R | 01 March 1988 (USA)
Demonwarp Trailers

A man and his daughter are attacked in the woods by what they believe is a Bigfoot-type creature. However, they soon begin to suspect that they may have stumbled onto a nest of aliens in a hidden spacecraft.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
jessegehrig This movie has potential- granted that potential lies in re-editing the movie at random, I'm thinking dadaism meets one awesome music video. Aside from that Demonwarp is obviously a con job perpetrated on the financiers, because who wants to pay for this kind of movie on purpose? As a vehicle for the display of bare breasts, why not merely invest in standard porn? Some guy from Parker Lewis Can't Lose appears as the comedy relief, he is not funny and comes across as a sex-offender. I mean there are half-scenes y'know quarter-scenes even images in this movie that are beautiful and cool, but its fleeting and unintended. I guess if I taught a film class I would use this movie as a teaching tool, I would call it turd polishing.
Paul Andrews Demonwarp is set in the ominously named Demonwoods where Bill Crafton (George Kennedy) has rented a cabin, while enjoying a game of trivial pursuit with his daughter Julie (Jill Marin) a huge Bigfoot type creature breaks in knocking Bill unconscious & killing Julie. A few weeks later & Jack Bergman (David Micael O'Neill) along with four of his friends arrive at the cabin, the cabin belongs to Jack's uncle Clem (Joe Praml) & he has gone missing & Jack intends to find him, warning his friends about the infamous Demonwoods which has a long history of people reporting sightings of monsters, murders & even UFO's they all agree to help find Clem. However the first night they are there the cabin is attacked by the Bigfoot creature which leaves two dead & takes a toaster. Jack is determined to get to the bottom of the terrifying events & eventually discovers an alien spaceship nearby in which the owner has been using zombified humans to repair his craft as well as eating naked young girls...Directed by Emmett Alston this crazy mix of horror & sci-fi is actually quite entertaining in a bad sort of way although I don't think I would go as far as to describe it as good it is fun, an oddball mix of gore, horror, sci-fi, monster film with a fair amount of nudity too at lest Demonwarp is rarely dull. Having said that Demonwarp is also rarely amazing, at about an hour & a half in length it moves along at a fair pace even though there's a slightly dull middle third which spends far too much showing people wander around Demonwood Forest. The character's are very thin, Jack gets a little back-story but otherwise the other character's are pretty empty cardboard cutouts. Where Demonwarp shines is it's various clichés & plot ideas that come together at the end in an ending that feels like it belongs to a different film than the hour or so that preceded it. There's Bigfoot creatures, zombies, aliens, human sacrifice, sex, nudity, gore, big George Kennedy & not one but three 'it was all a dream' twist endings which is maybe some sort of record. The script builds-up & with various strange aspects being thrown into the story there's just about enough here to make you want to know the answers to the questions posed & keep you watching.There's an interesting interview the writer of Demonwarp on the internet in which he says several things were changed like Crafton was apparently to had set up spike pit traps but they couldn't afford to dig the pits & used bear traps while the two girls were meant to go nude swimming but they couldn't afford the plastic to line the pond & that too was changed while the hiker was added after they discovered the film under-ran (75 minutes instead of 90) & needed to pad the time out a bit. The obvious low budget doesn't help matters but the main Bigfoot monster suit isn't too bad & is used sparingly with quick cuts, the alien at the end isn't that great while the gore is alright with a cut out heart, a ripped-off head, someone has a stick stuck in his stomach & there are some surprisingly good looking zombie make-up effects as well.With a supposed budget of about $225,000 this is still competently made & looks alright considering the impoverished production, filmed at the Brosnon Canyon & Topanga Canyon both in Los Angeles. The acting isn't great, it's not terrible but it's not great. George Kennedy looks a little disinterested although his daughter Shannon Kennedy turns up as one of the sunbathing babes & gets her head ripped-off.Demonwarp is a mad late 80's gore horror monster sci-fi film that is quite fun & entertaining if you just go with it, Demonwarp isn't a masterpiece but it's perfectly watchable & the final oddball twenty minutes is worth watching.
Woodyanders Sasquatch splatter schlock reaches its seriously stupid jaw-dropping zenith with this incredibly idiotic low-budget direct-to-video sci-fi/horror atrocity. A gaggle of bonehead kids venture into a spooky forest called Demon Woods looking for Bigfoot. Well, these immature collegiate dolts find Bigfoot all right: He's one mean bloodthirsty bastard with a nasty propensity for tearing off heads and spearing folks in the stomach with a tree branch. WARNING: Possible *SPOILERS* ahead. In a stupendously ridiculous surprise twist ending (that's directly swiped from the 70's "Six Million Dollar Man" TV series), Sasquatch ultimately gets exposed as a front for a nefarious extraterrestrial who's worshiped by a crazed priest as a god (!), has a fondness for eating human hearts (!!), and possesses the magical ability to reanimate the freshly dead so it can use the zombies as slave labor (!!!). As one character brilliantly deduces early in the supremely inane action, "Hey man, there's weird s**t in these woods! Do you know what I mean?" No kiddin', dude. But that's not all this silly dilly has to offer. We also get clumsy (mis)direction by Emmett Alston, who previously gave us the equally awful (and uproarious) "Nine Deaths of the Ninja." Then there's the sorry sight of a rotund, trapped-in-a-dismal-career-slump George Kennedy grumbling his way through the demeaning part of a crusty old father who's determined to bag Bigfoot because it murdered his daughter. Better still, three luscious ladies dutifully doff their duds in the name of sleazy low-grade exploitation: Pamela Gilbert does just what you think with her boyfriend, Colleen McDermott takes a gratuitous shower, and the always desirable Michelle Bauer shucks her bikini top in order to avoid tan lines. The rusty tin-eared dialogue includes such priceless gems as "Come on you six foot fleabag!" A real gut-buster.
vampiremovies Ok, I'm a big fan of B-movies and films that are so bad they are funny, but this is just baaaaaaaaaad. The special effects are pretty cool, but only towards the end of the film. The guy in the ape suit is really pathetic. The plot is absolutely dire and the characters... what characters? they are that shallow! Plenty of RGB's (random gratuitous breast shots) but even that can't save this. I wanted the hour and a half of my life back that I wasted watching this garbage, its terrible.