Stormy Monday
Stormy Monday
R | 01 May 1988 (USA)
Stormy Monday Trailers

When a corrupt American businessman tries to strong arm his way into businesses in Newcastle, England, he is thwarted by a club attendant and his waitress girlfriend.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Rainey Dawn I was 16 in 1988. I do remember seeing this film and falling for Sean Bean. I kept away from him and his movies for a few years and recently have started collecting his movies - I had to have this gem in my collection. Will Sean Bean live? You'll have to watch the film - I won't give spoil the fun. The movie is well worth watching if you are into film-noir. It's one of the better crime films to come out of the 1980s. Good to see this one again all these years later. 9/10
John Moore I enjoyed this 90-minute movie. Although its plot was pretty basic and the acting not the best, I really loved the setting and imagery of a late 80s northern English seaport. You feel the decay of English manufacturing and a sense of being adrift and lonely; the American/English angle was well-done and fits the Reagan-Thatcher years. The soundtrack also matches the mood, at first being smooth, then irritated, and then chaotic. The couple were easy to root for, especially Sean Bean - who I'd like to have a little more backstory for.Normally, a movie like this would get 5 or 6 out of 10, but that well- done atmosphere makes this good.
johnny-08 I like to watch movies around this year (1988.) cause then noir movies were more represented then today. Actually I don't remember the last time I saw some new made noir movie. Well, Figgis made "Stormy Monday" in 1988. and this movie has lots of pluses from my point of view today. Great actors, excellent music and of course slow happening of the movie.Tommy Lee Jones and Sting were superb. From Tommy I always expect that, but Sting surprised me as Finney, owner of the "Key" club. He is really confident and cool in his role. Really a must see for all Sting fans. Griffith and Bean are solid in their roles.My only negative things were love story of Griffith and Bean, which is a little bit fast and not very convincing, and the ending. I would end this movie on a different way (maybe with few more scenes right after Andrej's death), but that is only my opinion.But put all the negative things aside and you get truly great film noir with all its qualities. Really good experience for me and I recommend it to everyone who likes this kind of movies.
tedg Mike Figgis interests me. He's made three films that I consider quite worthwhile: "Timecode," "Innocence," and "Liebstraum."The others aren't bad, just not worth the energy if you consider them as films. But I don't.I consider them visual backdrop for his music. He's sometimes a musician first and a filmmaker second. There are other filmmakers who score their own movies, but this guy:— is actually pretty darn good jazz musician— has a musical imagination which sometimes you can seeThis makes even this ordinary event interesting in a way. Here's the story: Sting plays a jazz club owner threatened by an oafish American played by Tommy Lee. Two creatures caught up in the wake are a janitor working for Sting and a prostitute working for Jones. Not much happens visually. Not much happens storywise or even characterwise.And the thing has been criticized for poor editing. But look more closely and see that the editing has the timing of the jazz riffs that often accompany the scenes and in any case defines the chunking metrics of space we see.Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.