State Property 2
State Property 2
R | 13 April 2005 (USA)
State Property 2 Trailers

Three gangsters vie for control of the streets of Philadelphia.

Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
itssosublime I can't say there weren't a handful of somewhat enjoyable moments in this film, most of them simple, gratuitous comedic moments. But to be brutally honest, you would have to be very easily entertained to enjoy this flick. It's kind of like the producers just took small pieces of what worked in similar films and applied them with cut & paste. The plot line is extremely pedestrian and even less discernible. This worst thing about it though is that it's a blatant exploitation of the urban Black culture. Essentially every character is a drug-dealing, gun- toting, wanna-be mafioso. The characters and their lifestyles are of course part of American society, but is there anything positive or beneficial in exploiting this stereotype? I get that it's not supposed to be "Boyz n' the Hood", but there's simply nothing here of any redeeming quality. This has nothing to do with the color of the actors, simply the fact that the movie is a huge waste of time and completely intellectually devoid. It's a prime example of why most musicians should never think of crossing over into the realm of acting, unless of course they're simply making the movie for their own personal amusement. Otherwise, leave it to the professionals, please. 4/4
jtindahouse This movie moves way to fast to keep up with what's going on. It doesn't help either that sometimes it's impossible to understand what the characters are saying. It almost feels like there should be subtitles down the bottom. Basically, as far as I can tell anyway, the story moves from one character to another and shows their involvement in the overall plot. Then at the end it tries to explain itself, but by then the audience is already so lost as to what's going on that it's pretty pointless anyway. It also seemed as if the writers really believed that massive shootouts in the middle of the city still happened every 5 minutes and that no one took any notice as if it was an everyday occurrence. It really seemed as if they believed those scenes to actually be possible in todays world.Not one that's going to be remembered as great by any stretch of the imagination. There isn't a type of person in existence who would enjoy this film, and that probably includes you so stay away.
dahulk Whats that song near the ending scenes, were Beans is sat down with Dame in there little mini truce, there's one song-possibly soundtrack- in the back It goes on to the ending credits as well, it was also played when Beans, ABM and Dame n his gang were battling with Nore. I have typed in various songs in Limewire, but i still cant find this particular tune anywhere. Someone must no the ending credit song, with all the Chain gang in it, Freeway, Beans, Young Gunz and possibly Sparks and Oshino. I appreciate anyone who nows of any sites which contain track listing for State Porperty 2 or any other films done by Roc-a-fella.
Heather Henderson (UrbanFilmCritic) A young film student whose dreamed of making a movie his entire life sits in his writing chair and drops his head in disgust. A rejection letter falls to the floor. The seventh one this year and it's only April. He wheels over to the computer, logs into a chat room to discuss what's wrong with Hollywood. The rent is due.A small waiting room packed with 20 or so. He stands in the corner and smiles. The others in the room don't faze him. He got a callback. All the sacrifices are finally paying off. This is his audition. He's ready. The intense method training, the workout, the teeth's his day. It's only 3 lines, but it's the happiest day of his life.A rap mogul sits by the pool. Bored with platinum records and clothing lines, he smokes a blunt and ponders his next project. "I know!" he exclaims, "We'll make a movie! All of us...well except Jigga. But all the rest of us!" A nameless groupie who normally doesn't speak interjects, "But Dame! Yaw can't act and outside of Scarface don't know much about good film-making." She stumbles on the last word realizing that it isn't her eloquence with words that keeps her around. "But if anybody can do it, you can!" She quickly recovers. He rebukes her insolence with a stare and continues," Once I get all the fellas together, N.O.R.E., Beans, Cam, Juelz, The Gunz, and my man Kanye it's ready! Lace everybody in RocaWear and State Property gear, (because the importance of saturated product placement is so much more important than a good story and can not be overstated) and just let them be themselves...well their rap images anyway! And one day, my grandkids' friends will sit and discuss with me the importance of my movie and how it impacted their lives, the same way Roots did for my Momma." The entourage sits quietly, reluctant to agree but eager to be on camera. Finally, they begin to stroke the ego of the man that picked up the tab for the last few years...and a piece of crap is made. It's an American Dream.Fans of The Roc will support the movie and may even enjoy it. However, fans of movies and just plain logic may vomit. I'm hating again, aren't I? Too extreme? I'm sorry. I'll try again. The storyline was not that bad. A little comedy mixed with a little thuggin' almost made it decent. The complication came with the editing and the ridiculous amount of extra characters. I can think of epic battle scenes that didn't have as many people in it. And every time a new character was introduced there was a stop, flashback scene and voice-over before returning to the story. It happened too many times. If you don't already know who all the rappers are, you might find yourself confused as the story progresses.And to add insult to the injuries of my feminist sympathies...The three main characters, Dame (Damon Dash), Beans (Beanie Sigel) and El Pollo Loco ( N.O.R.E.) are all three grossly overweight. But the women in the movie did not have a combined ounce of body fat between all of them. What are we saying here? The women have to be flawless, but the men get to look like big fat pigs? I've digressed. That's another discussion for another web page...