St. Peter
St. Peter
| 24 October 2005 (USA)
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Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film's first half dramatizes the New Testament's "Acts": early fear, the renewal of Pentecost, Saul's conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and the Apostles' dispersal. In the second half, an aged Peter goes to Rome to join Paul, arriving on the day of Paul's arrest. Paul's death brings a crisis to Rome's Christians and to Peter; lessons from Jesus's teachings guide his decision to stay. Events within the fictive household of Persius, a Roman aristocrat, capture the upheaval that Christian teachings bring to the Eternal City.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kirpianuscus Omar Shariff does a good job. that is the first verdict after the end of film. a film who propose , in 197 minutes, not a religious lesson but a circle of stories. and who propose a different Saint Peter, more humble, kind and, maybe, wise. it is touching and convincing. it is beautiful and credible. and propose an inspired manner to discover the Christianity in its essence. that is the rare gift who impose this film as a trip in the manner to assume the faith. Saint Peter of Omar Shariff is vulnerable and looking the right answer to his brothers and sisters in faith. he becomes a guide for community as result of his fear, doubts, need to be the disciple of the Lord who is not only the model but the only real solution to assume the challenges.and that does Peter not the first Pope, the saint or the first apostle but a kind of country priest from the novel of Bernanos. his success is different by the character of the French writer. the purpose is the same. and that detail does the film beautiful. the dialog, the patience, the atmosphere, not real different by the atmosphere of many Christian films but more subtle and warm for send the message in right manner. a film about the build of faith. and the birth of Church.
Movie Watcher This movie was not a good adaptation but it was the effort that counted. Why don't they get actual Jews to these movies? There were a lot of important pieces that should have been here. I know that time was an issue, but some events should have been included. The actions or events that Peter witnessed should have been included. The exact portrayal of how Cornelius and his family was saved was inaccurate in this movie. John the Baptist and the Apostles did full submersions according to the Jewish ritual for cleanliness, but this movie did what some Roman do which is baptize by sprinkling. Any movie that is made to honor the Lord should be close to scripture so that if non-believers see it, they can get a sense of what the Bible speaks.
pharoa2 good things about this movie...Peter's acting is really amazing and believable (most of the time) and scenery, camera action and music are better than mediocre...bad things: ACTING....OMG it is terrible!!! I have never seen a movie with that horrible acting...from Paul, Silvia, Fulvia, Jesus (who looks like a Dracula)...all the extras sucked ...along with the fakest crying and screaming I have ever seen!! Audio-Video Synch....WOW!!! soooo annoying enough said... Acting Voices...some of the actors' voices don't match the way the look, react or behave...or even the way they express their emotions... Direction of's like the Acts that you never read! really who wrote this script!!! and a love story that I could never find in any documented Christian book or history!!!BOTTOM LINE: ITALIANS SHOULD NOT DIRECT English MOVIES!!!!
mistymountain THE PROS OF THIS MOVIE: All-star cast line-up: Omar Shariff, Flavio Insinna, Lina Sastri, Milena Miconi. The legendary Omar Shariff gives a magnificent performance as Saint Peter, and this is the FIRST film that I ever saw him act. His final scene in the film is extremely touching. Flavio Insinna shines as David, the Roman slave Gladiator fighting for his family's freedom. It's always a joy to see him act in a fatherly role. His interaction with the children is extremely heartwarming, and his scenes with his wife, Anna, are beautiful. Omar and Flavio's scenes together is wonderful. Their interaction has such chemistry which really brings out the best in this film. Lina Sastri and Milena Miconi, who also worked with Flavio respectively in Don Bosco and Don Matteo, played their parts superbly. Lina's performance as the Virgin Mary was impeccable, and Milena Miconi, who I almost didn't recognize, because of her red hair dyed black, beautifully portrayed Mary Magdalene.THE CONS OF THIS MOVIE: First, the movie's 197 minutes long, and usually I don't have an attention span past 2 hours. Second, Flavio doesn't appear until the second half of the film, and he's like the third person listed in the credits, which is the only reason why I even bothered to watch this film. Third, Flavio, Lina and Milena's voices were all DUBBED!!!!! The whole point of me watching this film was to hear Flavio's NATURAL voice!!!!! They hired some macho voice-over to dub Flavio's voice.Overall, the movie is wonderful to watch, but some scenes they could've done without. The actor who portrayed Jesus was fantastic. This was an excellent production done by Rai and Lux Vide.