Super Tanker
Super Tanker
| 29 January 2011 (USA)
Super Tanker Trailers

A meteorite brings a powerful element to the Earth during the Cold War, too powerful to ever be used it's contained until a decision is made to dispose of it in the depths of the ocean. During transit on the worlds largest and most secure Super Tanker a rogue wave damages the ship and releases the element which triggers a chain reaction in the environment and the political arena.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael Ledo Imagine a film company that gets its ideas from Asylum, but lacks their budget and writing skill. Also titled "Battle Tanker" is a horrendous film on all accounts.A substance from a meteor lands in Alaska and is fabricated into a doomsday bomb that becomes unstable if moved too quickly through the earth's magnetic field. Following some plot continuity issues, it was decided to dump this device into the Marianas Trench by way of a huge tanker. In route the tanker has issues with "rogue waves" which causes the device known as ICE-10 to become unstable.This leads to a venting of a deadly cloud. The civilians are at odds with the military as to how to handle the unstable device. This creates added drama. The science behind the whole film was terrible, as was the less than fifth grade knowledge of nuclear reactors on part of the writers.They did manage to eliminate Asylums' problem with Navy insignias by not using any at all.No-f-bombs, sex, or nudity
ekiker Supertanker has a great tie-in to dark matter arriving on Earth in a meteorite, but no explanation why it lasted on the ground for many years in contact with normal matter rather than exploding. However, it is the only movie I have seen which treats dark matter at all. I would like to see others, especially if they give a better discussion of the properties of dark matter and how dark matter can be handled.On the other hand, there were problems with the technical aspects of film-making. There were some sequences where the film prints people into scenes and loses parts of them.The most striking and egregious mistake I saw was scenes of a Pentagon press conference which showed two U.S. flags behind the presenter. One was right-side up and the other was upside down. How in the world did that EVER get past an editor? Perhaps a joker on the set crew?
Russell62 Usually only I am to blame for our "B" movie choices. My wife rolls her eyes at the latest turkey I have wasted time and hard-earned money on, but this one was her idea! It really is surely one of the most preposterously bad movies ever made in the hallowed annals of bad movies. It starts out well enough, a meteor falls to earth somewhere and scientists extract "dark matter" from it. It's downhill on a roller coaster from there.Several of the cast have a reasonable pedigree, they don't look as if they are desperate to get in any movies going. So I can't see why they bothered to show up for this dud. To be fair, some of them did their best with the atrocious script and ludicrous "psudo science" (if that's what it was) The scene where they were all frantically tapping away on their laptops trying to "reconfigure a blank install" or whatever they called it had all the tension of three friends sitting in an internet café. When one of them announced "I can't hold it much longer, we're losing field integrity," I briefly recalled the original Star Trek and half fancied Scotty should make an appearance "The engines canna take much more, Cap'n" but that would have been too much to wish for.The characters were mostly clichés. The Chinese man, played by someone called Jacky Woo, isn't even listed on the IMDb entry for cast (probably a wise career move on his part) His English was incomprehensible to anyone other than his two team mates, and the running gag of having the head of the military unit ask "What the hell did he just say?" was funny once, but got tired with over use.Don't worry, I won't give away the "plot" (was there one?) The super tanker in the title seemed to have been mainly stock footage with a few scenes that my wife swears were shot with a plastic model floating in a large tank.Even so, I laughed my head off throughout and enjoyed it in a perverse sort of way. Oh, and my wife? She slept from the first appearance of the "death cloud" until the end.
FinerFilmFanatic How you perceive this film depends on what you expect going in. If you're hoping for a high-octane disaster film with great special effects you're going to be sorely disappointed. If, on the other hand, you expect 1) a terrible story 2) special effects that look like they were created in Paint 3) terrible casting 4) terrible acting 5) terrible dialogue 6) every cliché known to man 7) even terrible costumesthen you're really going to enjoy this.The plot, as such, has some ultra-destructive element being taken to the deepest reaches of the ocean to protect the world from Armageddon. It was contained somewhere in Canada, but due to oil drilling in the area it has to be moved. Taking it by plane is hopeless, as the speed at which it travels renders it unstable, so the only solution is to take it via the world's biggest tanker. On the way it comes up against a "rogue" wave that appears out of nowhere, despite all the latest gadgetry on board and the fact that it's constantly being tracked by satellite. Various calamities befall the ship, meaning they have to "vent" the element several times to stop it from combusting. These vents create deadly clouds that destroy anything in its path - including a plane that decides to divert JUST when it's about to go into the cloud, a cruise ship with flabby belly'd "hot" girls sipping cocktails, and Hawaii. Watch in a total absence of awe as these things are destroyed by terrible special effects.As for the special effects, clearly the people responsible have never seen such things as a plane taking off or landing, nor have they ever looked at a cloud. You sit looking at the screen thinking, "How on earth..." Bad doesn't come close, they're hilariously awful. The green screen work is also terrible - faces that seem to melt into the background, for example, or the whole scene in the cemetery.Then there's the casting. The guy who plays the Admiral is wrong on so many levels - completely lacking in authority, a terrible voice, and he's not helped by a uniform that looks like he's pulled it out of the fancy dress box. The female lead is played by "Jon Mack", whose career has included the dizzying heights of "FBI Agent #3". Of course, it doesn't help that the dialogue she's been saddled with is like something written by school children, but she is dire. All other actors are bad, but those two stand out.The dialogue seems to have been cut-and-paste from every other disaster movie ever made, from the angry confrontation scenes between the military top brass, to the final lines spoken in the cemetery. You could watch this with the sound off and still know what they were saying.There are simply too many clichés here to list, but don't be surprised to find the Chinese computer whizz that nobody can understand, the alcoholic brought in to save the day, the military who are stupid and devious, the government official who cares more about saving face than anything, and there's even a child rescuing a dog who is momentarily lost. Yes, they cram everything they can into this film!I've given this 1 star, based on the premise that this was supposed to be a halfway decent film. But really I want to give it 10/10 as I thoroughly enjoyed every excruciating moment. If you're expecting Die Hard on a boat, forget it. If you're willing to turn your brain off for 90 minutes, you might just find you enjoy it.