Swamp Women
Swamp Women
NR | 01 April 1956 (USA)
Swamp Women Trailers

An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Micitype Pretty Good
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Bezenby This is a film you'll either love or hate, depending on your tolerance for low budgets and passable acting. It doesn't have any ambitions other to entertain on the cheap, and it does that fine.A couple decide, during a stock footage Mardis-Gras, to head into the bayou for reasons I've already forgotten. At the same time, a female cop goes undercover and heads into jail to meet a gang of three women who know the location of some diamonds (also in the bayou). Luckily for the cop, all three women are in the same cell. Also luckily for the cop, they believe her story and volunteer almost immediately to escape, promising her a share of the diamonds. No wonder they got caught in the first place! As you could predict, our gang of convicts and our romantic couple meet in the bayou, and that's when the trouble starts. After killing the couple's guide, the girls kidnap the couple and the cop finds it difficult to stay under cover and protect the couple. Much flirting, drinking, and cat fighting ensues.Also, the couple don't turn out to be so in love either. When one of them gets eating by an alligator, the other is seemingly non-chalant about it. True love.Like most early Roger Corman films, everything's cheap, the film is short, but it's lots of fun too. All the girls run around in cut off shorts while cat fighting or moaning about stuff, and the story zips along quickly enough. What else do you want from Roger Corman?
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** The movie "Swamp Woman" has a storyline very similar to a porno flick with a poor and helpless man Bob Matthews being tied up and held hostage by a gang of sexy man hungry women one of them an undercover policewoman.The gals escaped from prison and are now looking for some $500,000.00 in diamonds from a previous robbery hidden in the Louisiana swamp country. It 's not long that the hungry for male companionship, as well as for love, gals lead by their leader the tomboy like Josie start to get hot and steamed up over Bob instead of the diamonds that their looking for. It's undercover policewoman Let. Lee Hampton who was the organizer of the women convicts escape from prison who also falls for the handsome and well groomed Bob. Who even when he jumps into the swamps and fights off a rubber alligator to unsuccessfully save his girlfriend Marie, who was kidnapped along with him, he didn't have as much as one strand of hair on his head out of place.It soon becomes apparent to Josie that Lee isn't exactly whom she claims to be, a woman convict, as well as her being jealous of her taking the handsome and tied up Bob away from her. By then the local police lead by captain Goodridge got the jump on the girls and were coming in for the kill or arrest. It's then when Bob who seemed to be asleep or high on drugs during the entire movie suddenly comes alive and ends up with his hands tied behind his back kicking butt, especially the firm and shapely butt of Josise, all over the place until the swamp police come to both his and Lee's rescue. As for the diamonds nobody seems to care about them anymore since the script writers,in them being so caught up with the sexy gals many cats fights in the film, seemed to have completely forgot about them.One of Roger Cormans early ventures that soon was to set him on the road to success as one of the greats in making bad movies that the public loves on cheap and shoe string budgets. It was later when Corman gets the funding to make more or less conventional films that his success started to wane it that his bad movie loving audience wasn't exactly that interested in them.
ferbs54 For me, B-movie fan that I am, a film starring cult actresses Beverly Garland AND Marie Windsor, and directed by the legendary Roger Corman, was too great a lure to resist. And "Swamp Women" (1955) does indeed live up to its potential, at least in part. It tells the story of a trio of tough dames who bust out of jail and hightail it to the Louisiana bayou to recover their cache of stolen diamonds. They are abetted in their jailbreak by an undercover lady cop, who is trying to find the gems, too. In the wild, they bump into Mike Connors and his fiancée, which only leads to more trouble. Anyway, this little B features lots of female fistfights, knife fights and tough talk, with Beverly perhaps being the "baddest" of the bunch. Viewers will enjoy counting how many times she says "shut up" during the course of this short film. And at a mere 73 minutes, the film IS short, but somehow still feels padded with endless Mardi Gras and nature shots. Still, "Swamp Women" is a reasonably fun entertainment. The bad news that I have to report, however, concerns the state of this DVD itself. I have never seen a worse-looking DVD in my life. Not only have all the colors of its source print turned pink, but the image itself is fuzzy and blurry. The promise of crystal-clear DVD images has certainly not been met here, to put it mildly! The folks at Brentwood Communications should hang their heads in shame. If I wanted to see sickening off colors and blurry images, I'd be doing drugs and shots of Southern Comfort and prune juice! This film deserves so much better!
sotfinoski Reportedly Roger Corman's first directorial effort, Swamp Women (oddly renamed Swamp Diamonds on the MSTK version) is great fun even without the interjected comments of the MSTK gang. Although the plot leaves much to be desired, the interplay of "Touch" Connors (later Mike of Mannix), Queen of the B's Marie Windsor and the always wonderful Beverly Garland, as the baddest of the bad girls,is worth the price of admission. When the girls cut their jeans down to short-shorts after a night of drinking (Why would they do that in a swamp with rattlers and crocs?)things really get good. The MSTK crew get a lot of laugh mileage out of Connors first name and all the down and dirty girl fighting, which is surprisingly well staged. If you get the MSTK version, don't miss the featured short "What To Do on a Date." It's a hoot!
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