Swim Little Fish Swim
Swim Little Fish Swim
| 19 September 2014 (USA)
Swim Little Fish Swim Trailers

Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, "Swim Little Fish Swim" is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
christadagenais I watch it at the festival of Creteil 2014... one big surprise of the festival! I watch DANCING IN JAFFA and WHAT THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT LOVE and I didn't know what to expect with SWIM LITTLE FISH SWIM... Anyone will appreciate Swim Little Fish Swim... This is a film about the perennial battle between art and commerce, between dreams of success and the unkind reality that shatters those dreams...Swim Little Fish Swim also entertains me with oddball characters...from naked artists shooting arrows at paint-filled balloons to Leeward's controlling, sort of observant Jewish family, and to a fast-talking recording studio engineer who insists that dozens of world-famous musicians have recorded at his bargain-basement studio. (It's doubtful that Annie Lennox took advantage of the studio's $999 recording-and-CDs special.)! Go see it!
agathetremblay1 I saw Swim Little Fish Swim at Créteil Film Festival last Tuesday. This is, for now, one of my favorite film or the year! This is a really cool, refreshing, exotic, funny and entertaining movie. The actors performances are always true and the whole movie is very realistic(which is increasingly rare in French films) The pace is well thought out, the scenario well-crafted and the visual style is beautiful, which is rare in low-budget films. But what impressed me the most are the music/soundtrack (the main character is a musician), very original and funny. I look forward to the release to watch it with my mother (64 years old) and my son (14 years) because it is a film multi-generational in many ways!
laurencecauchois-952-459543 A wonderful film that I saw at a film festival in Créteil in France! I had been hearing of it for a while and really wanted to see it but it's even better than what I expected from the trailer! I recommend anyone to go see it as soon as possible! I've been very impressed by the acting!!! Especially the little girl!New York is really well shown and the music is great! It made me think of LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE in a way! It made me laugh and cry at the same time and I'm still thinking of it several days after... it's a funny, clever and original movie! Go see it, you won't regret it!
cineamante I saw Swim Little Fish Swim in a local festival. When I first looked at the rating on IMDb, it was 8.1 or something with 37 votes. I've decided that basically consisted of the actors and crew (with some of the crew perhaps abstaining since they have some integrity or taste).And why would a film that played Rotterdam have so few votes anyway? Don't misunderstand me. SLFS has its moments. Some of its satire of the New York arts scene is dead on. There's some interesting music. The acting (at least on the part of the 3-person family at center)is not bad. But most of the movie is, well, self-indulgent twaddle. As Variety correctly notes, there's "a certain tweeness" about this picture. The word "cloying" also comes up in the review. One Krispy Kreme donut may be a pleasure. Eating an entire box of them by yourself will make you sick. This film has the same effect and it lasts longer. I kept wanting to leave, but I stuck it out on cinephile principle. And it was painful. Hipster whimsy is one thing. Hipster whimsy with sprinkles and a sparkler on top is something else. I have a feeling that much of the twaddle and self-indulgence can be laid at the feet of Lola Bessis, who decided to cast herself as irritating gamine extraordinaire and had her SO, Ruben Amar, shoot her oh so lovingly and shoot the only mature character in the film, Mary, like a wizened shrew. S'il vous plait Lola, come on.
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