Stalked by My Doctor
Stalked by My Doctor
PG-13 | 26 December 2015 (USA)
Stalked by My Doctor Trailers

When a teenage girl is miraculously saved by a heart surgeon, the doctor begins to flirt with her. Her father doesn’t believe her and unbeknownst to all, the doctor is obsessed with the girl.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
luisriosjr-1 The Doctor is so creepy. If you are looking to invite friends over to watch a creepy movie, this is the movie to watch. The "old man" creeping on "naive pretty teen" is just so creepy that you will be screaming, yelling, and laughing "how gross!" with all your friends. The mall scene where he rubs her finger is just too much to handle. We were all so grossed out that we had to watch Stalked By My Doctor: The Return -- Part II --. All naive young teens should be required to watch this movie.
Maisy Williams I really enjoy films that have a twisted story or a dark side half way through. When i read the title i thought that this film could be a decent watch... BOY was I wrong!! The acting is very poor, especially from the main character himself. Some of the story line doesn't make sense - a cardiologist doesn't perform heart surgery. There were moments where I thought it would get better, or the acting would've improved slightly, but no. It genuinely isn't worth watching, unless you enjoy watching movies that are bizarre and easy to mock. I'm glad i never saw this in the cinema because otherwise I'd ask for a refund
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS***What seems to be a re-make of the Peter Lorre 1935 classic "Mad Love" Eric Roberts is at his creepiest best as the control freak doctor Beck who despite his skills as one of the country's top cardiologist is a total dud-Like Peter Lorre was-in making it or getting it on with the opposite sex that drives him to the point of insanity. We see right away what a Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde character Beck is when one of the dates his has, trough an on-line dating service, walks out on him after jumping the gun in asking her her to marry him bear his children and quit her job just to be with him before she barley even gets to known him! Freaking out and going crazy Beck makes a complete spectacle of himself in a crowded restaurant, trashing the place, without anyone bothering to call the police before he ends up hurting or even killing someone! Especially his terrified date who checks out of the place running for her very life with him chasing her. Back at work in the hospital Dr. Beck, doing a good deed for once, saves the life of a car accident victim 18 year old Sophie Green, Brianna Joy Comer, with his skills as a master cardiologist and sees his big chance to get her to fall in love with him, whom he's old enough to be her grand father, when she fully recovers. At first grateful for saving her life Sophie as well as her mom Adrienne Green, Deborah Zoe, soon realize that the sweet and friendly Dr. Beck has a bark side that they at first overlooked. Not only stalking Sophie wherever she goes and making a total a** of himself in doing it the completely whacked out Beck goes so far as breaking into her home and getting turned on by sleeping in her bed as well as sniffing her clothes like a bloodhound to pick up her scent or body odor! ****SPOILERS**** Despite doing a fabulous job at the hospital saving patients when he's off duty Dr. Beck stalks Sophie trying to get her to move to Mexico with him and be his bride that she's more then unwilling to do! Beck's obsession goes so far that her almost kills pain in the butt Sophie's mom by spiking her medication with penicillin, which she's allergic to, and re fracturing her boyfriend Ryan's,Carson Boatman, leg who was driving, while at the same time as well as texting, the car that she was almost got killed in that got hit by a truck! Off the wall ending with Beck kidnapping Sophie who escapes from his clutches only to show up at her funeral after Beck faked her death in a car crash that he used one of the stiffs, who was burned to a crisp, at the hospital morgue to impersonate her body. With her crippled and grieving boyfriend Rayn when seeing her gets miraculously cured and was able by throwing away his clutches run a 10 second 100 yard dash to embrace her! As for Dr. Beck after having his head battered with a golf club by Sophie does make it to Mexico to start a new life as well as romance with a sexy young Latin women there that is totally unaware of his very unusual ways of romancing and love making.
