Sunset Carson Rides Again
Sunset Carson Rides Again
NR | 10 September 1948 (USA)
Sunset Carson Rides Again Trailers

Sunset Carson is trying to raise money for a new school and his partner Sam Webster is out to stop him. When Carson plans a benefit prize-fight, Webster plans to make off with the proceeds.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
JohnHowardReid Sunset Carson (himself), Al Terry (Bob Ward), Pat Starling (Joan Carson), Dan White (sheriff), Bob Cason (Sam Webster), Pat Gleason (boxing referee), Buddy McDowell and the Rodeo Revelers (themselves), Stephen Keyes (Murdock, the foreman), Ron Ormond (Jim Pizer), Bill Vall (Slugger), Joe Hiser (Shorty), Bob Curtis (Tin-Cup), Forrest Matthews (Nevens), Don Gray (Rand), Dale Harrison (Tomkins).Director: OLIVER DRAKE. Screenplay: Elmer Clifton. Film editor: Ralph Dixon. Photographed in 16mm CineColor by Clark Ramsey. Music director: Frank Sanucci. Script supervisor: Pearl Leiter. Production assistant: D.A. Towne. Sound recording and technical supervision: Telefilm, Inc. Associate producer: Oliver Drake. Producer: Walt Mattox.Not copyrighted by Yucca Pictures. U.S. release through Astor: 10 September 1948. No recorded New York opening. No Australian theatrical release. 63 minutes. COMMENT: Not exactly the worst "B" western ever made, but for exactly half its length it certainly comes mighty close. Fortunately a marked improvement occurs in the boxing scene in which Al Terry and Bob Cason battle most convincingly, and Mr Bob Cason then carries the rest of the film through to a reasonably satisfactory conclusion. Mind you, Mr Sunset Carson is consistently awful, and the film is always wretchedly photographed, and production values are always minimal. "Yucca" is indeed a true description!But on the other hand, Miss Starling and Mr Terry are reasonably attractive leads, and even the comic relief cowpokes are genuinely funny at the halfway mark. Up to this point too, Mr Drake's "direction" has been struggling to achieve zero out of ten, but suddenly he shoots up to around two or three out of ten. On the whole, however, it's a rare western indeed in which the musical interludes rate higher (maybe two and a half) than the rest of its array of "entertainment".
Michael Morrison Ollie Drake was one of the great B Western writers, but as a director? Based on this sample, not so much.Sunset Carson was a very likable man (and I met him in person quite a while after this movie and he was still very likable), but he was never known as a good actor. Well, in this movie, he was almost the best in the cast.He was a tall and good-looking man, and apparently very strong. In one scene, he has to pick up another actor and, holding him on his shoulder, he mounts his horse! Most other actors would have had to drape the other over the horse then mount. Quite a feat.Standing out in the acting category was veteran villain John Cason, for some reason billed here as Bob Cason. He had a couple scenes where he had to take off his shirt and he showed he was a well-built and athletic-looking guy.Female lead was Pat Starling. Almost nothing is known about her except that she has 15 credits. She was a beautiful woman, and with a better director could have been seen as a very good actress.Providing music was one of the best Western bands I've seen and heard, The Rodeo Revelers seem to have made only this movie but the apparent leader, Buddy McDowell, was in two. He was quite a good fiddler.In one song, they sounded a bit like the Sons of the Pioneers, but in others they had their own sound, which was a good one. No credits are given, but at least one song sounds like the work of Oliver Drake.There is a pretty good print at YouTube. It's not great movie-making, but it has Sunset Carson and that's enough reason to watch.
bkoganbing At one time Sunset Carson was one of Republic Pictures stable of cowboy heroes. He went off on his own to films independently and that seems to have been a big mistake if Sunset Carson Rides Again is an example.Other than it being done in color this one was a real cheapie with a rather silly plot that would have us believe that a fatally shot man wrote a letter while dying naming his murderer. Worse than that, he wrote an earlier letter that alluded to the fact that Carson was the one who did the foul deed. What Sunset has on his mind was raising funds for a new school house and toward that end he's putting on a prize fight. But his partner John Cason has in mind to steal the funds raised and a horse being put up for the prize. He cripples the fighter Carson brought in and young Al Terry who has the mistaken grudge against Sunset substitutes because he boxed some in college.I'm sure Terry fought someone in his weight class as Cason makes chopped liver of him in the ring. That was truly rather stupid.The whole thing is a shoddy mess and I hope the others of Carsons post Republic films aren't as bad.
rsoonsa A staggeringly corny work made with a miniscule budget, this is one of four westerns produced by deservedly little-known Yucca Pictures, and features glyphic Sunset Carson playing himself in his customary fashion, i.e., a discomposed delivery of dialogue when not sitting atop a horse - which he does with surety - the plot presenting Al Terry as Bob Ward (listed as Wade in the titular credits) seeking to avenge the murder of his father, apparently the work of the eponymous hero. Filmed in colour, uncommon for the period and genre, the movie is cumbered by pitiable production values, as well as possibly the most embarrassingly poor stunt work to be found in a professional effort, yet includes in its cast some capable character actors, including a winsome Pat Starling whose clear soprano graces a duet with Terry, and a viewer must be glad indeed that several musical novelty numbers are presented featuring gifted fiddler Buddy McDowell.
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