Striking Poses
Striking Poses
R | 27 April 1999 (USA)
Striking Poses Trailers

When a beautiful paparazzo for a tabloid magazine finds herself pursued by a ruthless stalker, she is determined to emerge from this deadly game alive, and independently wealthy.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
whatshisfacesoutpost For a TV movie this was absolutely marvelous! I see someone found it was confusing, and I can understand that if you have no more than a fifth grade education. It does drag you around a little bit running here and there changing how you figure the outcome of the movie is going to be. The ending is absolutely fantastic and takes you completely by surprise. Having a higher IQ than most people it is hard for me to truly enjoy most movies as I usually have it figured out at least halfway through what the end is going to be! This one here I had no idea what was going to happen right up to the end of the movie. Just when I thought everything was done, what a finish! Absolutely a movie that would keep you guessing, never a dull moment! I highly recommend this movie, as a matter of fact I'm going to to see if I can find it somewhere on a CD and purchase it so I can watch it anytime I feel like it! I would love to share with the rest of my family.
David, Film Freak Well, as far as TV movie thrillers go (and that's not very far), this is as good as they come.Shannen Doherty plays a photographer on the wrong side of the lens as she is stalked everywhere she goes and is caught up in a web of lies, deceit and murders.Not bad at all - fast paced and action-packed - just what I like!
wheels-2 criticism. If a film is simple and easy to figure out, it is condemned. If the plot has lots of twists and turns then it is condemned for being "too complicated". I found it to be quite intriguing. Perhaps if it had an overpaid, overrated and established "STAR" such as a Roberts or a Ryan it would have more industry backing and been treated more kindly.
jjw8 An obviously cheap Canadian production but not too bad for what it is. The plot moves along convincingly but the worst things here are the "acting" of Shannen Doherty and Joseph Griffin who both show as much emotion as a pair of zombies. David Mamet's "The Spanish Prisoner" is a much better variation on this theme.