Tai-Chi Master
Tai-Chi Master
R | 18 November 1993 (USA)
Tai-Chi Master Trailers

Falsely accused for cheating in a martial arts competition, two boyhood friends are banished from their Shaolin Temple and go their separate ways. As adults, they join opposing sides in a civil war. When one betrays the other, they settle their differences mano-a-mano.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Tweekums This Hong Kong action film follows the lives of Junbao and Chin Bo who grow up learning Kung Fu in a Shaolin temple. They are eventually expelled when Chin Bo goes too far and nearly kills a fellow student who cheated in a fight. In the outside world the two initially stick together; they get into a number of fights as they help people but eventually they go their separate ways; Chin Bo joins the army of the oppressive local governor and Junbao helps the local rebels. Inevitably they will ultimately have to face each other.Those looking for lots of action and spectacular over-the-top fight scenes should enjoy this. The story is simple but effective and the characters are fun. Jet Li is on great form as Junbao and he is ably supported by Michelle Yeoh as a fellow rebel. Siu-Ho Chin is also impressive as Chin Bo; making the character likable in the earlier part of the film but believably despicable when he joins the army and becomes more and more brutal. The fights aren't exactly realistic but that is part of their charm. As well as plenty of action there are lots of genuinely funny moments. There are quite a few deaths and a fair amount of blood but this isn't too disturbing as the blood is unrealistically orange tinted! Overall I'd certainly recommend this to anybody wanting plenty of martial arts action and lots of laughs.This comments are based on watching the 'Tai-Chi Master' version of the film in Cantonese with English subtitles.
callanvass Chin-Bo & Junbao are expelled when Chin-Bo snaps on his opponent for cheating. Despite trying to explain, they get thrown out anyway. Junbao begins to get worried about Chin-Bo's incessant need for power. When Chin-Bo joins the rebellion, Junbao's fears come to life when Chin-Bo betrays Junbao. Ah, wires. I really don't like it when they use them in action movies. I think they look silly and highly unbelievable. I am a firm believer in hand to hand combat. All wires do is increase the spectacle, but I believe that it hinders it, in lieu of augmenting it. This movie is a good story about abusing power and letting greed consume you; however. If you're here to watch a Jet Li film with mind blowing action, you've come to the right place. Despite the usage of wires, some of the fight scenes are truly spectacular. There is some fantastic Tai- Chi in this movie, with Jet Li at his best. For the examples of the fights, check out the fight involving a big stack of logs. Michelle Yeoh kicking some ass, while walking on stilts is pretty bad-ass as well. I have to give credit to some of the rigorous training scenes. A couple of them were really creative. The only other carp about this movie, is that the friendship between Junbao & Chin Bo isn't intense enough. They were friends for 20 years, but I felt they could have been far more intense with it. Junbao (Jet Li) goes through a lengthy shock period, but most of it is done for comedic effect and slapstick. The slapstick is amusing, but it wasn't the proper time for it. The showdown at the end between Junabo & Chin Bo is extremely exciting, but typically one-sided for the most part. Li is solid as usual, delivering in the fight scenes like not many people can. Yeoh is solid as well. This is a pretty entertaining movie, filled with terrific fight scenes. It's so entertaining, that I'm more than willing to give some of the flaws a Mulligan. 7.5/10
stamper This really doesn't amount to anything much. The story of this film is merely OK, the acting is not good, the fights and some of the dialog really make no sense at times and the thing I found most confusing, was whether this was supposed to be an honest film or if it was intended to be some comedic spoof. Regardless of the way you watch Twin Warriors, the film is just not good although I must admit the bad synchronization on part of the American distributor made it worse at times. To me it just felt like a bad Spencer/Hill flick for kids between 8 and 12. Nothing seemed intentionally funny and I was not laughing at the film, but about it (if I was laughing at all).4,5 (with a 4 given upon voting and 0,5 added because the film MUST have bit better in it's original language)
Ryojin20 *minor spoiler alert*I first watched Twin Warriors a.k.a The Tai Chi Master back in August 2000 on a Saturday afternoon, the signature time for Kung Fu Theater. After watching this, I became a (and still am) major Jet Li fan! This is one of his finest films. It has the most amazing, jaw-dropping, knock down drag out fights ever. Like Fist of Legend, every fight scene is incredible. Twin Warriors are about two best friends named Junbao played by Jet Li, and Teinbao played by Siu-Hou Chiu. They grew up and trained in the Shaolin temple. They are expelled from the temple after Tienbao is set up by a rival monk in a sparring competition which leads to an awesome battle pitting Junbao and Tienbao against hundreds of Shaolin monks. The two friends wander into a village starting their new lives as civilians and meet unique people. Such as Siu Lin, played by the beautiful Michelle Yeoh, and the hilarious Reverend Ling played by Yuen Cheng-Yan who is also one of the films fight directors. But the two go in different paths, Tienbao wanted power so he joined the military that is led by the corrupt Liu Jing, while Junbao preferred to have a peaceful life and work at a restaurant owned by Siu Lin, Ling, and anti-government rebels that are against the government's taxation of the local villagers. But Tienbao's craving for power and wealth overtakes him and in the process jeopardizes his friendship with Junbao and company. He betrays Junbao and the others which send Junbao in a state of shock and depression. Junbao recovery is due to learning the art of Tai Chi to face off against Tienbao with the help of Siu Lin. The story is very good and tragic, its almost like a Chinese Macbeth, a man turned evil by the pursuit of power, and his friend the only one to stop him. Yuen Woo-Ping does an amazing job directing the movie and choreographing the fight scenes. One of the best fights is between Michelle Yeoh and her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend in the restaurant, incredible duel between the two ladies! The final duel between Jet Li and Siu-Hou Chin is amazing, Tienbao's deadly and brutal Iron Palm form against Junbao's graceful and strong Tai Chi form, which reflect the two fighter's personalities. Siu-Hou's performance as Tienbao is great; he played an amazing villain corrupted by his own ego and power hunger. The chemistry between Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh is solid; Siu Lin is a great friend and ally. Jet also delivers a great performance as a man of honor and tranquility, especially in his state of shock then enlightenment. Twin Warriors is amazing, top notch performances and brilliant full force action scenes, along with great music make this film a Hong Kong classic many will and have enjoy!***** 5 stars Ryojin20 favorite!