Sugar Hill
Sugar Hill
PG | 01 February 1974 (USA)
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When her boyfriend is brutally murdered, after refusing to be shaken down by the local gangsters running their protection racket, Sugar Hill, decides not to get mad, but BAD! Calling upon the help of aged voodoo queen Mama Maitresse, Sugar entreats her to call upon Baron Zamedi, the Lord of the Dead, for help in gaining a gruesome revenge. In exchange for her soul, the Dark Master raises up a zombie army to do her bidding. The bad guys who thought they were getting away clean are about to find out that they're DEAD wrong.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
morrison-dylan-fan When I recently saw someone on the IMDb Horror Board writing about a fun 1970's Zombie film that they had recently gotten hold of ,which was a blend of horror,avenging Femme Fatale and Blaxploitation.I felt that this would be the perfect film to watch,for an introduction to the Blaxploitation genre,which I have heard about in interviews with such film makers as Quentin Tarantino over the years. The plot:Since she has started dating a successful night club owner named Langston,Diane "Sugar" Hill has been imagining that for the next few years she and Langston can live happily together,whilst continuing to build on the success of the night club.Due to the increasing popularity of the night club,some local gangsters start to get very interested in getting their hands on the club,in anyway possible.Due to not wanting the bad influence of the gangsters to enter the club,Langston tells them that the only way they will even get the slightest chance to get their hands on the club,would be over his dead body.After having become infuriated with Langston reply,the gangsters beat him up,until he is dead.When Sugar Hill finds out that the man she has loved her whole life has been killed,Hill realises that she must do everything possible,to make sure that the gangsters never get their hands on the night club.This leads Sugar to thinking that she has to try and match the firepower of the gangsters.Sugar then decides to go and visit her Voodoo practising mother,who,from feeling the anger and the fuel for vengeance inside her daughter,Hills mother offers her something that none of the gangsters will ever see coming:an army of the living dead...View on the film:For his last ever screenplay,writer Tim Kelly does a very entertaining mix of multiple genres,which helps to make the film lively for the whole of its running time,with the mix of Blaxploitation, action scenes,a terrific Femme Fatale and a suitable light horror touch giving the movie some real voodoo magic.With the Voodoo Zombies,make up artist Hank Edds (who would next do make up work for Chinatown) sadly makes all of the Zombies eyes look like huge silver golf balls!,which disappointingly leads to each of the Zombies not being that distinctive from each other. From the moment she appears in the film,dressed in a head-turning green outfit Marki Bey becomes the centrepiece of the film,with Bey sizzling in every scene and impressively being able to handle the glamorous soft side, and also show her ultra-tough fighting aggressive side of Diane "Sugar Hill.Final view on the film:A very entertaining genre mash- up,with a shining,sassy performance from the beautiful Marki Bey.
rstaylo-1 i am looking for a copy of this really weird movie have not seen it since 1980. i enjoyed the filmm and remember it at the drive in i so wanted a copy but have not been able to find one if anyone knows where i can find one let me know. the actors play it so well and i do love baron samedi and all the zombies and those who are victims its like watch what you do or else. i was wondering why they did not make another but with a different twist on the subject . everybody keeps making remakes and it is getting depressing. those who agree please raise you voice or no one will hear it. thats all i have to say on the subject.
sonya90028 Marki Bey stars as a foxy lady, named Diana "Sugar" Hill. Her handsome prince fiancé, Langston, owns a Voodoo-themed night club in the deep south. The club is so successful, that the local mobster, Mr. Morgan, wants to pressure Langston into selling the club to him. When Langston refuses, Morgan's thugs beat Langston to death, in the parking lot of the club.Consumed with anguish and thoughts of vengeance, Sugar decides to take matters into her own hands. She seeks out an elderly Voodoo priestess, named Mama Maitresse. Sugar explains to her, that she needs Mama's help, via her Voodoo powers. Mama Maitresse conjures up the ruler of the dead, Baron Zamedi. He then summons an army of Zombies, who were all former slaves, to help Sugar dispatch Langston's killers, one-by-one.Marki Bey can certainly compete in the looks department, with that other 70s Blaxploitation goddess, Pam Grier. Ms. Bey is completely convincing as the grief-stricken Sugar, who is determined to settle the score with Morgan and his henchmen. Robert Quarry's performance as the suave yet vicious Morgan, is pulled-off well. But it's not Quarry's most compelling role. He was much more charismatic, in his past performances in his Vampire films. So if you're a Robert Quarry fan, be forewarned that he doesn't shine that brightly, in this film.Betty Anne Rees plays Morgan's racist, sex-starved girlfriend, Celeste. Betty Anne has a natural talent for portraying licentious, dangerous characters, with malicious intent. Her wicked-looking, gleaming gray eyes, make your blood run cold. Celeste is a particularly vile character, and Sugar exacts exquisitely appropriate revenge on her, in this film. Viewers will be cheering at Celeste's utter comeuppance, orchestrated by Sugar and the zombies.Don Pedro Colley as Baron Samedi, gives an over-the-top performance. Don really chews-up the scenery, emoting like mad. You can tell that he really enjoys his role, as Baron Samedi. The other actors give mostly wooden performances. Especially Richard Lawson's portrayal of Valentine, the cop who was also Sugar's former love interest.Like virtually all the films of the Blaxploitation genre, Sugar Hill's main thrust is revenge. Only a tiny handful of 70s Blaxploitation films, worked horror into their plot-lines. Of those, Sugar Hill stands out from the rest of the bunch. For fans of 70s Blaxploitation films, Sugar Hill delivers the goods.
aguy1 A good exploitation film that mixes the usual elements with voodoo and zombies. It was actually surprisingly light on the gore and violence and had zero nudity, but the story and the characters were interesting enough. The "eye" effects for the zombies made them stand out from other movies.Baron Samedi almost stole the show from the beautiful Marki Bey . . . almost.The grandmother from the Jeffersons, Charles Robinson from Night Court, Robert Quarry from Count Yorga and Richard Lawson (father of Bianca Lawson from Buffy-TVS) all star.