Swiss Family Robinson
Swiss Family Robinson
| 08 February 1940 (USA)
Swiss Family Robinson Trailers

A family setting out for a new life across the sea is shipwrecked on a deserted island. The family members collaborate to create a home for themselves in the jungle environment.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Wordiezett So much average
GazerRise Fantastic!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
mark.waltz ...and that includes dogs, cows, horses, pigs on a barrel and those of the human variety. The birds can fly, joining the exotic variety which has probably never seen a duck in its life. Thomas Mitchell, the pop from "Gone With the Wind", takes on the role of another literary patriarch, a successful businessman who immigrated from Switzerland to England, and now wants to find a new home with the Napoleonic wars approaching. And what a home they find, but in this case, it is not Disney style.This version of the Johann David Wyss novel is in glorious black and white, and is all the better for it. While the Disney version is worthy of its classic status, this version has been wrongfully overlooked, with a lesson pre-war of survival and growing up, and what living on this earth is all about. Mitchell and his wife (Edna Best) have strived to raise their children with dignity and ideals, but they have ended up being too worldly and materialistic. It's obvious that life in God's country will make men out of them, and only hard work will bring them survival in their challenging new home.Tim Holt, Freddie Bartholomew and terry Kilburn are the three post adolescent children, with Baby Quillan as the cute newest addition to the family that brings ooh's and aah's for his cuteness. A giant sea turtle and ostrich are among the new creatures of God who help show the family the truth of their new paradise. And if course, there's the famous tree house, not quite as grand as Disney's, but no bird's nest, either. All in all, a fine version of a classic tale that I'd long wanted to see and was not disappointed in the least. My only issue is the obvious passage of time that does not seem to age the youngest child as the two older sons obviously arrive at adulthood.
Bobby Hollywood Aside from the reviews I have read about this film, I am making the following statements because, I saw this film when it first came out in the theaters.My most memorable (mental picture) of this movie is of a young boy, perhaps 12 years of age - riding an Ostrich. The family is on an island due to the ship they were on being wrecked, and they made it to shore, from that point on it is nothing but fun, the way they get organized, children being children, animals being animals, and the Mother and Father trying to cope with it all, they are a truly brave couple, and they fight the good fight together. Well acted, and directed, it left me with plenty of good memories, it is a true SHAME if it is no longer available to be seen.Thanks to all who made this movie, so that I could enjoy it many years past.
cnevel I had never before seen any version of this film, nor have I read the book.My mother tells me that she first saw this film when she was 10 (1946) and simply loved it. She hadn't seen it since.In the 70's she wondered what had become of this film and wrote to Frazier Thomas, host of "Family Classics", in Chicago.His response stated that Walt Disney purchased this film when his 1960 version came out and locked it away never to be seen again.She recently mentioned it again so I looked it up, and to my surprise, found it. Swiss family Robinson is a good 1940 children's film. But that is all!Thomas Mitchells acting is as good as always, and the boys did a good job acting like wealthy brats reformed by their ordeal.Did anybody notice that the youngest boy, Francis Robinson, played by Baby Bobbie Quillan, was a girl? I didn't.I think Edna Best could have done better as Elizabeth Robinson. Her acting was stiff and boring, though it may not have been entirely her fault, this is a 1940 film set in 1820.The story is ridiculous, most children's stories are, and there's too much religion for me, but I can look past these points.The special effects are dated but are reasonable for their day.This film is obviously a low budget production. It needs a good disaster scene when the captain and crew are washed overboard and more adventure on the island.If you are into nostalgia take a look.
lousvr Saw this "Thomas Mitchell" Swiss FR years, decades ago broadcasted on TV. In fact during the 50's and 60's this wonderful movie would be shown often. It was just a great kids adventure movie, and is simply the best of them all. Would be great to see it now, but...