R | 22 February 2011 (USA)
Stripperland Trailers

Fleeing the wrath of man-eating vixens who've taken over the world, a ragtag caravan of refugees makes its way across the country to the relative safety of the West Coast. But en route, they're attacked by unrelenting waves of starving strippers. If looks could kill ... well, let's just hope they can't.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Michael Ledo This film is a spoof on "Zombieland." If you have never seen "Zombieland" the enjoyment value of this film will be greatly diminished. Like "Zombieland" this feature has our two heroes travel across the country and are later joined by two women. Their eventual goal is to go to Portland, Oregon (ground zero for strippers) and seek out Granmbo (Linnea Quigley). Benjamin Sheppard is our Jesse Eisenberg, Jamison Challeen is our Woody Harrelson.In addition to spoofing "Zombieland," this film smartly satirizes the relationship between men and strippers and unreal expectations that mankind shares.There is plenty of Troma style blood and guts. The extras show a bunch of women immensely enjoying making this film. This is a fun film to watch, especially right after "Zombieland."Parental Guide: F-bomb, No sex. Some nudity, but not as much as one would expect from the title.
Hellmant 'STRIPPERLAND': Three Stars (Out of Five) Another spoof of a spoof! 'STRIPPERLAND' is a very low budget ($500,000) spoof on 'ZOMBIELAND'. The premise is basically the same as 'ZOMBIELAND' except instead the world has been taken over by zombie strippers, rather than just regular zombies. It was co-written (with Brad McCray, Shawn Justice and Tyler Benjamin) and directed by Sean Skelding and features a cast of mostly unknowns (with the exception of a few brief cameos by the likes of Daniel Baldwin, Boyd Banks and Lloyd Kaufman). The movie is pretty bad but it does have some good laughs, nice performances and a few decent zombie scenes.The story revolves around a young man (Ben Sheppard) who's managed to survive in a post-apocalyptic future due to his book of rules of course. He explains to the viewers, as the movie opens, that a virus caused most of the world's female population to turn into zombie strippers, which began feeding on everyone else (although they're unlike any other movie zombies being that they can be killed by any shot to the body and not just one to the head!). Very early on the young man hooks up with a tough loner (Jamison Challeen) passing through town and the two give each other the nicknames Idaho and Frisco. They then team up with two young women (Maren McGuire and Ileana Herrin) and the four make a plan to head to Portland, Or, the stripper capitol of the world (and there are continuous jokes about how many strippers and strip clubs there are in Oregon)! The filmmaker Sean Skelding also helmed the movie 'I AM VIRGIN' in 2010, which is a low budget spoof on 'I AM LEGEND'. That makes a lot more sense to me! Spoofing a serious action / horror film like 'I AM LEGEND' and making it about the last living man (a virgin) in a world of sex-crazed vampires is a pretty good idea (although I've heard the movie is horrible) but spoofing an already very clever spoof like 'ZOMBIELAND' makes no sense. It is better than other spoofs of spoofs like 'SCARY MOVIE' or 'THE 41-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN' but it's still pretty bad. An argument can be made that it's 'so bad it's good' though. Like I said it's saving grace is a few good jokes, some nice performances and some cool zombie actions scenes (if you're a die-hard fan of zombie movies). Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at:
BA_Harrison There's very little to be gained from parodying a film that was essentially a parody in the first place, which is why Stripperland, a pitiful, cheap-assed send up of Zombieland, screams blatant cash-in rather than inventive spoof.Strip away (pun intended) the dumb gimmick of a world over-run by all-female, sluttily dressed undead, and this IS Zombieland, minus the budget, the decent cast, the cool effects, the witty script, the amusing star cameo, and anything else you can think of that made that particular film such a blast.What little genuine originality director Sean Skelding does bring to the table is imbecilic in the extreme, and includes such excruciatingly bad ideas as Linnea Quigley leading an army of OAP zombie killers, Thom Bray as a mad doctor intent of turning the zombies into obedient 'retro-wives', and Daniel Baldwin as rapper Double D performing to a crowd of scantily clad, dancing corpses in order to keep them from eating him!The film's only saving graces are hotties Maren McGuire and Ileana Herrin as sisters Virginia and West, both of whom look great in next to nothing (shame then that for most of the film they remain completely clothed!) plus some enthusiastic old-school splatter (shame also then that the film relies so heavily on crap CGI for many of its effects!).
GradyD This review will be short.About the movie, it is basically a parody of Zombieland but this time the zombies are strippers. It is all in all a good movie with crude humor, nudity, a lot of blood and gore, weird dialogs and some bad acting. It has the same concept, the same search for Twinkie (not exactly Twinkie), the same search for lost family, the same SUV and the same four characters.If you are only interested in having many laughs with a little or no sense then this movie is for you. I liked this movie because it is sometimes fun to watch pointless movies when you need a change.