R | 26 February 1988 (USA)
Taffin Trailers

When a small Irish town is terrorized by a corrupt business syndicate, a lone hero wages an all out war.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ffolkes-3 It's been 20 years since I first saw TAFFIN. I re-watched it recently and enjoyed it tremendously. The film features a solid story which revolves around an important social theme. Typically British and I guess that's what makes the it interesting even today - a good balance between the action and the story. Of course aesthetically it's very much a retro piece. There's no fast editing, sudden close-ups and CGI and that's why it has so much charm. It allows you to concentrate on the story and the characters. TAFFIN was one of Brosnan's first leading roles in a feature film. He's got a good presence and fares well along the late great Ray McAnally. Contrary to the literary source, Brosnan's Taffin is a bit of a Byronesque character but it only serves the story. The cast also features Alison Doody in her first substantial role. She is well cast as an obvious love interest for Taffin but also a strong woman who in the end turns out his only ally. A perfect film for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Preferrably for Pierce Brosnan fans but also if you're interested in stories set in Ireland.
bayardhiler When most people think of Pierce Brosnan, they most likely think of such signature roles like that of James Bond, the remake of the "Thomas Crown Affair", or "Remington Steele". But in 1988, between all of that, Pierce starred in a small, low budget film out of Ireland called "Taffin" and while nobody will hail it as Brosnan's finest hour, it is a curiously entertaining film (I've always wondered how Brosnan ended up in this one; after all he was ,by this time, fairly well known from "Steele". Perhaps he just needed something to do or needed the money but since there's not much info on this film, who knows?). In the story, Brosnan plays a rough and tough debt collector named Taffin in a small town where if you owe money, you'd better pay up! Our hero demonstrates this through some simple but well choreographed fight scenes, one involving four or fiver burly chefs in a restaurant. But Taffin is not your stereotypical tough guy; he reads literature and believes in the power of using your mind before your fists. Good thing too, because he's going to need it when some corrupt developers send their goons to town to keep folks from complaining about plans to destroy a favorite park. If I had to guess what makes the movie watchable, it would probably come down to Brosnan's cool under pressure performance which, more than anything, is the driving force of the film. It also helps that Alison Doody of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" fame adds some fun-and eye candy-to the mix as the love interest. Don't get me wrong; the film has it issues, such as certain areas where the editing and story don't seem to flow quite right and parts that are supposed to be serious but you just can't help but laugh your ass off (see the part where Taffin screams "Then maybe you shouldn't be living heeeeeeeeeeeeere!". Never fails to bring a smile to my face). But all things considered, "Taffin" is not the worse movie ever made and if you happen to catch it with some drunk friends or on a rainy day, you probably won't regret it.
ashleybrownmedia Had seen this circulating on Netflix for a while, was only persuaded to watch it when I realised Alison Doody from The Last Crusade was in it. Even though she's old enough to be my mum she did look good back in the day! Pierce Brosan stars in the titular role as a tough-as-nails Irish debt- collector. He's a fairly realistic depiction of the 'local tough guy' who sure as hell knows how to get the job done. He gets in a little over his head with some thugs but is able to use his brains as well as his brawn to overcome the odds.Performances are good and well acted, Brosan and Doody especially. Although some of the accents are a little hit and miss. Even though those two are both Irish they don't actually sound it at times, whereas other times they do. Although maybe that's just me...
verbusen OK take my review with a grain of salt because I missed whatever happened before the "town" asked Taffin (Pierce, man thats a cool name I wish I named my Son that (Pierce that is), lol) to take on the bad guys who rammed a chemical plant onto a very nice Irish (?) town. As far as the part that I saw (which was basically the whole film because I knew where it was going), I really really enjoyed it. As a matter of fact if I could re-watch Taffin vs any of Pierce's Bond flicks, I'd take Taffin any day. I am always entertained more by English films (or in this case Irish), than I am by most American films, they just seem more unpredictable because I don't know what to expect. Taffin has Pierce looking really cool (and he still is semi young so more believable as a killer to me), plus the eye candy is not too shabby in this one with some nice topless views that you wont get in a Bond film. Is it full of plot holes? Yeah big time, but Pierce kicks some ass his way and does it in a funny way. Its an American 60's crime flick thats light on the moral dialog, its just the bad corporation and the little townsfolk hiring their gunslinger to protect them. Pierce does it in a very sly way and doesn't resort to the kill until he has to. I see a LOT of 1 votes on this film, they must hate English speaking foreign films (or they're psycho Lazenby Bond lovers out to besmirch all of Pierce's films, lol). Me, I liked the films Pierce did around this time, like Livewire and the Deceivers. I think I've liked most flicks Pierce has been in that I saw (one of those Bond flicks with a bad-guy taking over the internet or something was lame but any Bond flick is good or bad based on the bad guy not the Bond), and Taffin had me smiling, it was cool entertainment. Will I be buying the DVD, probably not (although I wonder what it's going for used on Amazon? hmmm, wow its only 75 cents thats cheap! I may get it now, the Arab channel I watched it on had the nudity but bleeped out the profanity, go figure, lol). Looking for a cool, mindless, Irish (!), action flick? Check out Taffin, I'm glad I did!