Tall in the Saddle
Tall in the Saddle
NR | 29 September 1944 (USA)
Tall in the Saddle Trailers

When Rocklin arrives in a western town he finds that the rancher who hired him as a foreman has been murdered. He is out to solve the murder and thwart the scheming to take the ranch from its rightful owner.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Michael Morrison Except for the talky ending -- reminding me of the botched ending of Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" -- this is one excellent movie.John Wayne gives an even-better-than-usual performance; George "Gabby" Hayes was his usual great self, with some really wonderful scenes; and Ella Raines got probably her best role, one that made her a perfect strong match for the Duke.Russell Wade made his character convincingly weak, and Donald Douglas gave an amazingly under-played performance and made his character very sympathetic.Audrey Long has only 32 credits at IMDb and, with her beauty and ability, she should have had many more. She was with us until 2014, but played her last role in 1952, just eight years after "Tall in the Saddle." What a shame we don't have a chance to see more of her.Paul Fix showed again what a versatile actor he was, and Harry Woods and Raymond Hatton, with their short parts, were simply masterful.Really there were too many excellent performances from the very great Ward Bond and superlative players who didn't and often don't (like Hank Bell) get credit.That they got a chance to shine in "Tall in the Saddle" means we owe a thanks to both original story author Gordon Ray Young and screenplay writers Michael Hogan and, yes!, Paul Fix, a man of genuinely many talents.Director Edwin L. Marin gave us one of his best, too, and "Tall in the Saddle" is simply one great, but not perfect, movie. I watched it on a DVD coupled with "The Train Robbers" and I highly recommend it.
dougdoepke Enjoyable Western that even non-Wayne fans should find entertaining. Film blends equal parts mystery, bravado, romance, and humor in fairly smooth fashion. Mystery plot comes from actor-writer Paul Fix, comic relief from incomparable Gabby Hayes, while convincing bravado is supplied by you-know-who. Still and all, this is a Gabby Hayes showcase, and I would think a high point of his career ( he had just left the Hopalong series). In fact, the first ten minutes are among the funniest and most satisfying of any Western on record: the chemistry between Hayes and Wayne is simply terrific and easily tops that between Wayne and his two leading ladies. This is a fine "buddy" picture, even if the participants are wildly unequal in age and skills. My one complaint -- special effects and art direction. Scenic shots from Sedona, AZ, simply do not blend well with pedestrian shots from the San Fernando Valley, while shoddy process photography and occasional cheapjack sets also mar final result. Apparently Wayne still did not command a class A budget. Too bad. Still and all, fans of the Duke and those of all tastes could do a lot worse.
the_great Out of nowhere comes a stranger. Silent, mysterious... You hear about the clichés, but certain clichés are more talked about than seen. How many times we want The Duke to just kick some butt, only to see someone like James Stewart or Montgomery Clift knock him down. Even in Stagecoach he lets himself captured. Enough of the dark side, where's our hero? He's in this one, Tall In The Saddle. I'm so happy I found this film. John Wayne in his most heroic form! With iron fists and swagger that charms the hottest ladies. Ella Raines, hubba hubba! The story is fast moving and wild, with all the characteristics of a fine mystery.The positive reviews are right on the money. The trailer doesn't show all the best action, just gives you a taste. This forgotten gem needs to be preserved among the finest examples of the art form known as Traditional Western, polished and put on Blu-Ray. Holla if you hear me!
intelearts This is just simply a cracking movie with a great plot, a real western's western. there is something simple, uncontrived, and intrinsically right about Tall in the Saddle that most other western's try to capture. There are no Indians, no gold rush, no gunfighters, instead we get a simple plot about a man who discovers corruption and wants to do something about it.The film is beautifully shot, the B & W cinematography accents both the poverty at the stagecoach stop at the beginning and the light in the hills later on are outstanding.But for me what makes this really special is the outstanding romance, Haines is at her most stunning and simply drop-dead gorgeous here, and even 75 years on, she and the Duke light up the screen magnificently.All in all, a great movie: if Western's are about being strong while still caring, being independent, and about bravery then this is all it should be. Shame it's seen so seldom and so little known compared to Wayne's bigger films - definitely recommended.