of trolls I'm referring to, but in this case I genuinely believe that the 4.2 rating is far too generous.
Nigel P One of the things I like about the found footage genre is evidenced at the beginning of 'The Devil Within', when the camera remains locked onto a character as he conveys all kinds of emotion to the viewer without the help of moody lightning, artistic cutting or indeed anything to enhance the performance. The actor therefore has no choice but to play everything completely naturally because the unforgiving nature of an unedited shot would betray any lapse.That's the first impression I got from the opening moments as Professor Popescu (Adrian Carlugeo) warns us how terrible are the events we are about to see. He is wrong, unfortunately, for what follows is three actors with very little chemistry traipsing around the tremendous snowy Hoia Bacui Forest in a shockingly dull, blatant recreation of events in 'The Blair Witch Project (1999)' – inferior in every way, sadly. They get lost, argue and nothing happens. The discovery of the dead body of their erstwhile companion, the ferociously bearded Mr Dogaru (Bill Hutchins) fails to invest any scares into these uneventful wanderings: 'What happened to him?' 'He's f****** dead, that's what happened to him,' – all lines delivered with all the conviction of characters not remotely bothered.Rumour has it that for 'Blair Witch', the director left his cast alone for most of the time in the unforgiving location, only to creep up on them at night and scare them – this produced a very real, wearied, raw set of performances. Here, the terrain is even less hospitable, but there are no scares, no tension whatsoever – any energy is drained from the young cast producing beleaguered dramatics in a disappointingly uneventful picture.