Tape 407
Tape 407
PG-13 | 27 April 2012 (USA)
Tape 407 Trailers

Survivors of an airplane crash find themselves within the borders of a government testing area and pursued by predators.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
pesic-1 I am speechless. I am without speech. How? Why? Who made this???I am 50 minutes into the film, the monster has been seen in just a few frames so far, all blurred, they have been bickering without a break for half an hour, and they are in a house in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere, as well, with light coming through one of the windows. It's not the moon, because it has been established that its totally dark. My guess is that the incompetent team decided to put a light there so the monster that's stalking them could be silhouetted for a second, again in a blurred image. Oh, and our crazy camera person, who is filming everything for some reason, turns the camera away from the monster whenever it makes an appearance. Also convenient for the CGI team, but bad news for the audience. This film makes no sense at all. The premise is moronic, even by found footage standards, the monsters are crap, and the characters literally scream and bicker without a break. They don't stop even as they are being eaten. Usually several quarrels would be taking place simultaneously. Do the filmmakers think the audiences will be immersed in the plot if they are made to endure this pointless and unmotivated bickering? Do they think we might empathise with the characters more? Cause, as many others have noted in the reviews, these characters are all obnoxious and you can't wait for them to die because you literally hate their guts. Watching this film is outright torture.
MrGKB ...in the inherent weakness of the "found footage" genre, "Area 407" further hobbles its cinematic foot by apparently ad-libbing all the dialog (bad idea with such a bare-bones story) and shooting the entire mess in five days (Ed Wood and Roger Corman would, I suppose, be very proud). The results are, to be kind, slipshod. Whiny teenager and older sister flying home to L.A., plane crashes (morphing into an obviously different aircraft, but never mind that), then something begins attacking the survivors (and it's pretty obvious, pretty early, that it's some sort of raptor). Eventually everyone dies, the end. Way too much repetitive screaming, whining, walking, and damn little in the way of interesting characters, dialog (improv is NOT film-friendly), or camera-work. Found-footage films occasionally work; "Area 407" isn't one of them. Back to the drawing board, kids. Avoid unless you have ninety minutes to kill and are fresh out of drying paint. This baby might have been amusing as a half-hour "Tales from the Darkside," but otherwise has absolutely nothing to offer.
GL84 After surviving a plane crash and landing in a strange facility, a group of people find themselves stalked throughout the area by a ravenous creature that's part of a government testing operation and must find a way to get out alive.An utterly annoying and aggravating found-footage film which really goes to show that this is a genre which really needs to go away and quickly with an endless series of useless and quite terrible ideas on display that are only possible in such a film. As with the majority of these films, the fact that there's very few times where, realistically, a person would be filming in such a situation really destroys the credibility of the film as who would be concerned about filming when a monster's attacking members of their group or making sure that the person who stumbled and fell gets back to their feet, and at one point even doubling back to grab it after being left behind are just some of the pointless scenes on display here, and then it contains all the usual trappings of the genre with an inability to focus on anything resulting in tons of blurriness throughout and shaking camera scenes that are really annoying. The lack of explanations don't help, and it's not until the end that anything gets resolved at all, and with only a few genuinely creepy and suspenseful moments brought on by it's action-packed second-half, there's not a lot to like here.Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
Queen Elizabeth When you sit down to watch a horror flick the last thing you want to deal with is a bunch of loud, obnoxious and whiny people that are preventing you from enjoying the show. That is where this movie falls on its face from the word go. Seriously, we have something as miraculous as a group of misfits surviving a plane crash in the middle of the desert, but within 10 minutes I would have rather they all perished and the movie ended immediately. But let's focus on the plane crash a moment. Each and every passenger is coated in blood like a bunch of blood-frenzied vampires from what appears to be gaping head wounds. That's cool and all but it doesn't slow them down for a second nor does it shut them up. Half the party is locked up over a girl that has a splinter in her forearm or something about that critical. A tourniquet is in order for this poor girl. In the mean time some fool is running a video camera and blinding everyone in the face with it. I was amazed that the plane was in shambles with all cargo strewn about the desert but conveniently the camera with the giant lighting assembly is unscathed.Things are moving along, including the fat man that is singlehandedly annoying the crap out of the rest of the survivors. He does manage to find food for the survivors. This is when things start getting ugly. "I sar two eyes, I sar a tail, I sar some teeth" now I don't know about these idiots but I sar a dinosaur. Fast forward through an hour of them sitting in a shed crying and yelling at each other that leaves the great escape. They finally manage to find a radio and call for help and are told to go back to the plane. they find an SUV and drive back to the plane but the driver decides she doesn't like one of the other guys so she just casually runs him over. But I don't want to give away the end of the movie so go out quickly a watch this so you can see how this masterpiece ends.