Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming
Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming
R | 11 August 2007 (USA)
Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming Trailers

A soldier returns home from the Iraq war only to be haunted by visions of the dead.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
gamay9 Film producers continue to criticize the Veteran's Administration but only a scant few have come up short. I live in Wisconsin. We have a clinic in Appleton, which is outstanding. There are no wait times, the doctors, nurses, therapists and staff are all very professional. They offer classes for pain management and other issues, even though the veterans may have not had military-related health issues. I get a vision check-up annually and if I need new glasses, they are free, as is everything else except medications, which are nominal. If I need more acute care, I go to the oldest and best VA hospital in the country, in Milwaukee, by van, 100 miles away at no charge and the drivers are volunteers. We also have a VA hospital and long-term facility in Tomah, Wisconsin, which is splendid. It has a golf course, fishing pond and a gym that outdoes Vic Tanny, along with a basketball court with hardwood floors and glass backboards.Not all VA's are the same. They are independently operated and I'm lucky to be in a state with the best of the best. I'll take the cold weather v Phoenix.As for the film - who cares? It's beneath Rob Lowe's qualifications as an actor. I turned it off when the VA turned him down.
abominablebro I was never really sure why people didn't like this move as much as the first. I was really impressed with the way this film was made. the plot is very similar to the first and just as entertaining. Another thing that I should mention is that this sequel is much scarier and creepier than the first one. The ending was not the best of the best but it was acceptable for the situation. The acting was just fantastic and most of the scenes were played out very well and quite believable. When the movie was over I almost immediately wanted to see it again. Not much to dislike about this sequel, unless you're not a big fan of tragic endings, but overall a very good sequel and great way to get some good scares.
das417 When coming across a direct to DVD sequel of a mainstream horror or sci fi movie movie, usually one cannot be blamed for staying away. The rental stores are full of such sequels that are abysmal due to poor acting, poor special effects, and most of all poor directing. One will both waste their time and their money trying to enjoy such nonsense.Imagine the surprise when Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming, yes a sequel to a mainstream horror movie, proves itself to be a surprisingly intelligent thriller. The Homecoming won't win any awards but it does hold its own and is able to give a convincing story.Captain Ted Cogan (Rob Lowe) holds himself responsible for the death of an Iraqi family during his tour of duty. Like many veterans, Ted only wants to return home to his family and forget the war so that he can go back to the life he once knew. The problem is that such memories never fade easily and home is never the same once you have been gone for so long. Ted's wife Molly (Marnie McPhail) and son Max (Ben Lewis) find that the husband and father they once knew is a different man.However, something else haunts Ted. A series of graphic images of those who died in Iraq, including strange visions of what appear to be the future, stalk Ted. While he believes it to be mere post traumatic stress disorder, it soon becomes clear that something else is going on and that Ted is facing a different kind of ghost then he expected. While his family falls apart around him, Ted realizes that if he is to keep his sanity then he needs to solve the mystery of what is happening.Much like the previous Stir of Echoes, a spirit demands vengeance and unless that vengeance is fulfilled then that spirit will take its anger out on whoever it can reach. The truth, however, is more horrific than even Ted could imagine and will force him to make the most difficult choice in his life. The ghost isn't one that followed him from Iraq. The truth is that the ghost wants vengeance against Max for a crime he committed......Stir of Echoes Homecoming doesn't rely on gore to push the horror that Ted is experiencing. Instead it uses dialog and mood setting to give the feeling of Ted's isolation and confusion. Not the best movie but it is a good sequel that shows the original idea of Stir of Echoes is still interesting.7/10
dogs0ldiers678 This movie was exceptionally well done for a Sci-Fi original movie, and in my opinion a very controversial one as well, considering the fact it deals with the current war in Iraq.To begin with a man named Ted Cogan (rob lowe) and other soldiers kill a van full of people in Iraq creating a huge conflict, thus sending Ted and his men back home. When he arrives back to his house he starts seeing visions of the victims that were killed in the van. Finally, when all his buttons have been pushed Ted decides to try and find out why this is happening to him and what all the symbolic occurrences taking place really mean.Now, here's the part that I found rather controversial, upsetting and at the same time sickening. I am myself an American, but during the part when Ted's son and two other of his friends kill what they believe to be an Iraqi citizen in the country side I felt ashamed to call myself American. Although people may think that this doesn't happen, it does. Maybe what bothered me about this scene the most was the brutality behind the murder. The beating, the dousing of alcohol, the setting him on fire, the locking him in a dumpster to burn so he can't get out, all of this seemed to be so hostile that I felt completely repulsed. And then there's the part of the mother, Molly. She confides in her husband that although this was horrible, she doesn't want her son to be charged with this crime and she asks her husband how they can cover it up.All and all, the movie itself was good and entertaining, it was just the last fifteen minutes or so that bothered me. People may agree with me, or may not agree with me, either way it doesn't affect me. I just wanted to voice my opinion about what I found to be a rather disturbing sequence of events in the movie I just watched.