State's Evidence
State's Evidence
R | 02 October 2004 (USA)
State's Evidence Trailers

Six high school teenagers decide to commit suicide together, but their plans soon go awry when one of them has something darker in mind as well.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Tss5078 State's Evidence is a twisted, independent film, with a weird story, and an unbelievable ending. This film moves from one extreme to the other and really threw me for a curve, but the ending is so spectacular that it truly makes the whole movie worth while. Scott Byers (Douglas Smith) plays a young man who has decided to kill himself and if that wasn't bad enough he wants to do it on video for the world to see. Byers tells his friends of his plan and claims that once you know your fate, you are truly free to be yourself and do whatever your heart really desires. Not only does his group of introverted friends buy it hook, line, and sinker, but they ultimately decide to join him. The story eventually takes an ominous turn, when one of his friends darkest desires emerge, putting the whole group at serious risk. This film had a very low budget, so low in fact, that half of the film is shot by the actors themselves, on camcorder. It was a little stranger, but made for some interesting scenes. The cast is made up mostly of young actors who have little to no big screen experience, but you would never know it, because they were terrific. Movies like this can sometimes be a bit unpredictable and the solid performances given by the cast will really have you buying into ever emotion and situation their characters are feeling. Unfortunately, it's not all good news for State's Evidence, because while the beginning was intriguing and the ending was fantastic, the middle of the movie is very slow and seems to drag on, making it a challenge to even make it to the terrific ending. Most of this film chronicles a day in the life of a group of High School rejects and it most definitely has it moments. State's Evidence features a great young cast and an ending that will blow your mind, but parts of it drag on and the film felt a lot longer than it actually was and that's never a good sign.
Gabriel Kehl Suicide is not often a subject Hollywood would take on, unless it is part of a action flick or if its done by some sort of hero to save the world.I have often found this subject to be taboo, where Hollywood makers take foreign movies, re-make them and if there is suicide in the movie, they change the story to... suit a wider audience.Growing up in todays society is not easy. Older generations might say it was not easy for them either but lets face it, todays youth are having a bit more obstacles to face. Obstacles our parents never had to worry about. How many school shootings did we have in the 60s and 70s and how much better is todays education system from back then? This movie draws us these factors and issues besides the everyday-Hollywood-teen-movie drug and alcohol issues. I think we have had plenty of that.As you may already read, this is a movie about a group of teenagers who decide to commit suicide. We are taken on a journey, where we get to know each character and the issues facing them.I really recommend this movie for everyone. This movie is very open and blunt and all though I have seen more gore in action movies this felt more real where you sometimes forget that its only a movie and not something you just downloaded form YouTube.Not for the faint hearted and deferentially for parent and educators.
mattyvintage wow i just watched this movie last night and was blown away. the premise was intriguing and when i popped the DVD into DVD player i was blown away by the story and the character. it was dark gritty and brilliant. it opened my eyes to the things around me. it tapped into the mind set of many teenagers. on some level i think all teens can relate if not with the suicide but with elements that create the characters. if its the hurt of a broken home. the enduring love for that one. this movie should be watched by all teens and parents. not only can teens relate but parents can get an insight on how hard it is to go to high school now. times have changed from when the y were in highschool. i recommend this to everyone. you are in for a real treat.
madrin I got to see this movie in the Asheville Film Festival, towards the end of 2004. The description grabbed me, guy takes a camera to school to film his last days leading up to his suicide.... What I witnessed was simply extraordinary.... I personally believe, every parent should be forced to watch this movie, because it breaks down the issues of Child Suicide and the mentality that goes along with it, and what it can cause. Being not too far removed from my teenage years, I understood things like the Columbine Masacre and other such child tragedies. This movie finally brought that into the spotlight, and if you really watched this movie, you will get a glimpse at the mind set. It ends with the perfect political statement. "I hope this wakes you up, because if this doesn't, then something else, far worse will happen that will...." My only regret, a woman got up beside me after the movie was over and said, "Well, now to try to get THAT out of my head." I should have stopped her and said, "No, don't force this from your head, because if you do, you'll be forced to relive it...we all will...." All that said, I'm almost positive that the movie will never be picked up and distributed. It is controversial on a whole nother realm, because it will make everyone see what they themselves turn a blind eye to.... And if there is one thing American's can't stand, is seeing the truth of what is in front of them....
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