Alex & the List
Alex & the List
| 04 May 2018 (USA)
Alex & the List Trailers

Alex, a lovable, unassuming dog trainer is in love with a great woman - Katherine - smart, talented, from a good family. Katherine adores Alex's quirky sense of humor, honesty and capacity to listen. Having decided to pop the question, Alex is blindsided when Katherine produces a detailed list of well-thought-out "improvements" she feels will tweak Alex on their way to becoming the ideal couple. Alex instinctively rejects the suggestion that he needs to change anything. But with the threat of a new competitor, Alex decides to "do the list." Guided by a coterie of friends that include: Dave, Alex's loyal childhood buddy, best female friend Lily, her husband Michael, and their 8 year old son, Nicky, Alex's journey has him reconsider and question his beliefs, values and world.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
writeguyr Here we go again with the homely nerd dating the gorgeous female in the film. This time it is Patrick Fugit as the nerdy Alex dating Katherine played by the very gorgeous Jennifer Morrison. These kind of films should be classified as fantasy films, not romantic comedies. Come on Hollywood!! There is no way on this Earth that a drop dead gorgeous woman like Katherine would ever date a nerdy guy like Alex! In all of my years going to sporting events at auditoriums at theaters on the streets. I have never seen a nerdy looking guy like Alex walking hand in hand with a beautiful woman like Katherine. The only exception would be if the nerdy guy is very rich and or famous. Now the other factor in this film, Alex has a low paying job as a dog trainer and walker, a job that has no future. WHY would a beautiful woman like Katherine even think of having a relationship with a nerdy guy like Alex?!! Makes no sense!! But Hollywood drums up these redundant fantasy films. Like "Revenge of the Nerds" and its sequel films, where the nerds all win the beautiful girls in the films. And the most ridiculous film "Knocked Up" where a fatter and nerdy looking goofy looking Seth Rogen's character has sex with an amazing fantastic gorgeous looking Katherine Heigl's character and he gets her pregnant.?!! The redundant premise of this film story is that Heigl's character can't get a date because she is thirty something, and all the guys at a disco club don't want to ask her for a date or dance because they are young twenty year old pups. That is sooooo STUPID!!!! So she is desperate and dances and goes home with a fat ugly Seth Rogen's character. Has sex with him a and gets pregnant. That is soooo unreal!! Katherine in "Alex and the List" Has the chance to date and marry a rich handsome Italian man, yet she chooses the nerdy Alex over him?!!??!! Katherine gives Alex a list of changes that he must do in order for him to look better to be by her side and then marry her. The list contains things like for him to whiten his teeth, convert to the Jewish faith that she is. Get interested in sports so her father will like him better. Ahhhhh why didn't Katherine put on the top of list for Alex to have plastic surgery done on his nerdy face?!! But she just puts on the list whiten your teeth? Also on the list should have been. Alex you bum get a better high paying job if you want to date me Dude!!!
pkpera Funny moments were really rare, same is with dialogs. Since it is described in storyline, and visible well on movie poster, I will not spoil if say that only reasonable reaction, what can normal man do when gets such list is rejection, even break. What is done actually, but after it we have more than 1 hour of pretty much surreal human behavior and even characters. That pseudo Italian guy - come on. There is no parent who wanted such idiot for his daughter. Acting was actually good. Karen Gillan is now on top, it's sure. But not sure she will be proud with this movie. Actually, her character was only one, what could be considered as realistic, normal human behaving, despite was presented as some quirky one. Irony ? Indeed, there was some irony in all this. The reason for low ratings is in story, bleak main character, and for sure in some plot holes. And mostly because the ending. First stage of ending was little over top. Not romance at all. Then very-very finale ... Hmm that reminded me on movie with Diane Lane and those four legged creatures :-) Yes, happiness has different ways, money is certainly not it, nor white toots. Writers were happy with what they done, I guess. Most of people not, it seems. This was better watchable than my rating of 4 suggests. But I was really disappointed by story development and ending - no, it is not unhappy ending, just to say it. What genre was it, really ? "You, the viewer have too much time, and you are not much smart. We did good job teaching and amusing you." Actors and we deserve better.
adonis98-743-186503 Alex, a lovable, unassuming dog trainer is in love with a great woman - Katherine - smart, talented, from a good family. Katherine adores Alex's quirky sense of humor, honesty and capacity to listen. Alex & The List starts Once Upon a Time's Jennifer Morrison and Avengers: Infinity War star Karen Gillan so except some solid acting perfomances from this 2 this film was a complete mess with terrible chemistry between the 2 leads and an even worse story that went on and on for almost and i mean almost 2 hours. The overall concept could have worked if there was a bit of an effort but instead we got this and it's not good. (3/10)
Jk2389 I tried looking for it on YouTube and Amazon. How big of a role did Lesley Ann Down have in rhe film? I really miss the message boards they took away on the site You could have discussions about the story and get other people's point of view. Or ask questions if you didn't understand something. I am basically trying to make this review long enough so it will allow me to post my question on the site. IMDB you should bring back the message boards. Apparently I am going to have to write the Bible for this post to make an appearance. Really IMDB THIS IS RIDICULOUS .