Strange Frame: Love & Sax
Strange Frame: Love & Sax
NR | 01 March 2013 (USA)
Strange Frame: Love & Sax Trailers

28th century, 200 years after the Great Earth Exodus. Naia, a feisty, young singer/songwriter, falls in love with the beautiful saxophonist Parker in Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. The two form a band - and now they have to not only make it as musicians but also to fight for their freedom. Dramatically rendered in rich, hand drawn animation, Strange Frame brings us into a world of space pirates, indentured slaves and genetic mutations - infused with music throughout, to create a dreamlike tale unlike anything you've ever seen

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Martin Ninov This movie is weird. There isn't anything exceptionally special or specifically noteworthy. The animation is... I wouldn't go so far as to call it ugly, but it is very distinctive. The plot is a mish-mash of tropes stitched together in a not altogether seamless fashion. Some of the dialogue is pretty cheesy.And yet... for about a billion different little reasons it just worked for me. The world they built, that reminded me of Cowboy Bebop and Farscape and Asimov, the music that was atmospheric and provided a perfect backdrop to the visuals(and they even managed to sneak in some Pink Floyd), the aesthetic that reminds of noir and Myst and turn of the century video game cinematics, the unconventional characters, which are totally how I imagine the future will be, the voice cast, that features so many familiar voices that do their job expertly(seriously - you've heard or seen all of them from somewhere - be that a Saturday morning cartoon, a cult-classic game or favourite fantasy/sci-fi show, or a ton of other awesome pieces of media you'd be surprised they were in).When you are in a certain frame of mind all of these things just click together in some uncanny way that makes the entire movie pretty amazing. I doubt there are 2 people on Earth that will experience it the same way. So make of it what you will, but if you enjoy any of the above you'll probably enjoy this movie too.
wondernat For fans of Frank Herbert's "Dune," Aeon Flux (to a degree), "Across the Universe" (the musical, and up to the part it started to drag), and "Triplets of Belleville," I recommend this movie.It takes place in a netherworld (or our world) future, 7 centuries down the line, and I thought of "Dune" in that there's a new system in place for all inhabitants.I thought of "Across the Universe" because of its use of music to disjointedly establish the events leading up to the climax. Next, I was reminded of "Triplets of Belleville" because of its use of visuals (sans sound) to construct the mood of the scene. There is some Aeon Flux-ish stuff in there, but not too much; Aeon Flux fans are warned. Just some scenes for you to remember those late nights watching MTV to catch an episode before the hour was run out.In all, I believe this movie was such a fantastic artistic feat, I am not sure whether calling it an "LGBT movie" does it any justice. Rather, I found it was a very ambitious animated movie project that worked very well.
zetes This trippy animated feature brings to mind stuff like Fantastic Planet and Heavy Metal, and I imagine lots of drugs will be done while watching it. I don't partake, but I enjoyed the mindbendingness unaltered plenty. The animation style is simple but beautiful. It's pretty difficult to describe, but the trailer can be watched on IMDb or Youtube. It's a lesbian love story between a saxophonist and a singer/guitar player who live on the moons of Jupiter in the 28th Century. The singer, Naia, is targeted by evil record producers, and her lover, Parker, is left out in the cold trying to figure out how to win her love back. The story isn't entirely coherent, but no matter. It's a rich visual and aural experience that left me breathless. It streams on Netflix and is highly recommended.
suite92 Naia is a singer, Parker a saxophone player. They made good music together until they encountered Dorlan Mig, who drugged both of them. He threw out Parker, and denied her access to Naia.Parker barely manages to keep her best saxophones. She eventually meets Grenman, the all-around fix-it man on a space ship. This gives her a safe home and friends. However, the ship's on-board AI is going psycho, and is sabotaging the ship.It's the late 28th century, and humanity lives mostly off Earth: Mars, the Jovian satellites, large asteroids, and places further out, rather like in Cowboy Bebop. There is a war among the various planets, satellites, space stations, and asteroids. AI and robotics are enormously further along than on 21st century Earth.Parker sells one of her saxes to help pay the bills on Grenman's ship. She investigates her former band. She takes the bass of the player Atem, who abandoned it and his clothes. Parker promises to give the bass to Atem if she finds him. She meets Chat, another band member, and tries to figure what Dorlan did with Naia.She attends one of Naia's current shows, takes recordings, feels the singing with her singer's sense.. Parker becomes quarter owner of the ship, and the crew sets about to help her to kidnap the 'fake' Naia.Will Parker succeed in rescuing the real Naia? Will the captain succeed in regaining complete control of his ship from the AI? Will Dorlan get his just reward? -------Scores--------Art: 4/10 Terrible. Ugly. An assault on the eyes. A festival of hideous images.Sound: 10/10 Voices and incidental music were fine.Voicing: 10/10 Claudia Black was brilliant, Ron Glass excellent.Screenplay: 10/10 A touching and inventive story set in the Cowboy Bebop like future environment.