Spy Of Darkness
Spy Of Darkness
R | 30 July 2002 (USA)
Spy Of Darkness Trailers

When the government develops a bio-engineered cyborg, named Dragon, as a secret weapon, a failure in gene manipulation turns the creature into a sex-crazed monster!

SmugKitZine Tied for the best movie I have ever seen
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Orchiida_cy if your twisted its good for a home alone, self pleasure moment. i wouldn't recommend watching the whole movie less you like sex scene scene after sex scene after sex scene..... but you wouldn't be watching this if you didn't. Lots of rape scenes, clothes being torn off, woman screaming, then at the end, lots of killing. the ending sucked for me because i quite liked the raping. once he turned into a pickle squid head i lost all interest. Good for cheap reprieve from utter boredom but do not expect to actually enjoy it. the animation quality is really bad. i will say this however, the females have nice bodies and are proportional but everything else about this movie can burn in hell.
Aaron1375 and maybe more nudity too! Ha, yes I am a bit of a pervert so I am not going to be the type of person to act like I accidentally stumbled upon this movie and was shocked to see it was basically animated porn. I saw the cover and I was hoping it was. The three main gals are cute and you get to see a bit of nudity too. You also get a very underdeveloped story, a crappy looking monster, and not enough girls enjoying themselves if you know what I mean. There is maybe one sort of decent sex scene in the flick, for the most part though the girls in this one are not enjoying the sex which is not what I want to see. I like to see girls having fun. I mean the last scenes involving the monster where it goes crazy is just to much. The story could not save the day either as it is to short and rushed. Basically, people steal this strange artificially created monster that likes sex and three cute female agents must track it down. Why the hell the person created it to like sex is beyond me, seems he could have easily not done that. So there you have it, I like hentais, but this one just is not the type I like. I want to see girls nude having sex that they are enjoying and basically in this one they are not.
stormruston Anime medium hard porn crap.mediocre to poor animation and disjointed. I watched a subtitled Japanese version so a lot can be lost in translation,but in this case i think not.This is about a genetic freak who is a sex monster. Many pickles pop out of his body when aroused,and he must be stopped no matter how hard it gets!!Three female government agents are sent out to stop this pickle beast,and basically we watch short mini porn story's about the three,and watch the tasteless story develop to its unexciting climax..this movie blows!Not worth watching.