Sun Dogs
Sun Dogs
| 18 June 2017 (USA)
Sun Dogs Trailers

A man eager to serve his country but rejected by the Marines pairs up with a young runaway to form an unlikely team on a misguided adventure.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
srdjan_veljkovic In general, movie is OK. It's decently acted, directed, story is OK, deals with real people having real issues.But, even though one of the presumably main "messages" of the movie is that everybody needs a purpose (in life), the movie doesn't seem to have one. Sure, one could argue is that the purpose of the movie is to inform you that everybody needs a purpose... but that's very, very weak.It seems to have a well known problem of first-time directors, especially established actors. Director seems to care more about "not screwing up" and "doing a professional job" (to overcome some objections like "this actress thinks she can direct"), then the movie itself. She just lets the story go its way, but, while such things can work well in books, they rarely work so well in movies.The thing is, by the end the mentally challenged guy hasn't really found a purpose. As his surrogate father points out, going around the bridge trying to find out who wants to jump and prevent them, isn't a real job. Without some support system, he's bound to either screw up (make someone jump who actually didn't really want to) or simply fail and get depressed again, wearing the mascot head for weeks. Maybe Tally could have helped him to find some group that actually provides such a support system - after all, she is Supergirl ;) and San Francisco is a big city. Not sure that 's the best ending to the story, but it's certainly _an_ ending.Bottom line, if you like Jennifer Morrison or some of the actors of this movie, it's an OK watch, sort of like having a chat with some friends. Otherwise, skip this.
dansview Most films I see have some kind of hidden Left Wing political message to drive home. I thought this one was trying to say that the terrorist threat is mostly in the imagination of mentally challenged people. Or that we shouldn't racially profile middle easterners.But I don't know for sure that it was. It may have been showing that while defeating terrorism is a noble cause, it wasn't the appropriate calling for this particular guy. I loved how despite his obsession with a military calling and his personal challenges, he was sharp enough to listen and perceive wisdom from others and change course without losing ultimate purpose. For example when he hears a story about people who jump from a bridge. He didn't forget it.As others have said, almost every character in this one is a genuinely decent person. They all have their challenges and flaws, but they are attracted to doing good. That makes for a unique movie-watching experience. I also love that it doesn't turn into a coming-of-age sex story. That was obviously a temptation. No, it stays true to the character, whose goal is to help people and make a difference, not to conquer rites of missed rites of passage.It avoids music-manipulation, sentimentality, and clichéd characters. It also explores multiple people's goals, beyond those of the protagonist. Most importantly, all of them are influenced by each other.
steveo122 To take such a subject and successfully walk the fine line all the way from 'endearing' to 'heartwarming' without once raising my cynical hackles, is an accomplishment. Like stepping into a wading pool and finding out it has a deep end. Good production; good script; good performances, though the lead actress never quite convinced me that she was as 'dim' as the role called for. A mere quibble.
gensbill This movie is funny, sweet, sad, happy, and uniquely pleasing, as life can be at its best. Two thirds of the way through the film I found myself hoping the movie would have a happy ending, not just for Ned, but for Tally. They were just two people the world had passed by and forgotten; the deserved it.It's nice to root for nice people. It's nice to see nice people get nice things in life.You don't need a full deck to have a good hand or to lend a hand -- anyone can save lives. It's a nice movie, well worth the time.