Swing Your Lady
Swing Your Lady
| 08 January 1938 (USA)
Swing Your Lady Trailers

Promoter Ed Hatch comes to the Ozarks with his slow-witted wrestler Joe Skopapoulos whom he pits against a hillbilly Amazon blacksmith, Sadie Horn. Joe falls in love with her and won't fight. At least not until Sadie's beau Noah shows up.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
froberts73 Certainly not a typical WB offering. Jack L must have been vacationing on the moon when this was being filmed. And, I am damn glad it was filmed.Some of the reviews were, as happens so often, pretentious as all get out, and they should get out.Bogie wanted out. Doesn't matter. He was the least in "Swing Your Lady." This flick belonged to everyone else appearing, particularly Louise Fazenda and Penny Singleton who, later, was so typecast as Blondie.She is a brunett-ie here and shows stuff she never had the opportunity to display elsewhere. Her dancing is pure fun, her near-operatic voice blending perfectly with The Weaver Brothers and Elviry - another plus for this crazy, fun piece.Usually, in films like these, such guests do a number, often short, but this time their wild talents were given free rein.The Maddox Brothers and Rose had a similar act, and they are, equally, my favorite hillbilly acts.A fat plus was the character who portrayed the bearded wrestler. He was a straight hoot and, last but far from least, Nat Pendleton as a not too bright wrassler was fabulous. After TCM showed this movie they showed "6,000 Enemies," again featuring Pendleton, this time as we usually see him - as a heavy."Swing Your Lady" had some of the best hillybilly music, the cast provided lotsa laughs with a damn clever/funny script.Gee - we used to get the funny stuff without the liberal use of the 'f' word, and all the accompanying sleaze.Hey, I'm not against sleaze if it's dun tastefully. EEE-haaa.
Neil Doyle Like every actor who's had a career spanning several decades, HUMPHREY BOGART had his share of poor films along with the great ones. This feeble attempt at comedy is typical of the Warner Bros. brand of humor in the '30s and '40s, slammed home without any subtlety or grace.My main interest in this film was due to seeing the bloopers from "Breakdowns of 1938" featured on THE ADV. OF ROBIN HOOD CD. Let's put it this way--the bloopers were funnier than most of the material in this comedy which manages to be mildly amusing.HUMPHREY BOGART is saddled with the lead, supported by Warner's favorite contract supporting players--NAT PENDLETON as a dumb wrestler, FRANK McHUGH as his manager and ALLEN JENKINS as the standup comic who makes with all the usual dry wisecracks on the sidelines.PENNY SINGLETON is Bogart's fast talking, dumb girlfriend who sounds a lot like the "Blondie" character she would play shortly thereafter. LOUISE FAZENDA has a comic role as a lady blacksmith with a rural accent. In a rather amusing scene she wrestles Bogey to the ground and tells him to say, "Hootie Owl." It looks as though the Warner backlot was used with leftovers from their westerns to simulate the small town look. The hillbilly musical numbers are nothing to shout about and much the same comment can be made about the film itself.Louise Fazenda and Penny Singleton (who gets a chance to sing) seem to be enjoying themselves, but the overall results are decidedly mixed.No wonder Bogey achieved stardom in a different genre. One of his better lines: "Which one of us is daffy?" You have to be daffy yourself to really enjoy this one.Trivia note: A very young RONALD REAGAN has a bit part and gets no billing at all on the opening credits. Lucky for him.
bexa I loved it...awesome! Nice example of "hillbilly" films, never condescending. The music is excellent and Ms Fazenda is great! Did others not like Bogart in this movie? I thought he was well-cast as the conniving city-slicker "wrasslin" promoter.Nat Pendleton as the Greek "wrassler" in love with the local "big gal" blacksmith is adorable (I think this is a "spoiler" but it was obvious from the beginning). He always plays the dim, yet big-hearted guy in movies (as an orderly in "Harvey" particularly memorable). Lots of other Warner's character players: Allen Jenkins and Frank McHugh, two of my favorites.Lots of good-natured laughs. Altogether a great 78 minutes...I'll watch it again!
classicsoncall "Swing Your Lady" may not offer Humphrey Bogart his strangest role (for that, try 1939's "The Return of Doctor X"), but it sure is his goofiest. Bogey is wrestling promoter Ed Hatch, heading up an entourage that includes his protégé Joe Skopapoulos (Nat Pendleton), trainers Popeye Bronson (Frank McHugh) and Shiner Ward (Allen Jenkins), and patient fiancée Cookie Shannon (Penny Singleton). The wrestling circuit brings the team to the Ozark Mountains, where Ed attempts to find a suitable opponent for his boy so he can build his reputation on a climb to the world championship. When Ed's car gets stuck in a ditch, female blacksmith Sadie Horn (Louise Fazenda) singlehandedly gets him free, and a match made in heaven is born. Only trouble is, when Joe sets his eyes on Sadie, it's love at first sight and the match is over before it's begun.Not to worry though, Sadie's suitor for the past ten years (Sadie's husband went 'possum hunting eleven years ago and never came back), is hillbilly Noah (Daniel Boone Savage), and he's not about to give up Sadie without a fight. The match is signed, and Plunkett City is about to get a show.Ronald Reagan makes an unlikely appearance in the film as a newspaper sports reporter, which he actually was early in his career. It's a minor part with only a bit of screen time. The wrestling match itself between Joe and Noah goes for quite a while, and is fairly well staged. With the incentive to headline a card at Madison Square Garden for the winner, Ed encourages his boy to win after a series of head stomps and an airplane spin. But Joe turns the tables when he decides to stay behind and marry his blacksmith sweetheart Sadie."Swing Your Lady" defies genre classification, although musical comedy comes close. There are four or five tunes sprinkled throughout the film, all done in a hoe down hillbilly style including a square dance number. For his part, Bogey does a credible job, given the offbeat nature of his role. But he's a lot more comfortable in a comedy role as the convict Joseph in one of his last film appearances - "We're No Angels".