Splash, Too
Splash, Too
NR | 01 May 1988 (USA)
Splash, Too Trailers

A sequel to the popular romantic mermaid drama, in which Allen and Madison return to New York - one to save his business, the other to save a Dolphin in captivity. You can guess which does which.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Luz Maria Sanchez As a child, I loved Splash! It was a supernatural rom-com! The rom- com kinda flew over my head, as it was the mermaid part that was really ingrained in my childhood memories.Re-watching Splash as an adult was still great. I loved the characters that they created, the story, and the message. Madison was such an admirable character, a strong woman not afraid to literally enter a new world. When I heard there was a Splash Too, I was so happy. Then I watched it.I was so disappointed at the shear lack of continuity. I am not expecting real life logic here, but this continuation completely ignores the MAIN PLOT issue as to why they left. The GOVERNMENT and the WORLD found out that mermaids exist and they did so as cameras were rolling outside a presidential address event. Meaning that EVERYONE should know what they look like. How is it then that they can just come back to society a few years after the events of the first movie like nothing every happened? Wouldn't people recognize them? Would the government just give up on the search for the mermaid? If this wasn't enough, they just completely changed the personalities of the characters! This is not a critique on the actors who took over the roles, I think they portrayed the new characters nicely, but these were not Madison and Allen! The marine animal conservation spin was nice, but I don't think the story was adequately done. Overall I was sorely disappointed with the direction, lack of continuity, and destruction of the characters I grew to love from the first Splash.
AcidRaina 'Splash' was my favorite movie as a small child. I even named my pet turtles Madison and Allen. So as you can imagine when 'Splash Too' premiered on TV you couldn't have found a more excited kid. Unfortunately I remember even then thinking there was something very wrong with this continuation. Skip ahead twenty years later; I find this unworthy sequel on youtube and decide to give it another chance.My first and biggest gripe; where was the military? Remember the reason Madison and Allen left in the first place? Did the United States government and the rest of the world just forget that Allen Bauer broke the only living mermaid on record out of a government facility and then escaped into the ocean with her? They didn't even change their names! Eddie should have been in jail! Even if you ignore that inexcusable continuity error there are many, many other things wrong with this movie.Amy Yasbeck and Todd Waring give decent Madison and Allen impersonations but they simply don't evoke the same chemistry or charm the original pair displayed. The dialogue is corny, and the characters are caricatures of their original counterparts. All that and slap a truly abysmal theme song on it and you've got yourself a real sinker.The bottom line is that this is a perfect example of what happens when you try to continue a story that doesn't need to be continued. It should really be renamed 'Splash Too Much.'
funky_cherry86 I saw Splash Too on family channel nearly eight years ago it was a double feature they played the original Splash with Tom Hanks & Darryl Hannah. When they showed the sequel it looked pretty good, replacements Todd Waring & Amy Yasbeck did a great job portraying the man and his mermaid wife.Amy Yasbeck's performance as Madison was just as amazing as Darryl Hannah's she made the character comical and touching. Four years ago Allen Bauer (Waring) met and fell in love with a beautiful mermaid named Madison (Yasbeck), six days after meeting they got married and now they live on an island near Cape Cod. Allen misses his brother Freddie (Scott) and through a special gift Madison has they're able to see him through a pool of water as it turns out Bauer Produce is in some trouble so they go back to New York on the condition that she can soak her legs in salt water during the full moon.Allen & Madison buy a house and try to act like a normal couple while she becomes friends with neighbor Fern Hooten (Taggart) who might know her secret. Madison's friend Salty the dolphin is held prisoner in captivity by Dr. Otto Benus (Blankfield) and she sets out to help him, after a big argument at a party Madison returns to Cape Cod and Allen begins to feel like something's missing. One night she returns home and they begin to rekindle their love.they rescue Salty and he goes back to his home. After seeing Splash Too I enjoyed it as much as the original 1984 hit.
katrina stubbs What can i say about this movie. It is one of the most special,unique and incredible movies i have ever had the privilege of watching. I first saw "Splash too" in 1989 when i was 11 years old, and from that day onwards, my life was changed forever. "ST" has affected my life in many ways. Some ways have been bad(i was teased for my infatuation as i would act out scenes from the movie), but mostly great. Every time i watch it, i always get something magical out of it. Todd Waring and Amy Yasbeck are superb in their roles as Allen and Madison and I think they did a marvelous job replacing tom hanks and Daryl Hannah. "splash too" tells the story of Allen and Madison returning to New York and trying to live a perfect life as a "normal" couple while they try to save their business and dolphin friend Salty.