mgconlan-1 I watched a recent "world premiere" on Lifetime, "Stalked by My Doctor," which begins with an opening scene in which Dr. Albert Beck (Eric Roberts, Jr.), a basically attractive man physically but one on whom the years have not been too kind — his face has acquired a cragginess much like Ted Cassidy's makeup as Lurch the butler on the 1960's TV show "The Addams Family" — is receiving a dear-John call from his latest girlfriend, who says she no longer wants to see him because he's too maniacally controlling. He responds by getting into his car and pushing the speedometer to 115 miles per hour, until we cut to another set of characters: high-school seniors Sophie Green (Brianna Joy Chomer) and her boyfriend Ryan (Carson Boatman, who looks dorky in his introduction scene but gets better-looking as the film progresses and his character matures), both of whom — along with their friends Caitlin (Wyntergrace Williams) and her boyfriend Eddie (Devon Libran) — are obsessing about what college they'll get into. Though this movie is set in southern California (just where in Southern California is maddeningly unclear in writer-director Doug Campbell's script), for some reason Sophie has applied to, and is accepted by, Whittendale University, a key part of the fictional universe in which the films Ken Sanders' Shadowland and the Johnson Production Group make for Lifetime (yes, this takes place in the same world as "The Surrogate," "Dirty Teacher" and "Sugar Daddies"). Ryan is driving himself and Sophie when his phone rings to indicate he's got a text, and of course being an adolescent idiot he tries to receive and reply to the text without stopping the damned car — it's about how he's just been offered a soccer scholarship to USC — only the car crashes and both Ryan and Sophie suffer severe injuries. (It's unclear from Campbell's direction and Clayton Woodhull's editing whether the car they crashed into — or which crashed into them, that isn't clear either — is Dr. Beck's, though if we were meant to believe that this would be an even kinkier movie than it is.) The two young lovebirds are taken to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, where cardiac super-surgeon Dr. Beck is on duty and immediately takes charge of Sophie's case. Once he sees Sophie in the hospital room he's immediately smitten with her to the point of obsession — he even kisses her while she's under anesthesia the way McTeague did to Trina in Stroheim's "Greed" — and Sophie, who wasn't totally "under" at the time, has a dim memory of it that's the first intimation she and her parents Jim (Jon Briddell) and Barbara (a quite good avenging-angel performance by Crystal Allen) have that all's not quite "right" between the doctor and their daughter. Much of this movie really did remind me of the old joke, "What do you call a man who thinks he's God? A schizophrenic. What do you call a man who knows he's God? A doctor.""Stalked by My Doctor" — the sort of clinically accurate but, well, clinical title Lifetime seems to like to pick for its movies — just gets weirder and weirder, and the moment it slides over from overwrought thriller to total high camp is when Dr. Beck breaks into the Greens' home when he thinks no one is there so he can sneak into Sophie's bedroom, rearrange her pillows and get into her bed and presumably jack off. Only before he can do that Sophie comes home with her boyfriend Ryan, whom she briefly broke up with because she (not entirely unjustly) blamed him for her accident but with whom she's ready to kiss (and do a lot more than that!) and make up. So Ryan and Sophie have sex while the hugely important and successful cardiac surgeon watches them from his vantage point in a hall closet, then sneaks out as best as he can after Ryan leaves. As silly as this one is — other Lifetime movies have stretched the suspension of disbelief to a taffy pull; this one shatters it and makes it seem like Doug Campbell, to paraphrase the famous quote from Lewis Carroll, believes he has to write at least six impossible things before breakfast — it's got one saving grace: the full-blooded characterization written by Campbell, and vividly played by Eric Roberts, as the psycho doctor. While through much of the movie one wonders why no one at the hospital notices how crazy he is — are we supposed to believe he's so good at compartmentalization he can be a busy and professionally responsible doctor when he's working (though there's one aspect in which he's not professionally responsible: at no time during the movie, even when he's preparing for surgery or rubbing ointment into Sophie's wound, is he shown wearing medical gloves) and a bonkers S.O.B. when he isn't? — Campbell's script and direction gives Roberts the space he needs to create a relentless and truly frightening villain character whose unforgettable man-you-love-to-hate appeal projects not only the psychopathology of his personality but the arrogance that's been overlaid on it by what profession he's chosen and how good he is at it, to the point where by the end of the movie he's literally telling Sophie that, having saved her life, he now has it in his potential to take it. By all normal standards, "Stalked by My Doctor" is a perfectly terrible movie even for Lifetime, but Roberts' acting gives it a sort of irresistibility and camp appeal.