R | 11 February 2014 (USA)
Stitch Trailers

Stitch follows the story of grieving parents as they cope with the loss of their young daughter. At the height of their desperation, they turn to their best friends for healing advice, who lead them into the deep desert for a weekend ritual meant to burn away emotional baggage. Unfortunately the amateur ritual goes awry, and cosmic forces are unleashed, revealing something sinister ravaging each person with a progression of gruesome, medieval surgical scars. As the stitches rip skin and tear apart relationships, a battle for survival ensues, forcing the couples to come to terms with loss, betrayal, love, and hope.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Leofwine_draca STITCH is a usual very low budget horror film about a pair of grieving parents who head off to the archetypal spooky old house in the desert to engage in a 'cleansing' ritual to rid themselves of bad vibes. It's most notable for starring former child star Edward Furlong, of TERMINATOR 2 fame, in the lead role. I've always liked Furlong due to his role in the Schwarzenegger film alone and as I'm the same age as him I tend to identify with him as the years go by. He's been stuck in B-movie limbo for decades now but he gives a solid performance here and is believable as the tired, grieving old father. The rest of the movie is a mish-mash of familiar themes, with some very dodgy CGI effects and plenty of predictability. It does close on a relatively bloody climax, however.
pmaynard I am going to go out on a limb and give this film 4 1/2 *'s for originality and the story line. Yes, there are what some would call "cheesy" special effects but I believe they were done on purpose having nothing to do with budget. Most of the movie the characters are in a dream state and if you have ever had a dream the effects are cheesy, aren't they?! Anyway, in this film it is the story that is important here not the special effects. And nor does this movie have big stars,although Edward Furlong was well know from the Terminator movie, they are just actors that have all brought something to the table here.I personally liked the film. I also liked the music. It is a film that has to be watched in its entirety or you may miss something!.
mark-179-360743 I've seen every horror / slasher flick going, and there hasn't been a lot of innovation for a long time - most are incredibly formulaic. I genuinely see this movie as genre redefining, and was far away from any cliché I was expecting. Yes, some of the non-gore FX are clearly low budget, although they don't detract from the film, but the script, story, direction and acting are all excellent. The film is genuinely creepy, it keeps you guessing right until the end - when even after a few truly impressive twists, the film maintains intelligence, creative direction and - most importantly - scariness. It feels a lot like Phantasm (always a plus in my book), but more polished - but that classic creepy, weird "high-quality" 80's horror flick with great twists, morals etc. are way better than the 5.4 average rating I see at the moment. A solid 8+ higher if you love the genre. I'm an ex-pro movie-journo, I'm not giving this bonuses as a fanboy or anyone tied to the production - it really is clever, really creepy and really well acted and directed throughout. Spooky stuff.
metanon I've seen Stitch three times now. Not because I love it (but I now definitely like it).First time I watched it because I was at a friend's house and he forced me to. He loves horror movies, b-movies, weird movies and we hang out so I end up seeing a lot of junk. Was expecting Stitch to be awful but I actually thought it was okay. But nothing to write home about. So that was that.Then my friend told my girlfriend about it and she insisted on seeing it too. So a week later, I have to sit through it a second time with her.SPOILERS AHEAD.It was on this second viewing that I noticed something really weird. The first time we see a demonic entity, there is a large HUMAN EYE that appears in a window to the right of the entity. It's just there for a fraction of a second! So a day later I watched this movie very carefully for a THIRD TIME by myself and I see that there are "easter eggs" (story clues) sprinkled throughout! Never even noticed any of that on the first viewing. All the clues ultimately link back to a video game played by the dead daughter and to an operation she has at the end of the film. I won't spoil the rest of the clues. But they all makes sense. The story makes total sense. Kind of got me excited that stuff like that would be in a movie and go completely over my head until I looked closer.The first time I watched it, I thought the plot was just some throwaway horror with some decent scares. But there's a really interesting story here dealing with memories, dreams, emotions and how people live inside traumatic illusions. So I definitely like Stitch now. A lot. I can't bring myself to love it because Ed Furlong's in it and he's such a loser in real life. If they had another actor maybe I would love it.I recommend it though. I'm a sucker for movies that add in layers of clues. Mulholland Drive and The Usual Suspects are two of my favorites for that reason, though they are both very different kinds of movies than this one.