Séraphin: Heart of Stone
Séraphin: Heart of Stone
| 29 November 2002 (USA)
Séraphin: Heart of Stone Trailers

The story takes place during the colonization of the Laurentian region in Quebec towards the end of the 19th century (approx. 1885-90), near Sainte-Adèle. An unscrupulous man, Séraphin Poudrier, dominates the small community using his wealth. Mayor of the village, he will marry Donalda Laloge, after her father, unable to repay his debt, gives her to him in marriage. Donalda, a gentle and submissive woman who was promised to the handsome Alexis Labranche, rather, he will live his life according to the wishes of this petty and contemptuous miser, but will never let his situation get him down.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
neubilder This had the potential to be a gripping and tragic tale but fell flat. Character development is weak, many scenes are pointless. What should have been a sad and tragic tale merely had me shaking my head wondering what the director was thinking. There is no sufficiently convincing case for Donalda to marry Seraphin; What, so her spineless father can keep his general store running? Once married to Seraphin, she for some reason feels compelled to remain true to this deplorable monster. The problem is, there is no convincing case made as to why she feels so bound to him - most of the town is on her side and sees her marriage to him as wrong in the first place. Pierre Lebeau's role as the utterly detestable Seraphin is convincing however, which makes the supporting roles that much more absurd.
otaku_ariane The reason why «Un homme et son péché» got so much attention from the public and the medias was that the original story is a classic here in Québec. The movie is not truly a masterpiece, but it's still good to watch.The story was changed: there is a lot more sexuality in this version and, unfortunately, some things do not make sense because all the references to the importance of religion at that time in Québec are gone.I believe the dialogues sometimes sounded very fake, but it also depended of the actor. I think the girl that did Simone could really take some more acting courses (but it's only a small role) and Karine Vanasse also is not as superb as some said. I even found it difficult at some moments to understand what emotions she was trying to project.The music was beautiful and the scenery magnificent!I'd like to comment some of the actors performance: Lebeau was great, Seraphin really made me sick and it was the kind of performance that after, in each movie I see the guy, I see Seraphin, his greatest role (like when you see Audrey Tautou and you think «Amélie!»). Roy Dupuis's performance was better in this movie than in any one I saw before, he did quite a good job [for once]. Also some characters like the one Benoit Briere incarnates and also the priest were very convincing. And finally, I believe if Vanasse works a bit more, she'll end up being a quite good actress (hey, she's very young, so she has time to learn).The ending scene with the double-meaning scream of Seraphin «C'est moé qui brûle!!!» also brings a lot of emotion and some depth.
morningkeith Father Ovide, I have a confession to make. The two main reasons I went to see this movie were A) the Winnipeg Free Press gave it four stars, and B) the movie listings said "warning - sexual content." All you guys out there, can any of you relate? Heck, I'd go watch professinal lawn bowling if it had a sexual content warning.Turns out I lucked into seeing a fine little movie. It caused me to think of the decisions we make and why we make them, and the errors we commit and how they can wind up controlling us.It also made me very mad at Seraphin. At one point I was loudly thinking, "SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM!" But then, truly he was an evil man who deserved his comeupance.The sweet lady Donalda bugged me too. If you've made a mistake but you get a chance to get over it, wouldn't you get over it? "No, it's much better to stay put and accept your punishment." AARGH!! What's wrong with you people? But then, I'm coming from a 20th century anglo-protestant perspective, not an 18th century french-catholic one.Neat film. I'd love to see these actors again.
clerk___37 Un Homme et Son Peche is not an uncommon film. The plot follows the exploits of a rural Quebec village at the turn of the century. This movie has been made before, in fact this film is based on a TV show which itself is based on a radio play.What is unique about this film is its attention to details. The sets are impressive, built for the film. The cinemagraphy captures the natural beauty of Northern Quebec perfectly. Its as though you could touch the screen and feel the characters world.The acting is not bad. I'm not a big fan of Roy Dupuis, but he did manage to make me feel genuine emotion for his character.This film has become a phenomenon in Quebec, likely to become the Provinces highest grossing domestic film ever. I think this film will be remembered more as a force than for its story, but that's ok as long as it is remembered at all