| 25 July 2008 (USA)
Take Trailers

The lives of two strangers - a struggling mother and a gambling addict - meet in tragedy. Years pass, and they must come to terms with themselves, and one another.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
MovieHoliks I caught this little indie flick off HULU a couple days ago, and wow!- what a powerful film this turned out to be. Two great actors- Minnie Driver and Jeremy Renner- star as a struggling mom and a thief on the verge of getting possibly executed, whose lives collide all over the course of one day. The film is mostly done in flashback sequences, and it confused me a little at first until I realized the scenes with Renner on the "inside" are the present-day ones. The film starts out a little slow, but once it gets going, you really find yourself absorbed in their lives. Renner is just great in roles like these, sort of a weasily-type character, but you still find yourself empathizing with his character, and hoping things will turn around for him. The role is something similar to the kinda character Al Pacino may have done in the '70s, like "Panic in Needle Park" or "Dog Day Afternoon". Definitely worth checking out...
vitaleralphlouis A big negative with me is any movie that claims to have a "message." Nobody in today's corrupt Hollywood has any moral authority to deliver a message to anyone. Thus, perhaps, the extreme box office failure.I disregard any and all reviews from anyone who says they saw a movie at a film festival. All hyped up from being invited, and seeing a star or two in person; they get all dew eyed and overpraise.The plain fact is that TAKE is an interesting but mediocre movie, not worth $11 or 90 minutes of anyone's time. I enjoyed the settings and some of the director's work was good; but that's about all. At least it wasn't a Good Robot kills Bad Robot action flick.
cheeftanz I stumbled upon this without knowing it was an 'art' film. The acting of Minnie Driver was great,... competent and real. In many ways I would say that this was the only thing that allowed me to continue watching. Although this is my opinion, I had two other people in the room- both friends and fellow engineers- and they walked out to play with the cat in the next room. What does this mean? 'Too much' they agreed as they had a troubled look when I asked why they had left. This may well be a socially responsible and worthwhile type of film to make. However, it rambled and left me sick and feeling tortured. One may reject my review as being uneducated or shallow, but I am not alone here. I feel the film "Doubt" has real moral dilemmas, fears, challenges and human failures within its tight and brilliant characters...a work of art to me. Here, I felt assaulted, beaten, and in no way entertained...ever. Perhaps I am shallow after all, but I go to films for many reasons...always to be entertained. A tense drama needs to unfold and reveal beauty or power... and I found no real message here. I felt jealous of my friends who had gone to play with the cat.
michael-1676 I saw TAKE at a screening and was very moved by it. Performances by Driver and Renner were excellent. The cinematography was right on. Direction was tight. The whole film worked. Every aspect came together. Looking forward to seeing it again. Films that address this theme are difficult to make. Not to mention watch. I was uncomfortable at times. Uneasy. I found myself questioning things that I would rather not think about. But the filmmaker forged on. Continuing to push the envelope. It is an interesting script. It takes courage to shoot a film like this. I'm glad Oliver and his investors were willing to take the plunge. I hope they are rewarded. There are a lot of films out there not worth seeing. Films that focus on special effects rather than on more interesting matters. This is a character study that makes us look inward to see who we really are. Thanks.